Brexit Assessments

The request was successful.

Dear National Archives of Scotland,

This is a Freedom of Information request. I am interested in information from held by your organisation that relates to the process of planning and preparing for a possible future when the UK may not be a member of the European Union ("Brexit").

In particular:

1. How much has been spent on external consultants or support to advise on the implications and consequences of brexit, or recommend actions to mitigate any possible brexit impacts? If spend has occurred, please confirm the name of the supplier or suppliers and copies of any material produced by this process.

2. Please supply copies of any brexit planning documentation held by the organisation or consumed by senior management. This may include, but should not be limited to, Risk Assessments, Action Plans, Meeting minutes, Reports and presentations.

3. Please supply technical or advisory briefing documentation on brexit that has been produced by the organisation and supplied to other government agencies or bodies.

4. Please supply copies of any technical or advisory documentation that has been supplied to the agency from other public bodies that relates to Brexit contingency planning.

5. Please supply details of any assessment that has been made of the financial impact on the organisation, either positive or negative, of the brexit process. Has the organisation set-aside a contingency fund or invested as a direct consequence of the brexit process? If so, please provide summary details.

Please provide the requested information in electronic format. I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Yours faithfully,

Ally Tibbitt

National Archives of Scotland

Dear Ally Tibbitt

Thank you for your request dated 22 September 2018 under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) requesting access to information held by NRS that relates to the process of planning and preparing for Brexit.

We received your request on 24 September 2018 and will respond in accordance with FOISA by 22 October 2018.

If you have any queries, please contact the NRS FOI Team quoting case number FOI/18/02694.

28 September 2018

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National Archives of Scotland

2 Attachments

Dear Ally Tibbitt

Please see attached initial response from NRS regarding information held by NRS that relates to the process of planning and preparing for Brexit.


19 October 2018

show quoted sections