Bishop Grossteste Solar and Wind Research

The request was successful.

Dear Bishop Grosseteste University College,

I would like to formally request the following information regarding Wind Energy (also wind turbines, wind power, wind farms, wind power systems, wind turbine generators, turbine blades,
wind development zones, wind parks, wind energy generation, wind energy installations, wind turbine sites, wind turbine foundations, wind turbine operation):

1) The total value of successful research grants received by the university in the area of Wind Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, broken down by each year?

2) The value of each individual research grant received in the area of Wind Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, as well as. the year they were received and who funded the grant?

3) The value of any donations or partnerships received for research in the area of Wind Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, as well as. the year they were received and who funded the grant?

I would also like to formally request the following information regarding Solar Energy (also photovoltaic, artificial photosynthesis, solar thermal, crystalline silicon, solar cells, perovskite, light harvesting, biomimetic’ absorbers, alternative conducting oxides used in solar energy, concentrated Solar Power, polymer blended solar cells and any other materials based research relating to solar power).

4) The total value of successful research grants received by the university in the area of Solar Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, broken down by each year?

5) The value of each individual research grant received in the area of Solar Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, as well as. the year they were received and who funded the grant?

6) The value of any donations or partnerships received for research in the area of Solar Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, as well as. the year they were received and who funded the grant?

Please could you confirm you have received this request.

Yours faithfully,

Ellie Appleton

Guenever Moyes, Bishop Grosseteste University

1 Attachment

Ellie Appleton

[[1]mailto:[FOI #286245 email]]


Dear Ms Appleton


FOI REQUEST – SOLAR AND WIND RESEARCH (Bishop Grosseteste University)

Emailed: 15 August 2015 21:54

I write to acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information request
regarding Wind and Solar Energy (a copy of your full request is attached
below).  The request will be dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 which means that you can expect to receive a response
from us within twenty working days.  After taking into account the bank
holiday in England and Wales on 31 August, this means that you can expect
to receive a response from us by 14 September 2015.


Please contact me if you have any queries about this email or about the
progress of your request ([2][email address]).


If you are dissatisfied with the service you receive in relation to your
request, and wish to make a complaint or request an internal review, then
please write to Dr Anne Craven, Registrar and Secretary, Bishop
Grosseteste University, Lincoln LN1 3DY ([3][email address]).


If you are not content with the outcome of a complaint or internal review,
you have the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner.  Generally,
however, he cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the
complaints and review procedures provided by the University itself.  The
Information Commissioner can be contacted at The Information
Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9


Yours sincerely


Guenever Moyes

Archivist & Records Manager




[4]Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:


Bishop Grosseteste University





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Guenever Moyes, Bishop Grosseteste University

1 Attachment

Ellie Appleton

[[1]mailto:[FOI #286245 email]]



Dear Ms Appleton



Emailed: 15 August 2015 21:54

Acknowledged: 18 August 2015 17:00


In response to your recent Freedom of Information Request relating to Wind
and Solar Energy (copy attached below), we can state that the University
has received no funding under any of the six headings listed.


Please contact me if you have any queries about this email or about the
information provided ([2][email address]).


If you are dissatisfied with the service you have received in relation to
your request, and wish to make a complaint or request an internal review,
then please write to Dr Anne Craven, Registrar and Secretary, Bishop
Grosseteste University, Lincoln LN1 3DY ([3][email address]).


If you are not content with the outcome of a complaint or internal review,
you have the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner.  Generally,
however, he cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the
complaints and review procedures provided by the University itself.  The
Information Commissioner can be contacted at The Information
Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire  SK9


Yours sincerely


Guenever Moyes

Archivist & Records Manager





[4]Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:
Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:


Bishop Grosseteste University





Telephone   (01522) 583792   |   Email   [5][email address]

Twitter   [6]   |   Facebook 
 [7]   |   Website   [8]




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