blood Sciences Laboratory Out of Hours Pay
Dear Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust,
I am writing to enquire as to how you pay your staff within the Blood Sciences department for any work performed during routine and non-routine working hours over a 24/7 period inclusive of weekends and public holidays. This could be paid by recruitment and retention premia, overtime or other financial or non-financial benefits in kind e.g. time off in lieu.
If renumeration is financial in nature, what is the quantity and nature of that renumeration. For example, but not exclusive to, the RRP rate/sum, what percentage of the salary/hourly rate is payable if paying as overtime etc.. If time off in lieu is used or any other non-financial incentive, is it accrued as plain time, double time or other, and if other, please state what it is.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Mason
Dear Mr Mason
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.
Your request will be dealt with in line with Trust policy and national
guidelines and a response will be sent to you in no more than 20 working
Information Governance
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust
Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
0151 600 1240
Dear Mr Mason
Please find attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information
Information Governance
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust
Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
0151 600 1240
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