Bromley polling district maps - GIS format

The request is waiting for clarification. If you are James Hamilton, please sign in to send a follow up message.

Dear Bromley Council,

Please can you supply to me the polling district maps for the whole of the London Borough of Bromley, in a GIS format (preferably .tab MapInfo format), as opposed to PDF?

Examples of the polling district areas are given below - for example, Bickley is split into BK1, BK2, etc.

For clarity, I am looking for the information that was used to produced the maps in the above link in a GIS format and not the maps in PDF themselves, which are clearly already accessible.

Hopefully your GIS Officer will be well placed to assist.

Many thanks in advance.

James Hamilton


1 Attachment

Dear Mr Hamilton,

Thank you for your email – your request will be passed to a departmental
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Bull, Graham, Bromley Borough Council

Dear Mr. Hamilton,


I have been passed your Freedom of Information Request.


Please can you give for what purpose do you require a digital format of
the polling districts for Bromley.


The reason I am asking is the data as can be seen on our web site was
produced in 2014. When the next

Local or National Election comes round the present data may need to be
changed or updated. We cannot

have Data outside our control using old information that could cause


Also all Councils have strict rules about what help we can give to
Political Parties.


I’ll await you reply.




Graham Bull



London Borough of Bromley

Town Planning

Bromley Civic Centre

Stockwell Close




Tel. No. 0208 313 4257

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