Blood samples
Dear Ministry of Defence,
In 1968 Rosyth Naval Dockyard started servicing and refuelling nuclear powered submarines. Blood samples were taken from 197 male workers, starting in 1968 for a ten year period. It was noted there was a significant increase in chromosome damage and the level of chromosome damage increased as the dose level increased. These tests were conducted by H. Evans.
1. Can you please supply any information you have on the steps taken to ensure chromosome damage was kept to the minimum?
2. What follow up treatment, if any, was prescribed for those affected?
3. Are similar tests still being conducted on Rosyth Naval Dockyard Workers working on nuclear submarines? If not, have you any information stating why these tests were suspended.
4. Are similar tests being conducted on Submariners based in nuclear submarines? If not, have you any information why this is the case.
Yours faithfully,
Dave Whyte
Dear Mr Whyte,
Please find attached an update in respect of your Freedom of Information
request 11-07-2013-113118-002.
DE&S Policy Secretariat
Dear Mr Whyte
Please see the attached response to your FOI request.
Yours sincerely
DE&S Policy Secretariat
Dear Mr Whyte
Please see the attached response to your FOI request.
Yours sincerely
DE&S Policy Secretariat
Dear DES SEC-PolSecShips and Subs (MULTIUSER),
Thank you for your informative reply. It is noted that you mention the tests in the were undertaken for 'Academic Research Purposes.
Could you please inform me what Organisation conducted this research? and where I could obtain copies of the research papers?
Yours sincerely,
Dave Whyte
Dear Mr Whyte
The paper was published in the journal Nature. The article appears to be available via their website for a fee at the following web link, which also gives the details of the authors of the study.
It may also be available from the British Library. The full reference of the paper is Radiation induced Chromosome Aberrations in Nuclear--Dockyard Workers (a study on Rosyth Dockyard Workers), Evans et al, published in Nature, Vol. 277, 1979 p531.
I hope this is helpful.
Yours sincerely
DE&S Policy Secretariat
Dear DES SEC-PolSecShips and Subs (MULTIUSER),
Thank you for your prompt reply, the information was most helpful.
I am now in possession of the document.
Yours sincerely,
Dave Whyte
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