British Army and TV Show 'Helmand: Tour of Duty'.

The request was partially successful.

Dear British Army,

The British Army assisted the BBC TV show 'Helmand: Tour of Duty', released on 30 October 2024.

Please provide the following:

- the contract/s signed between the British Army and the production company.
- the PR value of the TV show.
- the product initiation document of the TV show.

Yours faithfully,

Tarik Ata

Dear British Army,

Almost two weeks have passed since this request was made. When will my FOI request be acknowledged and a response given?

Yours faithfully,

Tarik Ata


Dear Mr Ata,

I can confirm that your request was received on the 2nd January logged under reference FOI2025/00031 and has a 20 working day target date of the 30th January.

Yours Sincerely

Information Rights Team
Defence Digital | Strategic Command
Ground Floor, Zone D| MOD Main Building | Whitehall | London | SW1A 2HB

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Army Sec-Group (MULTIUSER), British Army

1 Attachment


Dear Mr Ata,

Please find attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information
request to the Ministry of Defence.

Kind regards,

Personnel FS

Army Policy & Secretariat | [1][email address]



Visible links
1. mailto:[email%20address]


Dear Army Sec-Group (MULTIUSER),

Thank you for your response.

So, there was no British Army support given to the TV show? Because the end credits thank the Welsh Guards for their assistance.

Yours sincerely,

Tarik Ata

Army Sec-Group (MULTIUSER), British Army

Dear Mr Ata,

The Welsh Guards Association helped to facilitate interviews with veterans.

Kind regards,

Personnel FS

Army Policy & Secretariat | [email address]

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