Bonuses paid to FCA staff by grade

The request was partially successful.

Dear The Financial Conduct Authority,

I refer to the table of bonus awards distribution provided in previous FCA Annual Reports.

Please provide the following information:

1. For each of 2018/19 and 2019/20, for each subset of bonus award by percentage (i.e. of the 7 subsets, from 0% at the lowest to 25-30% at the highest) provide the "Percentage of workforce who received a bonus" broken down by grade to show the percentage of each the following grades that receievd a bonus for each of the 7 subsets (0%, 25-30% etc, etc):
- Execuve Group/Executive Directors
- Directors
- Department Heads
- Managers
- Associates.

Yours faithfully,

Adam Ada

Freedom of Information, The Financial Conduct Authority

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Switchboard 020 7066 1000

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Dear The Financial Conduct Authority,

It has been hugely difficult getting timely FOI responses from the FCA. Therefore, I am writing to highlight that your response to this request is due by Tuesday 8th March 2022 - the last day for your response under the Act.

It is also very poor customer service that you do not properly acknowledge FOI requests but send an unfriendly automatic email email saying:
"Please do not reply to this email."
"We will be in touch in due course."
But then you don't get in touch and it is impossible to know when and if you will ever be in touch. Very poor.

Yours faithfully,

Adam Ada

Freedom of Information, The Financial Conduct Authority

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The Payment Systems Regulator Limited is registered as a limited company
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Switchboard 020 7066 1000

Web Site (FCA); (the Payment
Systems Regulator Limited)

Dear The Financial Conduct Authority,

Further to my previous message, What Do They Know has further identified that you have clearlly failed to respond to my FOI request within the legally required time period.

You have also not had the courtesy to acknowledge my request or my further enquiry.

As a result of these failures I am contacting the Information Commissioner.

Yours faithfully,

Mr A Ada

Freedom of Information, The Financial Conduct Authority

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on the classification and handling of FCA information can be found on the
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The Payment Systems Regulator Limited is registered as a limited company
in England and Wales No. 8970864. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

Switchboard 020 7066 1000

Web Site (FCA); (the Payment
Systems Regulator Limited)

Dear The Financial Conduct Authority,

This FOI request was submitted on 8th February 2022 and your response was due by 8th March 2022 at the latest.

This is awful service from you at the FCA. You have not responded to my FOI request or even acknowledged it. You have also ignored my reminders.

Please deal with this FOI request as a matter of urgency.

Yours faithfully,

Mr A Ada

Freedom of Information, The Financial Conduct Authority

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in England and Wales No. 1920623. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

The Payment Systems Regulator Limited is registered as a limited company
in England and Wales No. 8970864. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

Switchboard 020 7066 1000

Web Site (FCA); (the Payment
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Adam Ada left an annotation ()

Referred to ICO 30/03/22

Freedom of Information, The Financial Conduct Authority

1 Attachment

Our ref: FOI9021


Dear Mr Ada


Freedom of Information: Right to know request


Thank you for your emails of 8 February 2022, in which you asked:


1.    For each of 2018/19 and 2019/20, for each subset of bonus award by
percentage (i.e. of the 7 subsets, from 0% at the lowest to 25-30% at the
highest) provide the "Percentage of workforce who received a bonus" broken
down by grade to show the percentage of each the following grades that
received a bonus for each of the 7 subsets (0%, 25-30% etc, etc):


a.    Executive Group/Executive Directors

b.    Directors

c.    Department Heads

d.    Managers

e.    Associates.


2.    Please provide a list of all current FCA staff (actual names) at
manager level and above, by grade, and covering all types of employment


Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay in responding. Please
also note, you submitted two separate requests which have been aggregated
and processed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000
(FOIA) as one request under the reference shown above.  Under guidance
issued by the Ministry of Justice, a public authority may aggregate
requests in the following circumstances (amongst others):


• Two or more requests for information have been made to the same public
• The requests are from the same person;
• The requests relate to the same or similar information.


The Guidance can be found [1]here (see page 3).


We have now considered your aggregated request and our response is set out


Question 1


We hold the information you requested and the details of the bonus awards
distribution within the FCA for the period in question can be found in our
[2]Annual Report and Accounts 2019/20 (see page 109).


