Requests similar to 'British Army and TV Show 'The Paras: Men of War'' (page 3)

Latest Jsp 950
Response by Ministry of Defence to Taylor Easton on .


Dear Taylor,   Please see the attached.   Regards,   Secretariat Headquarters Defence Medical Services Defence Medical Services Whittin...
Testosterone within MOD
Response by Ministry of Defence to James Holden on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Joanne,   Please see the attached.   Regards,   Secretariat Headquarters Defence Medical Services Defence Medical Services Whittin...
JSP 950 - Provoked Seizures
Response by Ministry of Defence to Mr Lucas on .


Dear Mr Lucas,   Please see the attached.   Regards,   Secretariat Headquarters Defence Medical Services Defence Medical Services Whitt...
Jsp 950
Response by Ministry of Defence to Andrea Lunt on .


Dear Andrea,   Please see the attached.    Regards,   Secretariat Headquarters Defence Medical Services Defence Medical Services Whitti...
Merseyside ACF: Child Protection Training
Response by Ministry of Defence to Peter Jones on .


Dear Mr Jones,   Please find attached our response to the above FOI request.   Army Secretariat Army Headquarters Secretariat IDL 24 Marlborou...
Can an individual join the army with mild eczema (not severe)?
Response by British Army to Hans Crossings on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Crossings, Please find the response to your recently submitted Freedom of Information Request attached. Kind Regards Manning 3 Army Secretar...
JSP 950 latest copy
Response by British Army to Lorin darkin price on .


Dear Lorin, Further to your enquiry below please see the attached. Regards, Joint Medical group Joint Medical Group Secretariat Headquarters Joint...
Land Economy Past Papers
Response by University of Cambridge to Mo on .


Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Information Compliance Office University of Cambrid...
Eyesight/hearing requirements for medical/dental officer
Response by Royal Air Force to J Roberts on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Roberts, Thankyou for your email below which is being treated as a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000. T...
High Court report
Response by Tower Hamlets Borough Council to Dominik Schade on .


Information request Our reference: 2775368 --------------------------------------------------------------------------   Dear Mr Schade Your requ...
Latest Edition of JSP 950
Response by Ministry of Defence to fifithompson on .


Dear Fifi,   Please see the attached.   Regards   Secretariat Headquarters Defence Medical Services Defence Medical Services Whittingto...
Inside the Foreign Office (2018) TV Show
Response by Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office to tarik on .

Partially successful

Dear Tarik Ata, I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request FOI2024/17427, received 3rd July. Please find our response attached....
BBC TV Show 'Afghanistan Getting Out' & the MOD
Request sent to Ministry of Defence by tarik on .

Awaiting response

The BBC released a documentary series in 2022 entitled 'Afghanistan Getting Out'. Can the MOD please state whether it provided contractual assistance t...
  Dear Miss Brewster   Please find attached correspondence relating to your recent FOI request     Kind regards     Air Command Secre...
Statistics on hearing requirements
Response by British Army to John Smith on .


Dear John,   Please see the attached.   Regards   Secretariat HQ DMS DMS(Whittington) Lichfield       JSP 950 MEDICAL POLICY L...
Latest edition of JSP 950
Response by Ministry of Defence to J Carrigan on .


Dear Mr Carrigan, Thank you for your enquiry below which is being treated as a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 200...
Medical Eligibility request
Response by Royal Navy to Kamil Olbrycht on .


Dear Mr Olbrycht, Please find attached our response to your recent enquiry. Regards Navy Command Secretariat - FOI Section Navy Command FOI Sect...
Dear Jack,   Please see the attached documents.   Regards   Secretariat Headquarters Defence Medical Services Defence Medical Services...
FOI2022/13812   Attachments 2 of 3   Kind regards,   JFD Secretariat   United Kingdom Glossary of Joint and Multinational Terms and Defi...
Army: Behind the New Frontlines
Response by British Army to tarik on .

Information not held

Dear Tarik Ata,     Please find a letter attached in response to your recent Freedom of Information request to the Ministry of Defence.     Be...
This email was intercepted by the DWP Email Content Scanning System and has now been released following authorisation.   Jesse Walce   Ple...
Brexit Party
Response by North Somerset Council to Jenna Corderoy on .


Dear Ms Corderoy   I can confirm that the information requested is held by North Somerset Council.  I have attached copies of the information that...
Dear Sir/Madam, In response to your request for information, received on 7^th July 2011, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has provided the f...
JSP 950 Form
Response by British Army to Euan Burrows on .


Dear Euan, Please see the attached. Regards, Secretariat Headquarters Defence Medical Services Defence Medical Services Whittington Lichfie...
In 2016 ARTLAB Films produced the TV show 'Inside Porton Down: Britain's Secret Weapons Research Facility' and the Dstl worked with the production comp...