Brexit Costs
Dear Department for Exiting the European Union,
Please confirm the below;
1). The cost of the department so far, and anticipated cost for the year 2017-18 and subsequent years
2). The amount spent on Brexit preparations thus far (excluding costs listed as part of the above) and how that is broken down
3). How much it must cost the UK taxpayer and economy before being confirmed as unsustainable
4). Details of the assessments undertaken thus far and the results of such
5). The cost of the anticipated 'divorce bill'
Yours faithfully,
Dear Darren,
Thank you for your FOI request, reference DEX000926. We will now respond
in line with the Freedom of Information Act.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information Team
9 Downing Street | London | SW1A 2AG
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E: [3][DEEU request email]
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Dear Darren,
We are emailing regarding your FOI request, reference number DEX000926.
Under section 16 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FoIA), public
authorities can ask for clarification for requests which may require
further detail in order to identify and locate any information relevant to
the request.
It should be noted part 2 of your request may not be held by the
Department as we only hold information concerning finance and costs for
DExEU, not the Government as a whole therefore we would be unable to
answer this part of your request. You may wish to revise part 2 of your
request to "the amount spent on Brexit preparations thus far and how that
is broken down, [within the Department for Exiting the European Union]".
Alternatively you may wish to redirect this part of your request to HM
Treasury who may be able to provide further assistance.
With regards to part 3, unfortunately we do not understand this request as
it is currently worded. We would be grateful if you would kindly rephrase
this request.
Concerning part 4 of your request, we would be grateful if you would
provide further information on what you're specifically looking for. If
you are referring to 'Impact Assessments' then please note that Impact
Assessments have a very specific legislative meaning, as defined by the
Better Regulation Executive. In the UK, an Impact Assessment is typically
an appraisal of costs and benefits of a policy intervention, published
alongside new legislation or regulations. For example, the Government laid
an impact assessment alongside the European Union Withdrawal Bill. We will
continue publishing Impact Assessments to accompany legislation.
Any further specifics would be very helpful in locating any information we
may hold in scope.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information Team
9 Downing Street | London | SW1A 2AG
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E: [3][DEEU request email]
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Dear DEXEU Freedom of Information Team Mailbox,
I write in relation to your response of 15th December 2017 and would clarify as below;
1). The cost of the department so far, and anticipated cost for the year 2017-18 and subsequent years
It is felt that the wording above provides sufficient clarity
2). The amount spent on Brexit preparations thus far (excluding costs listed as part of the above) and how that is broken down
The amount spent on Brexit preparations thus far and how that is broken down, within the Department for Exiting the European Union
3). How much it must cost the UK taxpayer and economy before being confirmed as unsustainable
Has the Department for Exiting the European Union considered what is the upmost cost that the Departments deems to be acceptable in the process of exiting the European Union
4). Details of the assessments undertaken thus far and the results of such
Mr David Davis has informed HM Parliament on a number of occasions that assessments had been untaken on the impact of exiting the European Union on different industries within the United Kingdom
5). The cost of the anticipated 'divorce bill'
It is felt that the wording above provides sufficient clarity
Yours sincerely,
Dear Darren,
Thank you for your clarification, reference DEX000926. We will now respond
in line with the Freedom of Information Act.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information Team
9 Downing Street | London | SW1A 2AG
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E: [3][DEEU request email]
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Dear Darren,
Thank you for your FOI request, reference DEX000926. Please find our
attached response.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information Team
9 Downing Street | London | SW1A 2AG
E: [2][DEEU request email]
You can follow DExEU on Twitter: @DExEUgov
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