Requests similar to 'Board of Governors: votes of confidence'

Dear Fergus Green   I have completed an internal review of GSA’s response to the Freedom of Information request below. The review undertaken invol...
Dear Dr Hopkins     Ref: GSA FoI 18/19 390   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on...
Care Applicants Information
Response by The Glasgow School of Art to C. Swanson on .


Dear C Swanson Ref: FOI/21/22/40 Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 10 May 2022. We...
Dear Ms Winters   Ref: FOI/22/23/81   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 19 Jun...
Oil and gas companies
Response by The Glasgow School of Art to Jenna Corderoy on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Jenna    Ref: FOI/21/22/57   Thank you for your Environmental Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 19 July...
Recruitment Agency Spend & Payroll
Response by The Glasgow School of Art to Simran Aujla on .


Dear Simran   Ref: FOI/22/23/56   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 13 April 2...
Information about your Admissions Function
Response by The Glasgow School of Art to Susan Jones on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Susan   Ref: FOI/22/23/18   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 24 November...
Dear Ms Jones   Ref: FOI/22/23/88   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 5 July 2...
Dear Laura   Ref: FOI/21/22/73   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 2 September...
Dear Suzanne   Ref: GSA FoI 18/19 386   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 7 Au...
Scottish domiciled students
Response by The Glasgow School of Art to elizabeth thomson on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Ms Thomson     Ref: GSA FoI 18/19 377   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request regarding SIMD 20 admissions, which was receive...
Scottish fee rate students places
Response by The Glasgow School of Art to Lauren Gilmour on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Gilmour   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by the Glasgow School of Art (GSA) on 13 April 2023. We ar...
Common Law Duty of Care in HE
Response by The Glasgow School of Art to Gillian Green on .

Information not held

Dear Ms Green   Ref: FOI/22/23/93   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 23 July...
Dear Harrison Ref: FOI/20/21/28 Thank you for your Freedom of Information request which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 23 January 2021. GS...
Average expected study hours
Response by The Glasgow School of Art to J. van Herk on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr van Herk     Ref: GSA FoI 19/20 2   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on...
Temporary Agency Spend
Response by The Glasgow School of Art to Emma Brown on .

Partially successful

Dear Emma Ref: GSA FOI 19/20 32 Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 16 January 2020....
University bus service subsidies
Response by The Glasgow School of Art to Adam Hodgson on .


Dear Adam Ref: GSA FOI 19/20 47 Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 15 March 2020. W...
Sale of University Assets
Response by The Glasgow School of Art to Jamie Mann on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Jamie   Ref: GSA FOI 19/20 11   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 4 Novem...
Admission rates for MDes in Interior Design
Response by The Glasgow School of Art to Yuxuan Luo on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Aether Ref: FOI/22/23/50 Thank you for your Freedom of Information request which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 26 March 2023. GSA has...
Admissions of Scots Domiciled Students
Response by The Glasgow School of Art to Ken Crowe on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Ken, Ref: FOI/24/25/4 Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art (GSA) on 2nd October 2024....
Recruitment Agency Spend
Response by The Glasgow School of Art to George Scott on .


GSA FoI 16_17 167 Dear George, Re: Freedom of Information request - Recruitment Agency Spend Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, whic...
Dear Elizabeth, Ref: GSA FoI [Reference 18/19 359] Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by the Glasgow School of Art...
Dear Elizabeth   Ref: GSA FoI 18/19 366   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by the Glasgow School of Art on 11...
Staff wellbeing during COVID-19
Response by The Glasgow School of Art to C. Williamson on .


Dear C Ref: FOI/20/21/23 Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 5 January 2021. We will...
Recruitment Agency Spend
Response by The Glasgow School of Art to Simran on .


Dear Simran Ref: FOI/21/22/14 Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Glasgow School of Art on 14 January 2022. W...