We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Alex Clark please sign in and let everyone know.

Bike hangars

We're waiting for Alex Clark to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Greenwich Borough Council,

I would like to make the following Freedom of Information request:

Please provide me with the following information on the bike hangars offered by and maintained by your council:

1. Please provide me with the total number of bike hangars currently in operation by the council, and the total parking space capacity of these bike hangars

2. Please provide me with the total number of parking spaces that are currently in use by residents, as well as the total waiting list of residents waiting to get a space in the borough's hangars

3. Please provide with a breakdown of all the bike hangars currently in operation in the borough. Provide this as a table with the following information:
- The location of the hangar
- The spaces available in the hangar
- The spaces occupied in the hangar
- The waiting list for the hangar

Yours faithfully,

Alex Clark

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Sir/Madam,


FOI request: FOI-108


Thank you for your request dated 17/07/2023


Your request will be answered by 14/08/2023


If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.


Yours sincerely,


David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 [1]www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk


ü Please consider the environment before printing this email



show quoted sections

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Sir/Madam,


FOI request: FOI-108


Thank you for your request dated 17/07/2023


Our response is as follows:


I would like to make the following Freedom of Information request:

Please provide me with the following information on the bike hangars
offered by and maintained by your council:


1. Please provide me with the total number of bike hangars currently in
operation by the council, and the total parking space capacity of these
bike hangars

Housing & Safer Communities response;

134 shelters, 746 individual places


Transport Services response;

• CycleHoop: 18 bike hangars – 6 spaces each – 108 spaces
• LockitSafe: 24 bike hangars – 6 spaces each – 144 spaces


2. Please provide me with the total number of parking spaces that are
currently in use by residents, as well as the total waiting list of
residents waiting to get a space in the borough's hangars

Housing & Safer Communities response;

237 vacant currently

509 currently in use


Transport Services response;

• CycleHoop: 108 parking spaces are currently in use by residents with a
waiting list of 617 for these 18 bikes hangars
• LockitSafe : 139 parking spaces are currently in use by residents with
a waiting list of 179 for these 24 bike hangars



Please refer to the answer for question 3 for the waiting list element.

3. Please provide with a breakdown of all the bike hangars currently in
operation in the borough. Provide this as a table with the following

- The location of the hangar

- The spaces available in the hangar

- The spaces occupied in the hangar

- The waiting list for the hangar


Housing & Safer Communities response;

There are 332 currently on the waiting list, not all have applied for
locations in which we currently have bike shelters.


