Blue Fin Building - Travel Plan
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please could you provide me with a copy of the Travel Plan for the Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Rd, London SE1
Yours faithfully,
Alex Skene
Dear Alex Skene
Please see attached response to your request for information.
Janet McDonald
Corporate Access to Information Officer
Legal & Democratic Services
Room 3.12
Southwark Town Hall
Peckham Road
London SE5 8UB
Tel: 020 7525 7511
Fax: 020 7525 7675
email: [email address]
P please consider the environment - do you really need to print this
Dear Janet,
Many thanks for the reply. Please could you confirm the link you sent, as it did not take me to Southwark Council's website, but to a page on (a private website) containing a photo of one of the restaurants in the Blue Fin Building.
A Travel Plan is usually a requirement for planning permission consent, often forming part of Section 106 agreements.
Many thanks,
Alex Skene
Dear Alex
Apologies - a substantive response will be sent within the statutory
Janet McDonald
Corporate Access to Information Officer
Legal & Democratic Services
Room 3.12
Southwark Town Hall
Peckham Road
London SE5 8UB
Tel: 020 7525 7511
Fax: 020 7525 7675
email: [email address]
P please consider the environment - do you really need to print this
Dear Sir or Madam,
I'd be very grateful if you could provide me with an update to my FOI request Ref No. FOI 3238 as it is now overdue.
Yours sincerely,
Alex Skene
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Southwark Borough Council's handling of my FOI request 'Blue Fin Building - Travel Plan'. FOI request Ref No. FOI 3238
A substantial answer to my FOI request has not been provided within the 20 working days allowed for under the FOI Act.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours sincerely,
Alex Skene
Dear Alex Skene,
Please find attached the response to your freedom of information request -
My apologies for the delay in responding.
<<081216 Response to FOI request FINAL - 3238.pdf>>
Please let me know if you need any further information.
Many thanks
Freedom of information officer
Regeneration & neighbourhoods
Council offices, Chiltern
Portland Street
SE17 2ES
t: 020 7525 5352 | f: 020 7525 5484
e: [email address]
To help create a sustainable environment please think carefully before you
print this e-mail. Do not print it unless it is really necessary.
Visible links
1. file://
Dear Sir or Madam,
FOI request Ref No. FOI 3238
Thank you for your mail of 16 December.
Please can you confirm whether this was an official Fees Notice as required under FOIA Section 9(1), and whether it was calculated in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004?
I would also like to know what the fee covers - you are only allowed to charge for actual disbursement costs (eg postage or photocopying), not for the time taken in retrieving the information where the costs fall below the £450 limit.
Yours sincerely,
Alex Skene
Dear Alex Skene
I acknowledge receipt of your request for a review of the decision
communicated to you on 16 December 2008. Please see attached letter.
Janet McDonald
Corporate Access to Information Officer
Legal & Democratic Services
Room 3.12
Southwark Town Hall
Peckham Road
London SE5 8UB
Tel: 020 7525 7511
Fax: 020 7525 7675
email: [email address]
P please consider the environment - do you really need to print this
Dear Sir
I am advised that a substantive response was despatched by my colleague
which appears to have crossed with your email of 16 December 2008. For
ease of reference I append a copy.
I apologise that a response was not provided within the 20 working day
timeframe and for any inconvenience occasioned by that delay.
Janet McDonald
Corporate Access to Information Officer
Legal & Democratic Services
Room 3.12
Southwark Town Hall
Peckham Road
London SE5 8UB
Tel: 020 7525 7511
Fax: 020 7525 7675
email: [email address]
P please consider the environment - do you really need to print this
Dear Janet,
Many thanks for your mail of 13 January reattaching "081216 Response to FOI request FINAL - 3238.pdf".
I did send 2 emails on 16 December, one requesting an internal review (due to non-reply to my FOI request), and the other in direct reply to the attachment "081216" you resent yesterday (copied below).
In your letter from yesterday, you did not address the issue I raised regarding your request for fees, and as such have not correctly replied to my original request under FOIA Sections 1(1)(b), 9(1), or 17(1). I therefore request that you complete the internal review requested on 16th December (as directed in FOIA Section 45 Secretary of State's Code of Practice Part VI).
Thank you for your mail of 16 December.
Please can you confirm whether this was an official Fees Notice as required under FOIA Section 9(1), and whether it was calculated in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004?
I would also like to know what the fee covers - you are only allowed to charge for actual disbursement costs (eg postage or photocopying), not for the time taken in retrieving the information where the costs fall below the £450 limit.
== == == == == ==
All correspondence relating to this request can be viewed here: <<>>
Kind regards,
Alex Skene
Dear Alex Skene
Please find attached the Council's response to your appeal together with
<<Appeal response Alex Skene 20090121 (4).pdf>> <<090126 Planning fees and
charges and application form.pdf>>
Kind regards
Carol Hughes-Young
Senior Lawyer - Governance Team
Legal & Democratic Services
Tel: 020 7525 7512
Fax: 020 7525 7108
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print this e-mail. Do not print it unless it is really necessary.
Dear Carol Hughes-Young
Many thanks for sending me the results of the internal review earlier today, however it didn't address my points relating to the handling of my request in terms of the Freedom of Information Act sections 1(1)(b), 9(1), or 17(1).
I'd like to avoid making a complaint to the ICO, so please can you confirm that your reply is in fact a s.17(1) refusal letter claiming s.21 Information Accessible By Other Means?
This has implications on whether you can charge me or not (notwithstanding that withholding information pending a cash "deposit" may not be considered as reasonably accessible). The ICO's guidance <<>> states:
"There are two cases where charges may be made:
• Where there is a specific statutory scheme under which information is provided for a fee, such as information from the local land charges registry.
• Where the information is provided under the authority’s publication scheme and the scheme indicates that a charge may be made for information falling within a particular class. (See also the Commissioner’s guidance on charging under publication schemes.)"
Your FOI Publication Scheme did not contain any classes of information relating to what was requested, therefore I can't see how you can charge for the information requested. I request that you should waive the deposit and charges and provide the information under s(1).
If you wish to rely on another exemption under the FOI Act, please let me know as soon as possible, especially given the delay so far in trying to obtain this information.
Yours sincerely,
Alex Skene
Dear Mr Skene
Thank you for your email. It would not be appropriate to enter into any
further communication with you in relation to this matter. As per my
letter dated 27 January 2009, if you unhappy with the decision you may
contact the Information Commissioner.
Kind regards
Carol Hughes-Young
Senior Lawyer - Governance Team
Legal & Democratic Services
Tel: 020 7525 7512
Fax: 020 7525 7108
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James Hatts left an annotation ()
What a ludicrous response!
Couldn't resist sharing it here: