Bowel management with spinal cord injured people

The request was successful.

Dear Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust,

By way of introduction, I work for the Spinal Injuries Association. Part of my role is to assist the Head of Public Affairs with FOI requests, such as the one that follows.

As a request under the Freedom of Information Act, please provide the following information on bowel management for spinal cord injured people and others with neurogenic bowel dysfunction
1. Does the Trust have a formal written policy for digital rectal examination/check, digital rectal stimulation and the digital removal of faeces (manual bowel evacuation) in spinal cord injured and other patients with neurogenic bowel dysfunction ?
2. If the Trust does, please supply a copy of this document.
3. If the Trust does not, how is bowel care managed in the above patient groups who present with this care need?
4. Does the Trust employ a specialist continence nurse(s)?
5. If the Trust employs a specialist continence nurse(s) can they (a) undertake digital rectal checks, digital rectal stimulation and digital removal of faeces (manual bowel evacuation), otherwise known as 'intimate digital bowel care procedures' (b) provide instruction to other nurses to enable them to perform intimate digital bowel care procedures'?
6. If the Trust does not employ a specialist continence nurse, is there another health care professional who undertakes intimate digital bowel care procedures including manual bowel evacuation? If yes, who does this?
7. Does your Trust have a policy in place that will allow your staff to do trans-anal irrigation (TAI) of the bowel as a method of bowel care management for spinal cord injured patients? Do you train your staff to do TAI/ bowel irrigation?
8. Do you run bowel care courses for your staff that allows them to deliver the full range of bowel care required by spinal cord injured patients or others with a neurogenic bowel?
9. If yes, please provide details. If no, does the Trust have a policy which allows for the personal care assistants (PAs) of spinal cord injured patients to assist with this element of the patient's care?

Yours faithfully,

Tim Nicholson

Freedom Of Information Requests (LCFT), Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust

Dear Tim

Thank you for your enquiry. As per the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 you will be sent a response within twenty working days i.e. 15th February 2017

For all future correspondence please quote the reference shown in the subject line above.

Sue Stone
Information Governance Specialist & RA Agent
Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust
Phone: 01772 695300
e-mail:  [email address]
post address:   Sceptre Point, Sceptre Way, Walton Summit, Bamber Bridge, Preston PR5 6AW

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Freedom Of Information Requests (LCFT), Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust

Dear Tim
The Trust is unable to respond to this FOI request as we are unable to identify patients being treated by this service due to their spinal cord injuries.

If you are unhappy with the way the Trust has handled your request, you may ask for an internal review by contacting the FOI Lead at [email address]
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision.
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Fax: 01625 524 510

Sue Stone
Information Governance Specialist & RA Agent
Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust
Phone: 01772 695300
e-mail:  [email address]
post address:   Sceptre Point, Sceptre Way, Walton Summit, Bamber Bridge, Preston PR5 6AW

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