Phase Location Spaces Spaces Waiting
Available occupied List
1 (2012-2013) Aylmer House 0 10 6
1 (2012-2013) Carnation Road 2 8  0
1 (2012-2013) Haddo House 1 19  7
1 (2012-2013) Clive House 1 9  0
2 (2013-2014) 130-184 Ravens Way 0 10  5
2 (2013-2014) Eardley Point 0 6  3
2 (2013-2014) Linsted Court 1 0 6  2
2 (2013-2014) Thanington Court 1 0 6  1
2 (2013-2014) Beaconsfield Road 3 0 6  8
2 (2013-2014) Claymill House 0 6  2
2 (2013-2014) 1-39 Combwell Crescent 3 3  0
2 (2013-2014) Dyson House 3 5  3
2 (2013-2014) Knee Hill 0 2  0
2 (2013-2014) Rockfield House 1 0 3 5 
2 (2013-2014) Ballard House 0 3  2
2 (2013-2014) 1-10 Stanton House 0 3  4
2 (2013-2014) 40-59 Stanton House 1 2  4
2 (2013-2014) 458-504 Middle Park Avenue 0 4  0
2 (2013-2014) 506-522 Middle Park Avenue 0 6  0
2 (2013-2014) Shenfield House 0 12  2
2 (2013-2014) Rockmount Estate – Crystal House 0 3  2
2 (2013-2014) Rockmount Estate – Galena House 0 5  3
2 (2013-2014) 19-36 Sewell Road 0 6  3
2 (2013-2014) 57-83 Villas Road 0 6  0
3 (2014-2015) 1-86 Antelope Road 0 6  0
3 (2014-2015) Brinkburn Close 6 0  1
3 (2014-2015) 42-80 Casterbridge Road 1 5  6
3 (2014-2015) Gilbert House 2 0 6  3
3 (2014-2015) Delany House 1 5  1
3 (2014-2015) Russett Way 0 5  0
3 (2014-2015) Gooding House 2 4  5
3 (2014-2015) Well Hall Road 4 6  0
3 (2014-2015) Westcombe Court 1 0 4  6
3 (2014-2015) Lawson House 0 6  0
3 (2014-2015) Mabbett House 50 6  0
4 (2015-2016) Westcombe Court 2 0 6  6
4 (2015-2016) Chalcombe Road 3 3  0
4 (2015-2016) The Link 1 5  1
4 (2015-2016) Commonwealth Way 4 2  2
4 (2015-2016) Davern Close 0 6  0
4 (2015-2016) Kepler House 1 5  1
4 (2015-2016) Harrow Manor Way 3 3  0
4 (2015-2016) Oxenham House 1 0 6  2
4 (2015-2016) Maribor 0 6  3
4 (2015-2016) Rockfield House 2 0 6  5
4 (2015-2016) Fulthorp Road 0 6  4
4 (2015-2016) Darnall House 0 6  0
4 (2015-2016) Schofield Walk 0 6  1
4 (2015-2016) Kingsman Street 2 4  2
4 (2015-2016) Woodville Court/Jervis Court 0 2  1
5 (2016-2017) Atlas Gardens 1 1 2  1
5 (2016-2017) Atlas Gardens 2 0 3  1
5 (2016-2017) Linsted Court 2 0 2  2
5 (2016-2017) Beaconsfield Road 1 1 2  8
5 (2016-2017) Beaconsfield Road 2 0 3  8
5 (2016-2017) Invicta Road 0 3  0
5 (2016-2017) Cliffe House 1 0 3  1
5 (2016-2017) Cliffe House 2 0 3  1
5 (2016-2017) Earl Rise/Robert Street 2 0 3  3
5 (2016-2017) Earl Rise/Robert Street 3 0 3  3
5 (2016-2017) Arthur Grove 1 1 2  0
5 (2016-2017) Arthur Grove 2 0 3  0
5 (2016-2017) Rowley House 2 1  0
5 (2016-2017) Stanton House/Macey House 0 3  4
5 (2016-2017) Strongbow Crescent 1 1 2  2
5 (2016-2017) Strongbow Crescent 2 0 3  2
5 (2016-2017) Bolton House 1 1 2  2
5 (2016-2017) Bolton House 2 0 3  2
5 (2016-2017) Charles Grinling Walk 1 0 3  1
5 (2016-2017) Charles Grinling Walk 2 0 3  1
5 (2016-2017) Wardell House/Stanton House 0 3 7
5 (2016-2017) Woodlands Grove 1 5  1
6 (2017-2018) 114-128 Ravens Way 0 6  5
6 (2017-2018) Ormsby point 0 6  2
6 (2017-2018) Coltman House 0 6  10
6 (2017-2018) Thanington Court 2 0 4  1
6 (2017-2018) 197-285 Frances Street 0 6  5
7 (2018-2019) Lydden Court 0 6  0
7 (2018-2019) 49-54 Beaconsfield Close 1 5  9
7 (2018-2019) Hevelius Close 0 6  1
7 (2018-2019) Dabin Crescent 0 6  2
7 (2018-2019) Hughes House 3 3  1
7 (2018-2019) Knee Hill Crescent 0 2  1
7 (2018-2019) Stanton House 0 6  4
7 (2018-2019) Fulthorp Road outside 51 4 2  4
7 (2018-2019) Chesterford House 4 2  1
7 (2018-2019) Rockmount Estate – Beryl House 5 1  1
7 (2018-2019) Nightingale Heights – Woolwich 0 6  4
7 (2018-2019) Sovereign House 1 5  1
8 (2020-2021) Alford House 1 5  1
8 (2020-2021) Kimber House 4 2  1
8 (2020-2021) Rixon House 3 3  2
8 (2020-2021) Squires House 1 0 6  0
8 (2020-2021) Squires House 2 5 1  0
8 (2020-2021) Woodford House 2 4 0
8 (2020-2021) Gifford House & Aylmer House 1 2 4  6
8 (2020-2021) Earl Rise/Robert Street 1 1 5  3
8 (2020-2021) Gilbert House 1 0 6  3
8 (2020-2021) Milne House/Granby House 3 3  1
8 (2020-2021) Ravens Way 2 4  5
8 (2020-2021) 1-70 Thornham Street 2 2  19
8 (2020-2021) Edge Hill 6 0  0
8 (2020-2021) Between 25-48 and 45-72 Tom 1 5  3
Smith Close
8 (2020-2021) Opposite 66-88 Combe Avenue 0 6  9
9 (2022/2023) 1-36 Milne House 2 4  1
9 (2022/2023) 2-36 Knee Hill Crescent 6 0  0
9 (2022/2023) 242-280 Casterbridge Road 0 6  6
9 (2022/2023) Armitage Road 6 0  0
9 (2022/2023) Casterbridge Road 1 5  6
9 (2022/2023) Gifford House & Aylmer House 2 2 4  6
9 (2022/2023) Hastings House 1 5  2
9 (2022/2023) Oxenham House 2 0 6  2
9 (2022/2023) Milne Estate – Communal Green 6 0  1
9 (2022/2023) Plantagenet House, Woolwich 3 3  2
9 (2022/2023) Rooke Way 6 0  0
9 (2022/2023) Benn House 4 2  2
9 (2022/2023) Chaffey House 1 5  2
9 (2022/2023) Woodville Court 5 1  0
10 1-33 Dornberg Close 6 0  1
10 499-525 Frances Street 6 0  5
10 Kirkham Street 6 0  4
10 Armstrong Estate grass verge 6 0  9
10 1-40 Ospringe Court 6 0  7
10 1-24 Maribor 6 0  3
10 Coltman House/Page House 6 0  12
10 46-80 Alderwood Road 6 0 4 
10 Opposite 124-170 Commonwealth 6 0  1
(2023-2024) Way
10 Haddo House Entrance to 6 0  7
(2023-2024) Claremont Street
10 Green outside Hughes House 6 0  1
10 Linsted Court 6 0  2
10 Orchard Estate 6 0  3
10 1-70 Thornham Street 8 0  19
10 Between 1-6 and 7-19 Westbrook 6 0  2
(2023-2024) Court
10 12a-16b Woodhurst Road 6 0  0


