This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Brucella canis testing'.

Animal and Plant Health Agency 
Access to Information Team 
Woodham Lane 
New Haw 
KT15 3NB 
Ms Buckley  
Our ref: FOI2023/06742 
27 April 2023 
Dear Ms Buckley, 
REQUEST FOR INFORMATION: Brucella Canis testing
Thank you for your request for information of 3rd April about Brucella Canis testing.  We 
have handled your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). 
Your information request and our response are set out below. 
“I would like to request the following: 
1. The published methodology (including how the result is derived and converted into a 
reportable result) for each of the following Brucella canis tests that you offer: 
a. TC1542 Brucella canis RSA 
b.  TC1032 Brucella canis SAT 
c. TC0867 Brucella canis ELISA 
2. For each of the individual tests above, I would like to know: 
a) The specificity 
b) The sensitivity 
2. The prevalence of the disease within the sample used to generate these values. 
3. The test that was used to validate these against. 
4. As veterinary professionals are expected to practice evidence-based medicine, it is 
expected that a clinician should be able to assess the validity of the test(s) and then use 
this to determine the value of the test in determining care for the individual patient in front 
of them. Therefore, I would be grateful if you would also publish (for each of these tests) 
a normogram that reports the likelihood ratio across a range of prevalances from 0.01% 
- 100%. 
5. I would also like a copy of the mathematical calculations used to to determine the 
combined sensitivity and specificity values when testing a dog for Brucella canis using 
your recommended combined approach (i.e. Elisa and SAT). Please also confirm the 
sensitivity and specificity values that you are currently (as of 0.04.2023) providing 
veterinary professionals with, and indicate if this has changed in the last 12 months. 
6. For (5) I would also like a copy of the assumptions that must hold in order for using the 
APHA is an Executive Agency of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and also works on behalf of the Scottish 
Government, Welsh Government and Food Standards Agency to safeguard animal and plant health for the benefit of people, the 
environment and the economy. 

combined values to be valid.” 
The information you have requested has been exempted from release citing the following 
exemption Section 22 of the Freedom of information Act (FOIA) 2000. 
Section 22 - Information intended for future publication 
This exemption requires a public interest test. 
Public interest test 
APHA have concluded that the public interest in withholding the information sought 
outweighs the public interest in its disclosure. Releasing information now before it has 
been finalised would be misleading to the public and this would contradict the principles 
behind Freedom of Information. It is in the public interest to wait until the information has 
been collected, assessed and quality checked rather than to release the information in a 
piecemeal fashion. Given the importance of publishing only appropriately collated and 
checked figures, it is reasonable to expect that this information should be published in 
line with accepted practice rather than disclosed before official publication. The 
anticipated peer review submission is to take place in the next few months. 
Information disclosed in response to this  FOI  request is releasable to the public.  In 
keeping with the spirit and effect of the FOIA  and the government’s Transparency 
Agenda, this letter and the information disclosed to you  may be placed on GOV.UK, 
together with any related information that wil  provide a key to its wider context.  No 
information identifying you wil  be placed on the GOV.UK website. 
We attach an Annex explaining the copyright that applies to the information being 
released to you and contact details should you be unhappy with the service you have 
If you have any queries about this letter please contact the Access to Information Team 
at the email address below. 
Yours sincerely 
Access to Information Team  
APHA is an Executive Agency of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and also works on behalf of the Scottish 
Government, Welsh Government and Food Standards Agency to safeguard animal and plant health for the benefit of people, the 
environment and the economy 


The information supplied to you continues to be protected by copyright. You are free to 
use it for your own purposes, including for private study and non-commercial research, 
and for any other purpose authorised by an exception in current copyright law. Documents 
(except photographs or logos) can be also used in the UK without requiring permission 
for the purposes of news reporting. Any other re-use, for example commercial publication, 
would require the permission of the copyright holder.  
Most documents produced by APHA wil  be protected by Crown Copyright.  Most Crown 
copyright information can be re-used under the  Open Government Licence.  For 
information about the OGL and about re-using Crown Copyright information please see 
The National Archives website.  
Copyright in other documents may rest with a third party. For information about obtaining 
permission from a third party see the Intellectual Property Office’s website. 
If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your request, you 
may make a complaint or appeal against our decision under section 17(7) of the FOIA or 
under regulation 11 of the EIRs, as applicable, within 40 working days of the date of this 
letter.  Please email and the team wil  arrange for an internal 
review of your case.  
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, section 50 of the FOIA and 
regulation 18 of the EIRs gives you the right to apply directly to the Information 
Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for a decision.  Please note that generally the ICO cannot 
make a decision unless you have first exhausted APHA’s own complaints procedure.   
ICO can be contacted at: 
Information Commissioner’s Office 
Wycliffe House 
Water Lane 
SK9 5AF 
Please click here for further contact details.  
APHA is an Executive Agency of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and also works on behalf of the Scottish 
Government, Welsh Government and Food Standards Agency to safeguard animal and plant health for the benefit of people, the 
environment and the economy