Board members' attendance at closed session Board Meetings

The request was successful.

Dear Architects Registration Board,

1. Please provide me with a facsimile copy of the closed session agenda for the Board meeting held on 11 May 2012 as it was issued to the members of the Board. I am not interested in seeing any of the papers attached to the agenda.

For the avoidance of doubt, this is not a request that the Board provides information that is exempt from the requirement to provide it. However, if any of the information I have requested is refused (or redacted), then in each instance please state that fact, specify the exemption in question and state (if that would not otherwise be apparent) why the exemption applies.

2. Please provide me with the earliest time that each member of the Board signed the entrance register on 11 May 2012, identifying the member's name and that member's time of entry. If any Board member entered the building on that day but did not sign the register, please identify each such member.

Yours faithfully

Ian Salisbury, Architects Registration Board

Thank you for your enquiry. We will aim to respond to your email within ten working days. In the meantime, please do not resend your message to any of the other ARB email addresses – this may delay our response to you and prevent us from dealing promptly with your query.

Architects Registration Board
8 Weymouth Street
t: (020) 7580 5861
f: (020) 7436 5269

This communication contains information which is confidential and may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note that any distribution, copying or use of this communication or the information in it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error please notify us by e-mail or by telephone (+44(0)2075805861) and then delete the e-mail and any copies of it. Any statements or opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Architects Registration Board.

Architects Registration Board
8 Weymouth Street

e-mail: [ARB request email]

Vicky Kelly, Architects Registration Board

Dear Mr Salisbury

I confirm receipt of your email and have passed your request to Karen Holmes who will respond to you in due course.


Vicky Kelly
Team Secretary

Architects Registration Board
8 Weymouth Street

t: (020) 7580 5861
f: (020) 7436 5269
e: [email address]

show quoted sections

Vicky Kelly, Architects Registration Board

Dear Mr Salisbury

In your Freedom of Information Request of 25 May 2012, you state that you would like the response sent to you by facsimile, please could you send me this number so that I may send you ARB's response.


Vicky Kelly
Team Secretary

Architects Registration Board
8 Weymouth Street

t: (020) 7580 5861
f: (020) 7436 5269
e: [email address]

show quoted sections

Dear Vicky Kelly,

Thank you for your email. By asking for "a facsimile copy" I was not asking you to respond by fax - please reply in this forum. I was using the word "facsimile" to describe the exact copy of the paper(s) sent to the members of the Board that I have requested.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Salisbury

Vicky Kelly, Architects Registration Board

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Salisbury


Please find attached Karen’s response to your Freedom of Information
request dated 25 May 2012.





Vicky Kelly
Team Secretary
[1][email address]
Architects Registration Board
8 Weymouth Street
t: (020) 7580 5861
f: (020) 7436 5269
e: [3][ARB request email]
w: [4]





Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:[ARB request email]

Dear Vicky Kelly,

Thank you for your email and please thank Karen Holmes for her response.

It is clear from the copy of the agenda appended to Ms Holmes' letter that this is not a facsimile of the original but one that has been modified and re-printed. Please provide me with a copy of the original. I do not mind in the least if the redactions are made in heavy black ink to cover those parts which may properly be redacted. But I wish to see and read those parts of Agendum 21 parts i - xix where disclosure to the public would not constitute a breach of confidence that was actionable. It will assist me in reaching a view on whether the provisions of the FOI Act have been properly applied if I can see the extent of the redacted material.

Thank you for obtaining the consent of those attending to provide me with personal information. I have a supplementary question arising from that part of the information which I shall make the subject of a separate inquiry.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Salisbury

Ian Salisbury left an annotation ()

WhatDoTheyKnow are saying that the date for reply is 4 July 2012. However, as the information sought was only partly provided, and because the follow-up merely described the shortcomings in the information, the original due date of 26 June 2012 remains the longstop due date.

That ARB say it intends to respond within 10 working days is admirable, but on this occasion this has not been achieved.

Vicky Kelly, Architects Registration Board

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Salisbury

Please find attached Karen's letter of response to your email of 6 June 2012.


Vicky Kelly
Team Secretary

Architects Registration Board
8 Weymouth Street

t: (020) 7580 5861
f: (020) 7436 5269
e: [email address]

show quoted sections

Dear Architects Registration Board,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Architects Registration Board's handling of my FOI request (numbered 1.) in 'Board members' attendance at closed session Board Meetings'.

