Requests similar to 'Brain Cancer Treatment'

Dear Oliver Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act request below. We can confirm that your request is not applicable to Nottinghamshire Healthc...
  Dear Mr Fryer,   Please find attached response to your recent Freedom of Information Act request.     Kind Regards   Jo Hill   F...
Dear Mr Fryer,   Please find attached response to your recent Freedom of Information.     Kind Regards   Jo Hill   Freedom of Informa...
Dear Mr Collins, Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act request below. We can confirm that your request is not applicable to Nottinghamshire He...
Epilepsy Treatment
Response by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust to Oliver Caswell on .

Information not held

Dear Mr. Caswell, Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act request below. We can confirm that your request is not applicable to Nottinghamshire...
Structure chart request
Response by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust to Karl Houlding on .

Long overdue

Dear Mr Houlding, Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act Request below. Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is not an Acute Trust....
Dear Mr. Burdett, Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act request below. We can confirm that your request is not applicable to Nottinghamshire H...
Endoscopy numbers across the UK

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Collins, Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act request below. We can confirm that your request is not applicable to Nottinghamshire He...
Clinical negligence claims in the maternity sector
Response by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust to Alex Clark on .

Withdrawn by the requester

Dear Mr Clark, Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act request below. We can confirm that your request is not applicable to Nottinghamshire Hea...
Dear Kimrin Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act request below. We can confirm that your request is not applicable to Nottinghamshire Healthc...
Trust statistics on spiking
Response by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust to Will Hecker on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Will Thank you for your Freedom of Information request below. Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is prominently a Mental Health Tr...
Dear Ms Holly, Can you please clarify your request below .Do you require information from : - Just Trust CAMHS Services or - Both CAMHS Service and...
Rampton Secure Hospital Polices
Response by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust to Halush Brinton on .

Partially successful

Dear Halush Brinton, Thank you for your email below requesting an internal review into the handling of your recent Freedom of Information Act request....
Dear Nina Patinas Thank you for your email below. Sincere apologies for the delay in responding to your request. Please find attached final Trust res...
Dear Dr Livingstone,   Please find attached response to your recent Freedom of Information Act Request.   Kind Regards   Jo Hill Freedom...
Bed Rates
Response by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust to Karen Hall on .

Information not held

Dear Ms. Hall,   Please find attached response to your recent Freedom of Information Act Request.     Kind Regards   Jo Hill Freedom o...
Information regarding Darktrace
Response by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust to Kadhim Shubber on .

Information not held

  Dear Mr Shubber,   Please find attached response to your recent Freedom of Information act request.     Kind Regards   Jo Hill  ...
Dear Mr. Solomon,   Please find attached response to your recent Freedom of Information Act Request.     Kind Regards   Jo Hill Freedo...
Unexpected Deaths
Response by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust to Rachel Lucas on .

Awaiting classification

  Dear Ms. Lucas   Please find attached response to your recent Freedom of Information Act Request.     Kind Regards   Jo Hill Freed...
Dear Mr. Kachhala,   Please find attached response to your recent Freedom of Information Act Request.     Kind Regards   Jo Hill Freed...
Apprenticeship Levy
Response by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust to Kathryn Young on .


Dear Ms. Young,   Please find attached response to your recent Freedom of Information Act Request.     Kind Regards   Freedom of Informa...
Windows 7 and XP Instances
Response by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust to Lee Murray on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr. Murray,   Please find attached response to your recent Freedom of Information Act Request.     Kind Regards   Jo Hill Freedom...
Antifungal treatment
Response by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust to BEN HOLDSWORTH on .


Dear Mr Holdsworth,   Please find attached response to your recent Freedom of Information Act request.     Kind Regards   Jo Hill Free...
Dear Requester,   Please find attached response to your recent Freedom of Information Act Request.     Kind Regards   Jo Hill Freedom...
Dear Dr Kneale,   Please find attached response to your recent Freedom of Information Act Request.   Kind Regards   Jo Hill Freedom of I...