We are, however, unable to disclose this information to the granular level
of detail you have asked for, as we are of the view that, for the reasons
set out in Annex A below, disclosure of the requested information at this
point in time would prejudice the commercial interests of the FCA.
Therefore, the exemption under section 43 (commercial interests) of FOIA


Question 2


This information is published on our website and can be accessed via this
The register is currently being updated and the up-to-date list is due to
be published by the end of April 2022.


Your right to complain under FOIA


If you are unhappy with this response, you have the right to request an
internal review.  To do so, please contact us within 40 working days of
the date of this response at [4][email address].


If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you also
have a right of appeal to the Information Commissioner by phone or on
their website at:


Telephone: 0303 123 1113

Website: [5]


Yours sincerely


Information Disclosure Team


12 Endeavour Square


E20 1JN




Annex A 


·  Section 43 (Commercial Interests) 


Section 43(2) of FOIA states that we are exempt from the duty to disclose
the requested information if such disclosure would, or would be likely to,
prejudice the commercial interests of any person, including the public
authority that holds the information. 


As this exemption is subject to the public interest test, we have
considered relevant factors in favour, and against, disclosing information
as required by FOIA. 


For disclosure: 


·  Disclosing the information might reassure the public about the
effectiveness of the FCA as a regulator and encourage transparency. 


Against disclosure: 


·            It is strongly in the public interest that the FCA is able to
have open and candid exchanges of information with their staff, and it
would be likely to prejudice the FCA’s commercial interests to have to
disclose the granular details of its past pay and bonus awards
distribution at a time when deliberations on a substantial change in the
organisation’s pay and grading structure are ongoing. As such disclosure
would harm our negotiating position with current and future employees.


·  Disclosing detailed information about bonus awards would be likely to
prejudice the commercial interest of the FCA, as these are highly
sensitive matters which have the potential to negatively impact our
efforts to attract new talent and to retain talent as it could also cause
employee dissatisfaction.  


On this occasion, and for these reasons, we have concluded that the
balance of the public interest is in favour of not disclosing the






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Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

The Payment Systems Regulator Limited is registered as a limited company
in England and Wales No. 8970864. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
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Switchboard 020 7066 1000

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4. file:///C:/Users/sali3/AppData/Roaming/OTLocal/PRODRM/Workbin/3E7676D.0/[email address]

Dear The Financial Conduct Authority,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of The Financial Conduct Authority's handling of my FOI request 'Bonuses paid to FCA staff by grade'. Please understand that this was a discrete request for information. It was submitted separately to my request for a staff list which again is a discrete request.

Therefore, my first ground of appeal is that you have incorrectly applied the law to combine two separate and distinct requests. This request is about "Bonuses paid to FCA staff" and is clearly titled and described as such. The other request refers to a "List of FCA staff". So, the two requests clearly DO NOT relate to the same or similar information. One is about BONUS PAYMENTS and the other is about a STAFF LIST. Your decision is flawed and it is worrying that you have sought to combine matters that are distinct and dissimilar.

My second ground of appeal is that you are saying information about bonus payments is exempt from release under exemption under section 43 (commercial interests) of FOIA. I would advise you that the ICO's guidance makes it clear that a public organisation must provide evidence if it seeks to rely on section 43 and yet you have compeletly failed to provide any evidence - there is no reasoning whatsover and no attempt to apply the legal definition to the circumstances of this request. This means your decision is flawed and fails in terms of its understanding and application of the law.

My third ground of appeal is that setion 43 would require a public interest test to be undertaken and yet you have compeltely failed to undertake a public interest test. This means your decision is flawed and fails in terms of its understanding and application of the law.

I will submit a separate request for internal review of my second request.

Yours faithfully,

Mr A Ada

Freedom of Information, The Financial Conduct Authority

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in England and Wales No. 1920623. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

The Payment Systems Regulator Limited is registered as a limited company
in England and Wales No. 8970864. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

Switchboard 020 7066 1000

Web Site (FCA); (the Payment
Systems Regulator Limited)

Dear The Financial Conduct Authority,

This is a further comment with regard to my request for Freedom of Information internal review on this case "Bonuses paid to FCA staff".

