Board Meeting Minutes - Loan Charge follow up to FOI2024 85642.

The request was partially successful.

Dear HM Revenue and Customs,

Thank you for your response to FOI2024 85642.

This FOI requested minutes of board meetings where the Loan Charge was discussed. This asked for the minutes or excerpts of the meetings.

This was useful, but unfortunately there are several references that don't make sense as the excerpts of the meeting meeting notes have not been provided in full, with appropriate reference numbers.

1 Please provide copies of the actual minutes and any associated notes that relate to the Loan Charge.

2. I would like to dig little deeper on the board meeting that took place on 20/1/2020. "The Board welcomed Ruth Stanier, Carol Bristow and Mary Aiston. Carol Bristow and Mary Aiston outlined the key aspects of the loan charge review and the Government's response."
Were the board presented with any notes/documents/presentations in support of the outlining of the key aspects of the loan charge review by the HMRC representatives mentioned above.
If so, please provide copies of these documents/notes/presentations

Yours faithfully,

Ian Heavyside

Information Rights Unit, HM Revenue and Customs

Our ref: FOI2024/225659

Dear Mr Heavyside,

Thank you for your request, which was received on 12 November.

Please remember to quote the reference number above if you need to contact
us about this request again.

We aim to respond to all freedom of information requests within 20 working
days. We will either send you the information you have asked for or let
you know why we can't.

If we can't reply by 11 December 2024, we will write to let you know the
reason and when you can expect a response.

Yours sincerely

HMRC Information Rights Unit

Dear Information Rights Unit,

"If we can't reply by 11 December 2024, we will write to let you know the
reason and when you can expect a response."

It is now the 12/12/24 . This response is now overdue as this exceeds the 20 days defined in the FOIA.
Please provide a response immediately

Yours sincerely,

Ian Heavyside

Dear Information Rights Unit,

Please can you respond to my FOI.
'Board Meeting Minutes - Loan Charge follow up to FOI2024 85642.'

Yours sincerely,

Ian Heavyside

Information Rights Unit, HM Revenue and Customs

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Heavyside,

We are writing in response to your request for information, received 12

Yours sincerely,

HMRC Information Rights Unit