Transport Services response;

│Location │Spaces │Spaces │Waiting list for │
│ │Available│Occupied│hangar │
│Commerell Street│0 │6 │40 │
│Banning Street │0 │6 │45 │
│Fingal Street │0 │6 │21 │
│Halstow Road │0 │6 │40 │
│Combedale Road │0 │6 │16 │
│Aldeburgh Street│0 │6 │13 │
│Egerton Drive │0 │6 │76 │
│Greenwich High │0 │6 │18 │
│Road │ │ │ │
│Devonshire Drive│0 │6 │45 │
│Winforton Street│0 │6 │86 │
│Enderby Street │0 │6 │74 │
│John Penn Street│0 │6 │43 │
│Brookhill Road │0 │6 │0 │
│ │ │ │ │
│  │ │ │ │
│Burwash Road │0 │6 │15 │
│ │ │ │ │
│  │ │ │ │
│Vicarage Park │0 │6 │3 │
│ │ │ │ │
│  │ │ │ │
│Coleraine Road │0 │6 │35 │
│ │ │ │ │
│  │ │ │ │
│Gurdon Road │0 │6 │39 │
│ │ │ │ │
│  │ │ │ │
│Lucknow Street │0 │6 │8 │
│ │ │ │ │
│  │ │ │ │
│Azof Street │1 │6 │0 │
│Mauritius Road │0 │6 │0 │
│Pelton Road │0 │6 │6 │
│Dinsdale Road │0 │6 │1 │
│Westcombe Park │0 │6 │7 │
│Road │ │ │ │
│Woodlands Park │0 │6 │16 │
│Hoskins Street │0 │6 │3 │
│West Grove │0 │6 │16 │
│Royal Hill │0 │6 │26 │
│Sanstoft Road │0 │6 │20 │
│Bramshot Avenue │0 │6 │32 │
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │  │ │
│Eastcombe Avenue│0 │6 │20 │
│Ruston Road │0 │6 │15 │
│Erebus Drive │2 │4 │0 │
│Roydene Road │0 │6 │10 │
│Sladedale Road │0 │6 │3 │
│Leghorn Road │0 │6 │0 │
│Durham Rise │0 │6 │1 │
│Purrett Road │2 │4 │0 │
│Ruthin Road │0 │6 │3 │
│Gibson Street │0 │6 │0 │
│Inverine Road │1 │5 │0 │
│Bell Street │6 │6 │0 │
│Rainton Road │0 │6 │0 │




