Breakdown of staffing costs and calculations approved by the magistrates for council tax summonses & liability orders.
Dear Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council,
Will you please send me copies of the breakdown of staffing costs and calculation approved by the magistrates for council tax summonses for:
Yours faithfully,
Warren Bell
Thank you for your email to BCP Council - Bournemouth Office. Your enquiry
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response is a formal acknowledgement that your request has been received
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working days. If for any reason this is not possible you will be contacted
and advised accordingly.
You may also find the information you require on our website:
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Dear Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council,
you have not provided a response within the required timeframe and have not given any indication as to the reasons why and when the data will be provided. You are in breach of the law, under the Freedom of Information Act , public authorities may take up to 20 working days to respond, counting the first working day after the request is received as the first day. In all cases you must give the requester a written response within the standard time limit for compliance.
What are the reason for non compliance with this request?
Yours faithfully,
Warren Bell
Thank you for your email to BCP Council - Bournemouth Office. Your enquiry
has been received and we will respond as soon as possible.
If you are submitting a request for information under the Freedom of
Information/Environmental Information Regulations act this automated
response is a formal acknowledgement that your request has been received
by the Council. In most cases you will receive a response within 20
working days. If for any reason this is not possible you will be contacted
and advised accordingly.
You may also find the information you require on our website:
[2]cid:image003.jpg@01D4D2D0.39FFC140 BCP Council
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DISCLAIMER: This email and any files transmitted with it may be
confidential, legally privileged and protected in law and are intended
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copyright in all documentation is the property of BCP Council
(Bournemouth. Christchurch and Poole Council) and this email and any
documentation must not be copied or used other than as strictly necessary
for the purpose of this email, without prior written consent which may be
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have received this email in error please contact the sender by return and
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Dear Mr Bell
Information Request – Freedom of Information Act
Further to your request for information received on (date) please find
enclosed and attached the material that you asked for.
The court costs approved by the Magistrates Court must include costs that
are reasonably incurred by the Authority (Reg 34(5) of the Council Tax
(Administration and Enforcement) Regulations 1992. It is for the Court to
determine if these costs are appropriate and challenge them if they do
A breakdown of costs for BCP Council is attached and was calculated from
combining the costs and services previously provided by the three separate
Councils. From 1^st April 2019, BCP Council levied £90.00 for a summons
and £35.00 for a Liability Order. BCP Council did not exist prior to 1^st
April 2019.
I hope that this deals with your request satisfactorily.
The information supplied to you is subject to copyright protection under
the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. You are free to use it (not
including logos) for non-commercial purposes. You must re-use it
accurately and not in a misleading context, and acknowledge us as your
source. Re-use for commercial purposes may require a licence. Initial
enquiries about re-using all or part of this information for commercial
purposes should be directed to the Council’s Information Governance Team
who can be contacted by email at
[1][email address], or in writing to:
BCP Council
Legal and Democratic
Bourne Avenue
Where third party copyright material has been provided, you must ensure
you have gained the permission of the third party before reproducing the
information. If you are unsure as to whether copyright applies, please
contact the third party for clarification.
Following a reorganisation of local government in Dorset, this response is
from Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council. Information provided
will cover these 3 areas.
If you are dissatisfied with this response you can ask for an internal
review. The purpose of an internal review is to assess how your Freedom of
Information request was handled in the first instance and to determine
whether the original response provided met with the requirements of the
legislation. You can request an internal review by email to BCP Council
Enquiries [2][email address]. You should make a
review request within 40 working days of this response.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the Council’s review you have
the right to refer the matter to the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Contact details for the Information Commissioner can be found at:
Yours sincerely
Kaylee Oliver [5]Dorset Logo
SVPP Operations
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We use personal data in accordance with Data Protection.
View the [7]BCP Council privacy notice. View the [8]Dorset Council
privacy notice.
Dear Financial Services - SVPP FOI Requests,
You state that 'BCP Council did not exist prior to 1st April 2019'.
Q1. Does Bournemouth Borough Council still exist as a Legal Entity?
Q2. Is BCP Council able to provide data as requested above from Bournemouth Borough Council?
Q3. If BCP Council does not hold data relating to Bournemouth Borough Council staffing costs and calculations how can BCP Council pursue someone for outstanding council tax if they do not hold the correct data prior to BCP existence?
Yours sincerely,
Warren Bell
Dear Financial Services - SVPP FOI Requests,
You have failed to provide a breakdown of staffing costs and calculations as requested of any individual person who is involved in Revenue and Benefits and the collection of council tax.
Please provide a more detailed breakdown of costs for each and every member of staff in BCP and Bournemouth Borough Councils employment involved in Council Tax, including and not limited to;
Names of individual officers working in Revenue and Benefits and council tax recovery, their specific title and role,
Court Officer/s
Revenue and assessments manager/s
Revenues team leader/s
Senior revenues officer/s
Recovery officers/s, who's time is taken into consideration when calculating the costs for council tax summonses. A detailed breakdown of their involvement including time and hours.
Yours sincerely,
Warren Bell
Dear Mr Bell
Thank you for your email.
The Council is not currently in a position to respond to your request. This is as a result of ensuring that all available resources are diverted to support the community and we can continue to deliver essential and priority services during the unprecedented crisis presented by COVID19. Please resubmit your request at a later date and not before 8th June. We are grateful for your understanding and cooperation.
Kind Regards
Kaylee Oliver
SVPP Operations
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We use personal data in accordance with Data Protection.
View the BCP Council privacy notice. View the Dorset Council privacy notice.
Dear Financial Services - SVPP FOI Requests,
Now that the council is in a position to provide this information please do so without delay and in relation to the previous Bournemouth Borough Council
Yours sincerely,
Warren Bell
Dear Mr Bell,
Thank you for your email.
Please could you send us your original FOI request in order for us to pursue this for you.
Many Thanks
Kaylee Oliver
Business and Development Supervisor
SVPP Operations
T. 0345 034 4569
[email address]
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We use personal data in accordance with Data Protection.
View the BCP Council privacy notice. View the Dorset Council privacy notice.
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