Requests similar to 'British Aircraft Carriers'

Leander Class Frigates
Response by Ministry of Defence to Paul Ashby on .


Mr Ashby Attached response to your request regarding Leander Class Frigates DES Sec Pol Sec JSC 1b Dear Mr Ashby Thank you for your...
Tribal Class Frigates
Response by Ministry of Defence to Paul Ashby on .


Mr Ashby   Attached response to your request regarding Tribal Class Frigates       DES Sec Pol Sec JSC 1b     Dear Mr Ashby Tha...
County Class Destroyers
Response by Ministry of Defence to Paul Ashby on .


Mr Ashby Attached responses to your FOI Requests DES Sec Pol Sec JSC 1b AN400/G/Zone 4 Dear Mr Ashby Thank you for your mail of 26 Ja...
Upholder Class Submarines
Response by Ministry of Defence to Paul Ashby on .


Mr Ashby Attached response DES Sec Pol Sec JSC 1b Dear Mr Ashby Thank you for your mail of 26 January 2009 requesting the fate of a...
List of FOI Requests
Response by Ministry of Defence to Kacey Montagu on .


Dear Ms Montagu,   Apologies for the delay in providing you with a response to your Freedom of Information request.   Please find attached our...
Type 21 Frigates
Request sent to Ministry of Defence by Paul Ashby on .

Long overdue

Dear Sir or Madam, This is a Freedom of Information Request, could you please list the fate of all the RN Type 21 Frigates. If they were sold please...
Mr Ashby Attached response to your FOI request - Subs Chris Andrews CHRIS ANDREWS Dear Mr Ashby Thank you for your mail of 23 April...
Mr Ashby Attached response to you FOI request - Type 42 destroyers Chris Andrews CHRIS ANDREWS Dear Mr Ashby Thank you for your mai...
Disposal of RN Ships
Request sent to Ministry of Defence by Paul Ashby on .

Long overdue

Dear Sirs, Under the Freedom of Information Laws could you please provide the following information:- Since 1982 could you please indicate the fat...
Top 10 most popular library books since 2016
Response by Liverpool City Council to Claire Wilde on .

Partially successful

  Dear Claire Wilde   Apologies for the delay in responding to your request.   Thank you for your request for information received on 29 November...
Mr Coton   Please find attached a response to your correspondence of 30 October.   Attached is the letter (response) and the following document...
Full Government audit report Malawi
Response by Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Oliver Kingsley on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Kingsley,   Please find the attached letter and accompanying documents for your attention with regard to your Freedom of Information reque...
Fate of All The "Ton" Class Minesweepers
Response by Ministry of Defence to Paul Ashby on .


Mr Ashby Attached response to you FOI request - Ton class Minesweepers CHRIS ANDREWS Dear Mr Ashby Thank you for your mail of 23 Ap...
English Tripos exam papers
Response by University of Cambridge to Farhan on .

Awaiting classification

Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Information Compliance Office University of Cambrid...
FOIA Records Since 2010
Response by Royal Air Force to Eli Hayes on .


Dear Mr Hayes,   Please see attached response to your request for information.   I apologise for the delay in responding   Regards   In...
FOIA Records Since 2010
Response by Royal Navy to Eli Hayes on .


Dear Mr Hayes,   Please see attached response to your request for information.   I apologise for the delay in responding   Regards   In...
FOIA Records Since 2010
Response by British Army to Eli Hayes on .


Dear Mr Hayes,   Please see attached response to your request for information.   I apologise for the delay in responding   Regards   In...
We refer to your request below in response to our FOI response (R021541) - copy attached for information. Please find attached a pdf list of all Commo...
Dear Mr Dacey Please find attached our full response to your request. Kind Regards Simon Horsfield Information Officer Legal and Governance Service...
previous FOI requests received
Response by Ministry of Defence to Brian Farnet on .

Partially successful

Attachment to response. Case_Number,Subject,Date_Received,Status,Media_Date_Sent 04-01-2005-083224-001,,01/01/2005 00:00,Quick Response - Closed,31/0...
Dear Ms Kelly, Here is another copy of our response to you. Thank you, Salomeh   Thank you for your information request. We have completed th...
Criminal offences
Response by Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal (Scotland) to Aaron on .


Please find attached a response to your FOI request of 11 July 2020. Thank you. FOI Enquiries Twitter: @COPFS Response and Inform...
  Dear Knights   Re: Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)/ Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR)...
Offence Coding
Response by Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal (Scotland) to Lord McDowall on .


Dear Lord McDowall I refer to your FOI request dated 1 September 2009 and now enclose the reply with attachment provided for your information. Yours...
FOI request - Chinese embassy/government
Response by Oxford Brookes University to Jenna Corderoy on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Ms Corderoy,    Freedom of Information Act Request - our reference 2020-024.   Further to your email dated 7 February 2020 asking for info...