If you have any queries about this correspondence, please contact me,
quoting the reference number above.

If you are not satisfied with our response to your request, you can ask
for an Internal Review.  Internal review requests must be submitted within
two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original
request.  If you wish to do this, please contact us in writing, setting
out why you are dissatisfied.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Internal Review, you may
apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision. 
Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the
Internal Review procedure provided by the Council. You can contact the ICO
by emailing [1][email address], or by post at Customer Contact,
Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
SK9 5AF.


Yours sincerely,


David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 [2]www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk

ü Please consider the environment before printing this email



From: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Sent: 17 July 2023 14:49
To: 'Alex Clark' <[FOI #1004999 email]>
Cc: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: FOI-108: Freedom of Information request - Bike hangars


Dear Sir/Madam,


FOI request: FOI-108


Thank you for your request dated 17/07/2023


Your request will be answered by 14/08/2023


If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.


Yours sincerely,


David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 [3]www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk


ü Please consider the environment before printing this email



show quoted sections

Dear foi,

Many thanks for your response, this is really helpful. I just have on amendment if possible -- could you resend the breakdown of the bike hangars with an extra column for either postcode, or latitude/longitude?

Yours sincerely,

Alex Clark

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Sir/Madam


Thank you for your email dated 08/08/2023.


Your email has been forwarded to the department that provided the initial
response, to provide you with an answer.


We remain committed to responding to your request and will respond as soon
as we are able to do so.



Yours sincerely,


Freedom of Information Officer

Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London SE18 6HQ

8 [1]www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk


ü Please consider the environment before printing this email



show quoted sections

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mr Clark


Thank you for your follow up enquiry to your FOI response.


You requested:


Many thanks for your response, this is really helpful. I just have on
amendment if possible -- could you resend the breakdown of the bike
hangars with an extra column for either postcode, or latitude/longitude?


Please see below a breakdown of the bike hangars with the postcode.



