We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Ross Mason please sign in and let everyone know.

Blood Sciences Laboratory Out of Hours Pay

We're waiting for Ross Mason to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Liverpool Clinical Laboratories,

I am writing to enquire as to how you pay your staff within the Blood Sciences department for any work performed during routine and non-routine working hours over a 24/7 period inclusive of weekends and public holidays. This could be paid by recruitment and retention premia, overtime or other financial or non-financial benefits in kind e.g. time off in lieu.

If renumeration is financial in nature, what is the quantity and nature of that renumeration. For example, but not exclusive to, the RRP rate/sum, what percentage of the salary/hourly rate is payable if paying as overtime etc.. If time off in lieu is used or any other non-financial incentive, is it accrued as plain time, double time or other, and if other, please state what it is.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Mason

lcl communications,

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Dear Applicant,

Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information Ref: 9071

Thank you for your request for Trust information under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I can confirm that a Trust representative will be in touch with you within the statutory timescale.

Our aim is to provide the information at the earliest opportunity but within the statutory 20 working days of receiving your request. Should there be any difficulty or delay in providing the information to you within the 20 day limit we will endeavour to inform you of this. If fees apply to this request you will be informed and a fees notice will be issued to you. Payment is then required before we proceed with your request.

The Trust may require further detail from you to assist its search for the information you have requested. You may therefore be contacted in due course if it is necessary to clarify your request.

If you require any further information as to the process or wish to discuss any aspect of your request, please contact the Trust quoting the reference above.

Kind regards

Freedom of Information Team
Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
[email address]

show quoted sections


2 Attachments

Dear Applicant,

Further to your request for information made under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please find attached our response.

We make every effort to process Freedom of Information requests in an appropriate and efficient manner. Please assist us by taking the time to answer the attached satisfaction / feedback questionnaire.

Kind Regards

Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
[email address]

show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Ross Mason please sign in and let everyone know.