PLEASE NOTE: I wish both this appeal ("Bonus payments") and a separate appeal regarding "Staff lists" to be passed directly to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. It is unfortunate that having taken months to deal with requests that should be processed within 20 days, and provided no information to me, you have completely failed to understand these two distinct requests and have instead sought to respond outside the law, and have only finally responded because you were required to do so by the Information Commissioner.
Yours faithfully,

Mr A Ada

Freedom of Information, The Financial Conduct Authority

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Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

The Payment Systems Regulator Limited is registered as a limited company
in England and Wales No. 8970864. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

Switchboard 020 7066 1000

Web Site (FCA); (the Payment
Systems Regulator Limited)

Freedom of Information Appeals, The Financial Conduct Authority

3 Attachments

Our Ref:  FOI9021


Dear Mr Ada,


Freedom of Information: Right to know request

Thank you for your three emails of 12 April 2022.  This is regarding the
information you have requested under the Freedom of Information Act 2000,
with the above reference.  


We are now considering the points you have raised and will contact you
again as soon as possible.  If it is likely to take more than 20 working
days following the date of receiving your emails to respond in full, we
will write to you again.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely


Information Disclosure Team / Operations Directorate


[1]Description: cid:image001.png@01D2A7C9.64DDD390

12 Endeavour Square


E20 1JN


Tel:    +44 (0)20 7066 1000



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Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

The Payment Systems Regulator Limited is registered as a limited company
in England and Wales No. 8970864. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

Switchboard 020 7066 1000

Web Site (FCA); (the Payment
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Visible links

Dear The Financial Conduct Authority,

You wrote to me on 14th April 2022 saying you would either respond or contact me, regarding my appeal, within 20 days. Unfortunately you have done neither and it is nearly 3 months since I submitted my appeal.

As I have noted this is appalling service from the FCA and you fail to meet legal requirements in every case and have continued making the same excuses - do you not expect others to comply with the law? Can you get back to me as a matter of urgency about what is going on with my appeal?

Yours faithfully,

Adam Ada

Freedom of Information, The Financial Conduct Authority

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immediately and delete the email from your computer. Further information
on the classification and handling of FCA information can be found on the
FCA website

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Limited, the FCA on behalf of the Payment Systems Regulator Limited / the
Payment Systems Regulator Limited) reserves the right to monitor all email
communications for compliance with legal, regulatory and professional

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relations or contractual relationships. This email has originated from the
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), or the Payment Systems Regulator

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is registered as a limited company
in England and Wales No. 1920623. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

The Payment Systems Regulator Limited is registered as a limited company
in England and Wales No. 8970864. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

Switchboard 020 7066 1000

Web Site (FCA); (the Payment
Systems Regulator Limited)

Freedom of Information Appeals, The Financial Conduct Authority

3 Attachments

Our Ref:  FOI9021


Dear Mr Ada,


Freedom of Information: Right to know request

I refer to your email dated 3 July 2022.  I am sorry to inform you that we
have not yet concluded our internal review of the FCA’s response to your
information request with the above reference, made under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.


We are currently experiencing a high volume of information requests and
are prioritising these in data order.  As such, we now hope to respond to
you by Friday 29 July 2022, although should we be able to contact you
sooner, we will do so.

We apologise for this further delay and thank you for continuing your

Yours sincerely

Information Disclosure Team / Operations Directorate


[1]Description: cid:image001.png@01D2A7C9.64DDD390

12 Endeavour Square


E20 1JN


Tel:    +44 (0)20 7066 1000



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relations or contractual relationships. This email has originated from the
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), or the Payment Systems Regulator

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is registered as a limited company
in England and Wales No. 1920623. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

The Payment Systems Regulator Limited is registered as a limited company
in England and Wales No. 8970864. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

Switchboard 020 7066 1000

Web Site (FCA); (the Payment
Systems Regulator Limited)


Visible links

Freedom of Information Appeals, The Financial Conduct Authority

3 Attachments

Our Ref: FOI9021


Dear Mr Ada,


Freedom of Information: Right to know request

I refer to our email dated 7 July 2022. I am sorry to inform you that we
have not yet concluded our internal review of the FCA’s response to your
information request with the above reference, made under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.


We now hope to respond to you by Friday 19 August 2022, although should we
be able to contact you sooner, we will do so.

