Blue badge applications and benefit extensions

Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council did not have the information requested.

Dear Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council,
As some time limited benefits were extended ( e.g pip)
Many Wirral residents will have had to request another blue badge that is only valid for the extension period.
There is a cost of £10 for each application.
The information I request is:
Could you please advise the number of valid requests received for blue badges from March 2020 to date.
Can you tell me the length of validity of the blue badge.?
Could you please do this as monthly figures?
My interest is that people in need are having to pay twice , in effect, for their blue badges.
Thank you

Yours faithfully,
Paul Kent

InfoMgr, FinDMT,

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Kent


Please see below our response to your recent request below.



In general Blue Badges are awarded for a three year period. In cases of an
automatic Blue Badge award due to the applicant being in receipt of a 
qualifying benefit, the badge will be awarded to the benefit award end
date. We are unable to report on individual end dates of Blue Badges when
the award is less than three years.   


Less than 3 year Total Number of
MONTH 3 year award ward valid Blue Badges
   Mar-20 362 74 436
Apr-20 138 20 158
May-20 172 50 222
Jun-20 223 70 293
Jul-20 297 75 372
Aug-20 411 80 491
Sep-20 504 138 642
Oct-20 496 129 625
Nov-20 327 75 402
Dec-20 233 62 295
Total 3163 773 3936


Jan-21 322 90 412
Feb-21 326 103 429
Mar-21 430 84 514
Apr-21 409 89 498
May-21 440 81 521
Jun-20 506 99 605
Jul-21 473 90 563
Aug-21 471 116 587
Sep-21 385 112 497
Oct-21 336 70 406
Nov-21 292 66 358
Total 4390 1000 5390



Yours sincerely



Lynette Paterson

Principal Information Management Officer

Wirral Council

PO Box 290
Brighton Street
CH27 9FQ


Email: [1][Wirral Borough Council request email]


Visit our website: [2]





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