Brucella Canis testing
Dear Animal and Plant Health Agency,
Please can you tell me the following: 1. How many healthy overseas dogs and reported on the lab form to have come from Romania AND imported into the UK (routine screen, no clinical signs reported on the lab form) have had a 1st external lab sample for brucella canis processed by yourself using at least the SAT and iELISA? 2. Of these dogs how many tested positive on the SAT, how many tested positive on the iELISA, and how many tested positive on both? Thank you"
Yours faithfully,
Liz Ekrem
Our ref: FOI2023/08990
Dear Liz Ekrem
Thank you for your email which we received on the 10 May requesting
information. Your request is being considered in respect to the access to
information legislation.
We aim to answer your request no later than 8th June, which is 20 working
days from the date we received it. If we are unable to meet this deadline
we will contact you to explain the reason.
If you have any queries about this email, please contact us at the email
address below.
Yours sincerely
Access to Information Team
[1][Animal and Plant Health Agency request email]
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1. mailto:[Animal and Plant Health Agency request email]
Dear Liz Ekrem,
Thank you for your request for information which we received on 10 May,
about Brucella Canis information. We are handling your request under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).
We are writing to advise you that the time limit for responding to your
request for information under the FOIA needs to be extended.
The FOIA allows us 20 working days to respond to your request from the
date that we received it. However, section 10(3) of the FOIA provides
that, where we have to consider the balance of the public interest in
relation to a qualified exemption that applies to the requested
information, we can extend the 20-working-day time limit for issuing a
response until such time as is reasonable in the circumstances.
In this case, we regret that we must extend the time limit for responding
by 20 working days because the information requested is being considered
under one or more of the FOIA's exemptions to which the public interest
test applies. This means that we need to assess whether in all the
circumstances of the case the public interest in maintaining the
exemption(s) outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information
it, and some extra time is needed to determine this.
The particular qualified exemption(s) we are considering in relation to
your request is Section 22 - Future Publications.
Yours sincerely
Access to Information Team
Dear Liz Ekrem,
Please find attached the response to your request of 10th May for
information on Brucella Canis information.
Yours sincerely
Access to Information Team
[1][Animal and Plant Health Agency request email]
Visible links
1. mailto:[Animal and Plant Health Agency request email]
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