Breakdown of indirect tax figures by income deciles

The request was successful.

Dear Office for National Statistics,

Further to the Parliamentary Question answered on 4 March and published at can you please provide me with a breakdown which, for each of the deciles and for both retired and non-retired categories, shows the figures for duties on alcoholic drinks, tobacco, petrol, oil, betting; VAT; customs (import) duties; motor vehicle duties; air passenger duties; insurance premium tax; driving licenses; television licenses; stamp duties; Camelot-payments to National Lottery Distribution Fund, and estimated Intermediate taxes separately.

(In other words, please show how the totals produced in that table are made up from the component parts.)

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Pack

Dear Office for National Statistics,

I've not yet received a reply to my freedom of information request, and by my calculation the law required you to have responded by 12 May.

So could you please let me know what is happening with the request?

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Pack

Paul Wearn, Office for National Statistics

1 Attachment

Our Reference: FOI01163/Pack/QE1

Dear Mr Pack,

Thank you for your email. I am writing to confirm that the Office for
National Statistics has now completed its search for the information which
you requested and a copy of the information is enclosed.
Please find attached copies of Tables 16 and 18 from the ONS article: The
effects of taxes and benefits on household income, 2008/09 which is the
article that was used to respond to the Parliamentary question to which
you refer.  Table 16 provides a breakdown of the stages of income by
decile group for non-retired households and includes a breakdown of
indirect taxes (including intermediate taxes) in 2008/09. Table 18
provides similar data for retired households.

Indirect taxes are broken down into the following components:

• Duty on tobacco
• Duty on beer and cider
• Duty on wines & spirits
• Duty on hydrocarbon oils
• Vehicle excise duty
• Television licences
• Stamp duty on house purchase
• Customs duties
• Betting taxes
• Insurance premium tax
• Air passenger duty
• Camelot National Lottery Fund
• Other

(data on taxes for driving licences are no longer collected)

Intermediate taxes

• Commercial and industrial rates
• Employers NI contributions
• Duty on hydrocarbon oils
• Vehicle excise duty
• Other

For information: Data for 2009/10 were published on 19th May 2011 and are
available in the following link:
You have the right to have this response to your freedom of information
request reviewed internally by an internal review process and, if you
remain unhappy with the decision, by the Information Commissioner. If you
would like to have the decision reviewed please write to Frank Nolan,
Office for National Statistics, Room 1127, Government Buildings, Cardiff
Road, Newport, Gwent, NP10 8XG.

If you have any queries about this email, please contact me. Please
remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.

Kind regards,

Paul Wearn LLB (Hons)
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Office for National Statistics

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