Requests similar to 'British Army and TV Show 'The Paras: Men of War'' (page 20)

Employer names & volumes
Response by Disclosure and Barring Service to Jack Lander on .


Dear Mr Lander,   Thank you for your email enquiry of the 2^nd of January 2024.   Your request has been handled in accordance with the Freedom...
A465 legacy projects
Response by Monmouthshire County Council to Mark Cottle on .


      Dear Mr Cottle, I refer to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay in...
Dear Mr Jarvis   Please see the attached letter.   Many thanks.   On behalf of the Information Governance Department Email: [1][email add...
Emergency Plan
Response by Staffordshire County Council to Amber Scott on .


Dear Amber Scott I have been told by the CCU that the information you requested is now published -
Charity grants from city/mayoral fund
Response by Liverpool City Council to J M Bradley on .


  Dear M Bradley   Thank you for your request for information received on 29 December 2022.   Please find attached our response to your request....
Dudley's city status bid
Response by Dudley Council to Alex McKinstry on .


Corporate Information Governance Team 3/5 St James’s Road, Dudley West Midlands. DY1 1HP Tel: (01384) 815607  Fax: (01384) 815660 Email:[Dudley M...
Counter Fraud Procedures
Response by NHS National Services Scotland to Mr Wyllie on .


Dear Mr Wyllie In response to your request, please find the attached letter and documentation. I would appreciate it if you could confirm receipt...
Dear Mr Millington I am able to provide the following information in response to your request dated 10th June 2010. The names of and total amount...
Dear Nick Hiscox,   Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 dated 24 October 2024.   We note that you have requested...
Dear Mr Rickaby,   Please find attached in response to your recent Freedom of Information request.   Kind regards,   Army Secretariat [1...
'Soldier' TV programme legal agreements
Response by British Army to Joseph Lloyd on .


Dear Joseph Lloyd,     Please find a letter and a redacted contract attached in response to your recent Freedom of Information request to the Mini...
Dear Tim Bradshaw Thank you for your request for information. Please accept our apologies for the slight delay in responding. Please find attached o...
Emergency plan
Response by Bristol City Council to Abdul Hai on .


Dear Abdul Hai   Further to your Freedom of Information request regarding Bristol City Council’s Emergency Plan, please find a copy of the latest...
Stirling Council: Housing and Homelessness
Response by Stirling Council to William Gomes on .


Dear Mr Gomes, I refer to your recent request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and can provide you with the following information...
Crown Court Manual
Response by HM Courts and Tribunals Service to Rachael Bates on .

Partially successful

Please find attached the response to your freedom of information act request.   Kind regards,   Alex   Alex Lark  Knowledge & Informatio...
Dear Kate, Following your further request for information, please find attached all sections 1-5 of the tender documentation for the Furniture Solut...
Dear Roger, I write in response to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 below. Please find attached the University's response to you...
Dear Reece Paul Please see attached 21 PDF documents to accompany the response to your FoI request FoI 134 as you requested. Kind regards DWP FoI Te...
Case Reference: FOI_2024_014 15 March 2024 Dear Vanya, Thank you for your request for information dated 3 February 2024, which you later clarifi...
Email 2 - Inspector Training Manual - final part. Aggie Lewis-Jones CQ & FOI Support Officer The Planning Inspectorate statements in their appeals th...
Conwy Civic Hall Development Appraisal Study
Response by Conwy County Borough Council to Dave on .


Unit FOI 1492-10 Dear Sir Please find attached as requested. If for whatever reason you are unhappy with the response please contact us direct by e-...
French and German past exam papers
Response by University of Cambridge to Angela Holden on .


As per our previous email, the second bundle is attached. Regards, Information Compliance Office University of Cambridge Governance and Compliance Di...
Contract Register
Response by South Lanarkshire Council to Lisa Wilson on .


Dear Ms Wilson   I refer to your request for information received on 12 April 2019 and now attach the Council’s response.   Regards,   Shi...
Business Rates
Response by Hillingdon Borough Council to Katy Stone on .


Ref: 4369796 Dear Ms Stone I am writing in response to your request for information below. Please see attached for the information you are seeking....
Dear Gavin Further to your Freedom of Information request reference: FOI 23/01176 The Council does hold the requested information and our respons...