BSF ICT Output Specification

The request was partially successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please provide a copy of the latest version of Bolton's Building Schools for the Future ICT output specification document.

If possible, please also provide all other previous versions of the document which have been circulated as drafts.

It would be preferable if these documents could also be published on the council's website, perhaps linked to from the very scant BSF section on Bolton Council's website, here:

Yours faithfully,

Mr Prince

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to warn you that you have now exceeded the legal limit of 20 working days to respond to my Freedom of Information request. As you have failed to provide an answer to my query Bolton Council is now in breach of the Freedom Of Information Act 2000 and therefore I am requesting an internal review. If that doesn't yield a suitable conclusion within the 40 day deadline I will be filing a complaint with the Information Commisioner.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Prince

Wiper, Carl, Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council

I am out of the office until 30 March 2009.

If you are requesting information under the Freedom of Information or Data
Protection Acts, please resend your email to [email address]

For other matters, please contact [email address] or
[email address]

Thank you

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Bell, Neil (Information Officer), Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Link: [1]File-List

Dear Mr Prince

Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

In response to your request for information received at this office on
27^th February 2009, Bolton Council is happy to supply the attached

The ICT output specification provided in response to this FoI request is
currently being used to guide the procurement of an ICT partner within the
joint Blackburn with Darwen-Bolton BSF LEP procurement. It was completed
as part of Blackburn with Darwen's Outline Business Case and is the
document that was issued at the start of the 'Invitation To Continue
Dialogue' phase of the procurement. Therefore it is the latest formal
position of the Authority. At that time, apart from Academies in Bolton,
the specific requirements of Bolton schools were not known and are not
included. Bolton schools are being consulted and, where their requirements
are additional to those already included in the body of the document these
will be added as Bolton's Outline Business Case is developed. It should be
noted that the procurement is for an ICT partner not for a specified list
of equipment so Bolton schools can be confident that their ICT
requirements will be met by the successful ICT provider.

Should you have any queries regarding this, please contact me.

Yours sincerely

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Wiper, Carl, Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council

Dear Mr Prince

Your request was submitted at 8.38 p.m. on 26 February 2009. It was therefore received by the Council the following morning i.e. on 27 February 2009, and so the deadline for answering it was 27 March 2009 i.e. last Friday.

We provided the information you requested this morning. I apologise for the fact that the information was provided a few hours after the deadline. The reason for this was that the officer who was dealing with the request was out of the office all of last week, and he completed the request on his return today.

If you would still like the Council's Monitoring Officer to carry out an internal review, please confirm this and we will of course set this in hand.

Yours sincerely

Carl Wiper
Corporate Information Manager
Bolton Council, Room 320, Town Hall, Bolton BL1 1RU tel: 01204 331031, mobile: 0778 903 1512
[email address]

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