On 25 May 2012 I asked that you provide me with a facsimile copy of the closed session agenda for the Board meeting held on 11 May 2012 "as it was issued to the members of the Board". Rather than do as I requested, you have provided me with re-worked and/or transcribed information rather than the requested information.

I believe that under the duty imposed on the Board by the Freedom of Information Act, I am entitled to the information I requested and not merely to a re-worked and/or transcribed version.

Pleased provide the information that I have requested. As to the extent of that information, may I respectfully remind you that it is only infomation "that is obtained from another person (including another public authority)" which if disclosed would also constitute a "breach of confidence actionable by that or any other person" that is exempted from the requirement to provide.

I do not accept that all of the information that has been withheld from Agendum 21 would fall into that category. Indeed, the reference to confidential material is restricted to material supplied by others. Thus, for instance, if a particular item in the agendum was (for the sake of illustration):

"To consider the renewal of prescription for the following qualifications at the University of Portsmouth:

"BA (Hons) Architecture
"Diploma in Architecture
"Final Examination in Professional Practice"

that would not be exempt information under the provisions of the Act because firstly, it is not information provided in confidence by others and second, publication would not be actionable for breach of confidence.

For the avoidance of doubt in answering my request the information "as it was issued to the members of the Board" should be a true copy not only of the content but also of the typographical arrangement of the original.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Ian Salisbury, Architects Registration Board

Thank you for your enquiry. We will aim to respond to your email within ten working days. In the meantime, please do not resend your message to any of the other ARB email addresses – this may delay our response to you and prevent us from dealing promptly with your query.

Architects Registration Board
8 Weymouth Street
t: (020) 7580 5861
f: (020) 7436 5269

This communication contains information which is confidential and may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note that any distribution, copying or use of this communication or the information in it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error please notify us by e-mail or by telephone (+44(0)2075805861) and then delete the e-mail and any copies of it. Any statements or opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Architects Registration Board.

Architects Registration Board
8 Weymouth Street

e-mail: [ARB request email]

Vicky Kelly, Architects Registration Board

Dear Mr Salisbury

On behalf of Alison Carr, I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your email of yesterday's date.


show quoted sections

Dear Vicky Kelly,

Thank you for your acknowledgement dated 26 June 2012. In that acknowledgement you said that your aim was to respond to requests within 10 working days.

As that period has now passed, I would be grateful to know that you will be dealing with the review promptly. Would you please let me know when the review will be undertaken?

Yours sincerely,

Ian Salisbury

Vicky Kelly, Architects Registration Board

Thank you for your email.

I am currently on leave and will return to the office on Monday 23 July. I
will answer emails in date order on my return.


If your enquiry is urgent, please telephone the office on 020 7580 5861.


Vicky Kelly

Karen Holmes, Architects Registration Board

Dear Mr Salisbury

Thank you for your recent email. We will have response to you by the end of next week.

Kind regards

This communication contains information which is confidential and may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note that any distribution, copying or use of this communication or the information in it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error please notify us by e-mail or by telephone (+44(0)2075805861) and then delete the e-mail and any copies of it. Any statements or opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Architects Registration Board.

Architects Registration Board
8 Weymouth Street

e-mail: [ARB request email]

Vicky Kelly, Architects Registration Board

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Salisbury


Please find attached Alison Carr’s response to your email of 26 June 2012
in which you requested an internal review of your request for information
dated 25 May 2012.





Vicky Kelly
Team Secretary
[1][email address]
[2]Description: Description:
Architects Registration Board
8 Weymouth Street
t: (020) 7580 5861
f: (020) 7436 5269
e: [3][ARB request email]
w: [4]





Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:[ARB request email]

Dear Vicky Kelly,

Please thank Ms Carr for carrying out the review and for providing this non-exempted information to me.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Salisbury

Ian Salisbury left an annotation ()

I am pleased that the Architects Registration Board has now published the agenda of the Confidential Session of its last board meeting. I accept the reasons given for redacting information under "New Qualifications"; but it is appropriate that the fact that the Board is considering new qualifications is in the public domain, together with the details of the remaining business of the Confidential Session.