Branch Losses Data searches

The request was refused by Post Office Limited.

Dear Post Office Limited,
Dawn Phillips was a POL witness in the JFSA trial who said in court"‘We look for any call in the previous month that could relate to the loss
that they have settled. We don’t specifically search for settled centrally calls.’
So how, wondered Ms Donnelly, does the Post Office find out if a discrepancy settled centrally is in dispute?
‘We try and do everything above £5,000,’ replied Ms Phillips.
There was a little moment in court as everybody mentally checked they’d
correctly heard what Ms Philips had said. The judge frowned. Even Ms
Donnelly seemed surprised.
‘So you wouldn’t bother checking the helpline log for £2,000?’ she asked.
‘It’s not a case of not bothering, it’s a case of how many have settled centrally and how many are large,’ came the reply.
Ms Phillips had just described a standard process of initiating debt recovery against Subpostmasters (whether their discrepancies are in dispute or not)
if the sum was lower than £5,000. "Has this procedure changed in any way?When does POL ask Fujitsu for Horizon information?Can SPM request data from Fujitsu?

Yours faithfully,

john o'sullivan

information.rights, Post Office Limited

Thank you for your email. We will be monitoring this mailbox
intermittently over the seasonal break and will respond to you on our
return in the New Year.


Kind regards.


Information Rights Team

show quoted sections

“Post Office Limited is committed to protecting your privacy. Information
about how we do this can be found on our website at”

Information Rights Team, Post Office Limited

Our ref: FOI2021/01153

Dear Mr O'sullivan,

Thank you for your request for information which was received on 31st
December. Your request is being considered under the terms of the Freedom
of Information Act 2000.

The Act requires that a response must be given promptly, and in any event
within 20 working days. We will therefore reply at the latest by 1st

Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future

Yours sincerely,
David Sinclair

Information Rights Team, Post Office Limited

1 Attachment

Dear Mr O'Sullivan,

Please find attached the response relating to your Freedom of Information


David Sinclair

Information Rights Team

Ground Floor

Finsbury Dials

20 Finsbury Street



Information Rights Team, Post Office Limited

1 Attachment

Dear Mr O'Sullivan,

Please find attached the response relating to your Freedom of Information


David Sinclair

Information Rights Team

Ground Floor

Finsbury Dials

20 Finsbury Street



Information Rights Team, Post Office Limited

1 Attachment

Dear Mr O'Sullivan,

Please find attached the response relating to your Freedom of Information


David Sinclair

Information Rights Team

Ground Floor

Finsbury Dials

20 Finsbury Street
