Blood Glucose Meter Patient Standardisation

The request was successful.

Dear Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust,

Could you please provide me with the following information

1. Contact details for the Procurement Officer responsible for
medical supplies relating to Type 1 Diabetes (Blood glucose meters
and Insulin pen needles)

2. Current Standardisation guidelines for Blood glucose meters.

Yours faithfully,

Lee Anderson

Lee Vicky, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

Thank you for your email. I will be out of the office on Thursday 13 October 2011, and on annual leave on Friday 14 October 2011 - returning to work on Monday 17 October 2011.

For anything urgent please contact either: Cheryl Wardle (P.A. to Tony Footitt, Company Secretary) on 0115 9691300 ext. 10219, or Colin Draycott (Acting Company Secretary) on ext. 10708.


Vicky Lee

Footitt Tony, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

I will be on annual leave for 2 weeks - W/C 12 September 2011. In my absence please contact Colin Draycott (Deputy Company Secretary)
or Vicky Lee (Assistant Company Secretary) on Ext 10213 or Cheryl Wardle on Ext 10219.

Paul Sue, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

I am out of the office until Friday 14 October 2011 and I will answer your request on my return.

Paul Sue, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Anderson


Please find attached an acknowledgement to your recent FOI request.  We
will be in touch once the information has been collated.





Sue Paul

Risk Systems Administrator

Risk Department

Rampton Hospital

DN22 0PD

Direct Dial:  01777 247353

Fax:            01777 247508


Email address: [1][email address]


[2]Click to access the Risk intranet site


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Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://inottshc/departments/Risk%20Manag...

Paul Sue, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Anderson


Please find attached a response to your recent FOI request.  Please
confirm receipt to allow me to close the file





Sue Paul

Risk Systems Administrator

Risk Department

Rampton Hospital

DN22 0PD

Direct Dial:  01777 247353

Fax:            01777 247508


Email address: [1][email address]


[2]Click to access the Risk intranet site


show quoted sections



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://inottshc/departments/Risk%20Manag...