BLM Protests

The request was successful.

Dear Staffordshire Police,

I would be grateful if you could please provide me with the following information, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

In your area...

1. How many arrests were made at BLM protests for all alleged crimes between 1st January 2020 and 1st November 2020?

2. Of these arrests, how many were made under the Coronavirus Act 2020 legislation?

3. Of those arrested, how many were first-time offenders?

4. How many charges have been brought against those arrested at BLM protests for all alleged crimes between 1st January 2020 and 1st November 2020?

5. Of these charges, how many were made under the Coronavirus Act 2020?

6. Of those charged, how many were first-time offenders?

7. How many police officers were injured as a result of BLM protests?

8. How many protesters were injured as a result of BLM protests?

For all of the above questions, please break these figures down by age, race, gender, alleged crime and month.

Yours faithfully,

Elena Martyn

Staffordshire Police

Thank you for your FOI request, you will receive a response in due course.
Please be advised that all FOI requests and response letters are published
on the Staffordshire  Police website although personal details are not
Freedom of Information
Central Disclosure Unit
Staffordshire Police

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Freedom of Information, Staffordshire Police

2 Attachments

Dear Ms Martyn


Please see attached response to your Freedom of Information request.


Kind regards





DCC Directorate – Information Governance and Assurance

Central Disclosure Unit

Staffordshire Police HQ

P.O. Box 3167


ST16 9JZ

T: Switchboard: 101

E: [2][Staffordshire Police request email]


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