We apologise for this further delay and thank you for continuing your

Yours sincerely


Information Disclosure Team / Operations Directorate


[1]Description: cid:image001.png@01D2A7C9.64DDD390

12 Endeavour Square


E20 1JN


Tel: +44 (0)20 7066 1000



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on the classification and handling of FCA information can be found on the
FCA website

The FCA (or, if this email originates from the Payment Systems Regulator
Limited, the FCA on behalf of the Payment Systems Regulator Limited / the
Payment Systems Regulator Limited) reserves the right to monitor all email
communications for compliance with legal, regulatory and professional

This email is not intended to nor should it be taken to create any legal
relations or contractual relationships. This email has originated from the
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), or the Payment Systems Regulator

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is registered as a limited company
in England and Wales No. 1920623. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

The Payment Systems Regulator Limited is registered as a limited company
in England and Wales No. 8970864. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

Switchboard 020 7066 1000

Web Site (FCA); (the Payment
Systems Regulator Limited)


Visible links

Freedom of Information Appeals, The Financial Conduct Authority

3 Attachments

Our Ref: FOI9021


Dear Mr Ada,


Freedom of Information: Right to know request

Further to our email dated 29 July 2022 we confirm that we are currently
finalising our internal review of the FCA’s response to your information
request with the above reference, made under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000.


We now hope to respond to you early next week.

We apologise for this further delay and thank you for continuing your

Yours sincerely

Information Disclosure Team / Operations Directorate


[1]Description: cid:image001.png@01D2A7C9.64DDD390

12 Endeavour Square


E20 1JN


Tel:    +44 (0)20 7066 1000



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This communication and any attachments may contain personal information.
For more information about how and why we use personal information and who
to contact with any queries about this, please see our privacy notices:
FCA Privacy Notice ( and PSR
Privacy Notice

This communication and any attachments contain information which is
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distribute, publish, rely on or otherwise use it without our consent. Some
of our communications may contain confidential information which it could
be a criminal offence for you to disclose or use without authority. If you
have received this email in error please notify [email address]
immediately and delete the email from your computer. Further information
on the classification and handling of FCA information can be found on the
FCA website

The FCA (or, if this email originates from the Payment Systems Regulator
Limited, the FCA on behalf of the Payment Systems Regulator Limited / the
Payment Systems Regulator Limited) reserves the right to monitor all email
communications for compliance with legal, regulatory and professional

This email is not intended to nor should it be taken to create any legal
relations or contractual relationships. This email has originated from the
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), or the Payment Systems Regulator

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is registered as a limited company
in England and Wales No. 1920623. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

The Payment Systems Regulator Limited is registered as a limited company
in England and Wales No. 8970864. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

Switchboard 020 7066 1000

Web Site (FCA); (the Payment
Systems Regulator Limited)


Visible links

Freedom of Information Appeals, The Financial Conduct Authority

5 Attachments

Our Ref: FOI9021


Dear Mr Ada,


Freedom of Information: Right to know request


I refer to your emails dated 12 April 2022 asking the Financial Conduct
Authority (“FCA”) to review its decision provided in response to the
information you requested under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, with
the above reference. Please find attached the outcome of the FCA's review.


Please accept our apologies for the time it has taken to complete this


Yours sincerely


Information Disclosure Team / Operations Directorate


[1]Description: cid:image001.png@01D2A7C9.64DDD390

12 Endeavour Square


E20 1JN


Tel:    +44 (0)20 7066 1000



Follow us:





This communication and any attachments may contain personal information.
For more information about how and why we use personal information and who
to contact with any queries about this, please see our privacy notices:
FCA Privacy Notice ( and PSR
Privacy Notice

This communication and any attachments contain information which is
confidential and may be subject to legal privilege. It is for intended
recipients only. If you are not the intended recipient you must not copy,
distribute, publish, rely on or otherwise use it without our consent. Some
of our communications may contain confidential information which it could
be a criminal offence for you to disclose or use without authority. If you
have received this email in error please notify [email address]
immediately and delete the email from your computer. Further information
on the classification and handling of FCA information can be found on the
FCA website

The FCA (or, if this email originates from the Payment Systems Regulator
Limited, the FCA on behalf of the Payment Systems Regulator Limited / the
Payment Systems Regulator Limited) reserves the right to monitor all email
communications for compliance with legal, regulatory and professional

This email is not intended to nor should it be taken to create any legal
relations or contractual relationships. This email has originated from the
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), or the Payment Systems Regulator

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is registered as a limited company
in England and Wales No. 1920623. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

The Payment Systems Regulator Limited is registered as a limited company
in England and Wales No. 8970864. Registered office: 12 Endeavour Square,
Stratford, London, E20 1JN, United Kingdom

Switchboard 020 7066 1000

Web Site (FCA); (the Payment
Systems Regulator Limited)


Visible links