Bridge repairs and maintenance - Sky News FOI request
Dear all,
I hope you're well. It's Ashna here from Sky News.
I'm getting in touch with an FOI request to be used as part of a Sky News piece.
We'd appreciate a response as soon as possible.
Questions requiring response:
1) How many bridges on motorways or A-roads have sections which are in a "poor" or "very poor condition"?
2) How many pedestrian and highway bridges have reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete present within them and their fixtures?
3) In the past three years, how much has been spent on repairing and upgrading bridge structures to remove reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete from them?
4) In the past three years, how much has been spent on repairing and upgrading bridge structures?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Reference: FOI-560140269
Date of request: 07/11/2023
Title of request: Bridge repairs and maintenance
Dear Ashna Hurynag,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request.
I can confirm that this will be reviewed and allocated to the appropriate
service area for response.
You will receive a further acknowledgement once your request has been
Kind regards
Sandwell Council
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Reference: FOI-560140269
Date of request: 07/11/2023
Title of request: Bridge repairs and maintenance
Information request:
Questions requiring response:
1) How many bridges on motorways or A-roads have sections which are in a
"poor" or "very poor condition"?
2) How many pedestrian and highway bridges have reinforced autoclaved
aerated concrete present within them and their fixtures?
3) In the past three years, how much has been spent on repairing and
upgrading bridge structures to remove reinforced autoclaved aerated
concrete from them?
4) In the past three years, how much has been spent on repairing and
upgrading bridge structures?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Dear Ashna Hurynag,
Dear Sir,
Re: your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000, in which you asked:
Dear all,
I hope you're well.
I'm getting in touch with an FOI request to be used as part of a Sky News
We'd appreciate a response as soon as possible.
Questions requiring response:
1) How many bridges on motorways or A-roads have sections which are in a
"poor" or "very poor condition"?
2) How many pedestrian and highway bridges have reinforced autoclaved
aerated concrete present within them and their fixtures?
3) In the past three years, how much has been spent on repairing and
upgrading bridge structures to remove reinforced autoclaved aerated
concrete from them?
4) In the past three years, how much has been spent on repairing and
upgrading bridge structures?
I look forward to hearing from you.
In response to your request:
Thank you for your request for information relating to the Council’s
Taking each in turn, the response to your questions is as follows:
1) How many bridges on motorways or A-roads have sections
which are in a "poor" or "very poor condition"?
Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council have no motorway related assets.
There are 17 bridges owned and maintained by Sandwell Metropolitan Borough
Council on A roads that have elements in Poor or Very Poor condition
2) How many pedestrian and highway bridges have reinforced
autoclaved aerated concrete present within them and their fixtures?
None present in the bridge stock of Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
3) In the past three years, how much has been spent on
repairing and upgrading bridge structures to remove reinforced autoclaved
aerated concrete from them?
£0 – Zero. None present.
4) In the past three years, how much has been spent on
repairing and upgrading bridge structures?
Repairing Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council Bridge Stock -
Upgrading Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council Bridge Stock -
Please note, all documents enclosed are protected by copyright laws, which
means that you do not have an automatic right to copy or use them other
than for private study, non-commercial research or news reporting. If you
want to use the documents for other purposes, you will usually need the
permission of the copyright owner. Information produced by government
departments including items which are covered by Crown copyright can
usually be used under the Open Government Licence. Information covered by
parliamentary copyright is covered by the Open Parliament Licence. You
will find details of the Open Government Licence and Open Parliament
Licence at
We hope our response fully satisfies your expectations. However, if you
are dissatisfied, you are entitled to an Internal Review.
Internal review requests should be submitted within 40 working days of the
date of receipt of this correspondence and should be addressed to:
Information Management Unit
Sandwell Council House
Freeth Street
West Midlands
B69 3DE
You can also request a review via email at:
[1][email address]
Or if you have a My Sandwell account at [2]
As part of any internal review the handling of your information request
will be reassessed by Officers who were not involved in providing you with
this response.
If you are not content with the outcome of our internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Commissioner is an independent regulator who has the power
to direct us to respond to your request differently if he considers that
we have handled it incorrectly.
You can contact the Information Commissioner at the following address:
Information Commissioner's Office Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow
Alternatively, you can use their online tool for reporting concerns:
You can telephone them on 0303 123 11113.
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future
Kind regards
Sandwell Council
Sandwell Council...working for you
[4]Facebook [5]Twitter [6]YouTube
For your information residents can now use their MySandwell account to log
many Sandwell Council requests online, including reporting missed
collections; fly tipping and pot holes. Residents can also check their
council tax balance on MyAccounts and find "MyNearest" on their
personalised homepage. For information please go to
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
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