Requests similar to 'British Army and TV Show 'The Paras: Men of War'' (page 19)

Dear Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, The 2018 BBC TV show 'Inside the Foreign Office' received significant production support from the Fo...
Dear Mr Smith, Further to your email dated 1 August, I have gone back to the department and asked them to interrogate their files for any additional i...
Thank you for your recent e-mail requesting information. Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to your request. Under the terms of t...
Information request Our reference: IRN31359808 Your reference: [FOI #1222391 email] ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════...
Dear Ermine Amies,   Please find attached the Trust’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request (our reference FOI240302).   Plea...
    Hi,   Please see attached reply to your recent Freedom of Information request.   Kind Regards,   People Directorate Freedom of Info...
Inspector Training Manual
Response by Planning Inspectorate to J. Day on .

Awaiting classification

Dear J. Day, Please find attached my response to your request under the Freedom of Information Act and associated documents. Kind regards, Angus...
Dear J. Day,   I am uncertain why you are unable to access/did not receive the PDF documents as my record shows they were sent.   I am therefo...
Royal Navy Assistance to the Netflix Series ‘The Diplomat’
Request sent to Royal Navy by tarik on .

Information not held

The recent Netflix series ‘The Diplomat’ has in the opening scenes images of a British aircraft carrier. Did the Royal Navy provide access to an air...
Dear Mrs. Meadows, Thank you for your enquiry of 30^th September 2021 in which you asked for the documentation concerning the accreditation of Suffo...
Planning Inspector Training Manual
Response by Planning Inspectorate to Andrea Wilcock on .

Partially successful

Dear Andrea Wilcock,   Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 dated 03 January 2025.   We note that you have request...
Inspectorate training manuels
Response by Planning Inspectorate to A Muscroft on .


Dear A Muscroft,   Following our previous exchanges and your inability to access the PDF documents attached to my emails, I am now attempting to s...
Good morning Ms Mallender Please see attached minutes of Madeley Parish Council meetings held in 2018 where HS2 is referenced. Kind regards Natalie...
List of Offence Codes
Response by HM Courts and Tribunals Service to MrOliver on .


Dear Mr Oliver   Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information request.   Kind Regards   HMCTS Digital and Techn...
Guidance to New Cllrs
Response by Midlothian Council to Maddie Cross on .

Awaiting classification

Thank you for your information request. We have completed the necessary search for the information you have requested. Our response is now detailed b...
Planning Inspector Training Manual
Response by Planning Inspectorate to J. Day on .


Dear J. Day,    Thank you for contacting the Planning Inspectorate.    Your request has been considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000....
Third email. FOI F0009332 - DFT live contract as at 31st July 2012 KEY DfT (C ) HA VOSA VCA DSA DVLA MCA GCDA Business Unit DfT(c) DfT(c) DfT(c) DfT(...
Please find attached letter of response.  The Council regrets the delay in replying.  As per the letter issued, grateful if you could confirm if you...
Dear M Esslemont, Our Ref: FOI/6497 On 24/11/2023 you made the following request for information, which has been dealt with in accordance with the...
Dear Richard,   Apologies for the delay with this.   Attached is the spreadsheet which can, and has been, given in response to FOI’s asking fo...
Dear J. Day, I am sorry you were unable to view the attachments originally sent in response to your request. I have attempted to send the ITM and Su...
Information regading Community Parklets
Response by Hackney Borough Council to Oliver Wheeler on .

Partially successful

Information request Our reference: 19141306 ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Dear Oliver Wheeler   Tha...
Lee Evans Partnership
Response by Folkestone & Hythe District Council to Lesley Whybrow on .


Dear Lesley Whybrow   I refer to your e – mail of 13 December 2014  where you requested information about the above.  The council responded on 5 F...
Employer names & volumes
Response by Disclosure and Barring Service to Jack Lander on .


Dear Mr Lander,   Thank you for your email enquiry of the 2^nd of January 2024.   Your request has been handled in accordance with the Freedom...
A465 legacy projects
Response by Monmouthshire County Council to Mark Cottle on .


      Dear Mr Cottle, I refer to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay in...