Bin refuse
Dear Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council,
I have lived on church road
Almost 13 / 14 years
4 bins blue/brown /black / green
Never ever had to share in bottom apartment
Every tennant private and fcho have same set bins
As contamination can be caused through certain criterias of alcaholics /drugs?
? Plus pigeon was purposley
Put in yard ? I was squeamish dead pigeon is massive / i dealt with it in appropriate manner
And clothes .then i dissinfected area two ?
Iv no gate on back yard
I have cctv on my back yard .witch is innapropriate from private tennant
_tennant is very obbsessed with cctv back and front yard and on church road ?
Yours faithfully,
T goodhew
Im pleased t be fcho tennant / pay bills
Hello T Goodhew,
Thank you for your communication to Oldham Council.
At this time we cannot establish where your matter falls into the scope of the Freedom of Information Act and have interpreted this as a general complaint to the council.
If your communication is a complaint you wish to make to Oldham Council then you will need to contact [email address] who will be best placed to assist you.
Kind regards,
Information Management Team
Oldham Council
Civic Centre
West Street
Oldham OL1 1UL
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