Requests similar to 'Break Down of Community Mental Health Teams'

Dear Ms Walker   Thank you for your e-mail request for review of your request.  I have conducted a review of the response you received from the Tr...
Dear Ms Ellen, Thank you for your email of 23 November 2017 requesting information from Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. We can confirm...
Dear Mr Amin,   Further to your Freedom of Information Request as per your original email below.  please find alongside your questions, Lincolnshi...
Hospital Chaplaincy Procedures

Partially successful

Dear Susan, Further to your Freedom of Information Request as per your original email below. Please find attached Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundat...
Dear Mr Christian Following your request to access some of our information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please find the answers to y...
Dear Ms Steele, Further to your Freedom of Information Request as per your original email below. Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is comm...
Dear Mr Stonard,   Further to your Freedom of Information Request as per your original email below.  Please find highlighted in red alongside your...
Dear Persephone, Further to your Freedom of Information Request, as per your original email, our response from Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation...
Dear Mr Jones, Further to your Freedom of Information Request as per your original email below. Please find attached Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foun...
Agency Staffing

Awaiting classification

Dear Sybil, Further to your Freedom of Information Request as per your original email below. Please find attached Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundat...
Dear Sir/Madam, Many thanks for your email below requesting information from Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Your request is being dea...
Dear Mr Jones, Many thanks for your email below requesting information from Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Your request is being deal...
Dear Dr Julian, Many thanks for your email below requesting information from Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Your request is being de...
Dear James, Many thanks for your email below requesting information regarding Private Sector contracts. Your request is being dealt with under the te...
IT systems


Dear Mr Sarney, Further to your Freedom of Information Request as per your original email below. Please find attached Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Fou...
Good afternoon Charlotte, Please see the attached the information to this FOI as requested. Thank you Kind Regards Munashe Chibwe Assistant Busines...
Dear Claire Further to your request for information below, I can confirm that the services you refer to are contracted out to the Primary Care Trust a...
Dear Mr Harding Further to your Freedom of Information Request as per your original email below. We can confirm that Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foun...
Agency Spend
Response by Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust to Alex West on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Alex, Further to your Freedom of Information Request as per your original email below. Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust can confirm...
Dear Dario, Further to your Freedom of Information Request as per your original email below. Please find below Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation...
Dear Dee,   Further to your Freedom of Information Request as per your original email below.  Please find highlighted in red alongside your questi...
Dear Mr Bion, Further to your Freedom of Information Request as per your original email below. We can confirm that Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Founda...
Dear Ms Lay Thank you for your FOI request. Please find attached the Trust's response. Due to the low number of incidents the Trust won't disclose the...
Dear Mr Bellamy   Further to your FOI request the Trust responds in red alongside your original questions:   Question One: Does the Trust have...
Dear Mr Burk, Further to your Freedom of Information Request as per your original email below. Please find attached Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Found...