Phase Location Post Spaces Spaces Waiting
Code Available occupied List
1 (2012-2013) Aylmer House SE10 0 10 6
1 (2012-2013) Carnation Road SE2 2 8  0
1 (2012-2013) Clive House SE10 1 9  0
1 (2012-2013) Haddo House SE10 1 19  7
2 (2013-2014) 1-10 Stanton House SE10 0 3  4
2 (2013-2014) 130-184 Ravens Way SE12 0 10  5
2 (2013-2014) 1-39 Combwell Crescent SE2 3 3  0
2 (2013-2014) 19-36 Sewell Road SE2 0 6  3
2 (2013-2014) 40-59 Stanton House SE10 1 2  4
2 (2013-2014) 458-504 Middle Park Avenue SE9 0 4  0
2 (2013-2014) 506-522 Middle Park Avenue SE9 0 6  0
2 (2013-2014) 57-83 Villas Road SE18 0 6  0
2 (2013-2014) Ballard House SE10 0 3  2
2 (2013-2014) Beaconsfield Road 3 SE3 0 6  8
2 (2013-2014) Claymill House SE18 0 6  2
2 (2013-2014) Dyson House SE10 3 5  3
2 (2013-2014) Eardley Point SE18 0 6  3
2 (2013-2014) Knee Hill SE2 0 2  0
2 (2013-2014) Linsted Court 1 SE9 0 6  2
2 (2013-2014) Rockfield House 1 SE10 0 3 5 
2 (2013-2014) Rockmount Estate – Crystal SE18 0 3  2
2 (2013-2014) Rockmount Estate – Galena SE18 0 5  3
2 (2013-2014) Shenfield House SE18 0 12  2
2 (2013-2014) Thanington Court 1 SE9 0 6  1
3 (2014-2015) 1-86 Antelope Road SE18 0 6  0
3 (2014-2015) 42-80 Casterbridge Road SE3 1 5  6
3 (2014-2015) Brinkburn Close SE2 6 0  1
3 (2014-2015) Delany House SE10 1 5  1
3 (2014-2015) Gilbert House 2 SE8 0 6  3
3 (2014-2015) Gooding House SE7 2 4  5
3 (2014-2015) Lawson House SE18 0 6  0
3 (2014-2015) Mabbett House SE18 5 6  0
3 (2014-2015) Russett Way SE13 0 5  0
3 (2014-2015) Well Hall Road SE9 4 6  0
3 (2014-2015) Westcombe Court 1 SE3 0 4  6
4 (2015-2016) Chalcombe Road SE2 3 3  0
4 (2015-2016) Commonwealth Way SE2 4 2  2
4 (2015-2016) Darnall House SE10 0 6  0
4 (2015-2016) Davern Close SE10 0 6  0
4 (2015-2016) Fulthorp Road SE3 0 6  4
4 (2015-2016) Harrow Manor Way SE2 3 3  0
4 (2015-2016) Kepler House SE10 1 5  1
4 (2015-2016) Kingsman Street SE18 2 4  2
4 (2015-2016) Maribor SE10 0 6  3
4 (2015-2016) Oxenham House 1 SE8 0 6  2
4 (2015-2016) Rockfield House 2 SE10 0 6  5
4 (2015-2016) Schofield Walk SE3 0 6  1
4 (2015-2016) The Link SE9 1 5  1
4 (2015-2016) Westcombe Court 2 SE3 0 6  6
4 (2015-2016) Woodville Court/Jervis SE10 0 2  1
5 (2016-2017) Arthur Grove 1 SE18 1 2  0
5 (2016-2017) Arthur Grove 2 SE18 0 3  0
5 (2016-2017) Atlas Gardens 1 SE7 1 2  1
5 (2016-2017) Atlas Gardens 2 SE7 0 3  1
5 (2016-2017) Beaconsfield Road 1 SE3 1 2  8
5 (2016-2017) Beaconsfield Road 2 SE3 0 3  8
5 (2016-2017) Bolton House 1 SE10 1 2  2
5 (2016-2017) Bolton House 2 SE10 0 3  2
5 (2016-2017) Charles Grinling Walk 1 SE18 0 3  1
5 (2016-2017) Charles Grinling Walk 2 SE18 0 3  1
5 (2016-2017) Cliffe House 1 SE10 0 3  1
5 (2016-2017) Cliffe House 2 SE10 0 3  1
5 (2016-2017) Earl Rise/Robert Street 2 SE18 0 3  3
5 (2016-2017) Earl Rise/Robert Street 3 SE18 0 3  3
5 (2016-2017) Invicta Road SE3 0 3  0
5 (2016-2017) Linsted Court 2 SE9 0 2  2
5 (2016-2017) Rowley House SE8 2 1  0
5 (2016-2017) Stanton House/Macey House SE10 0 3  4
5 (2016-2017) Strongbow Crescent 1 SE9 1 2  2
5 (2016-2017) Strongbow Crescent 2 SE9 0 3  2
5 (2016-2017) Wardell House/Stanton SE10 0 3 7
5 (2016-2017) Woodlands Grove SE10 1 5  1
6 (2017-2018) 114-128 Ravens Way SE12 0 6  5
6 (2017-2018) 197-285 Frances Street SE18 0 6  5
6 (2017-2018) Coltman House SE10 0 6  10
6 (2017-2018) Ormsby point SE18 0 6  2
6 (2017-2018) Thanington Court 2 SE9 0 4  1
7 (2018-2019) 49-54 Beaconsfield Close SE3 1 5  9
7 (2018-2019) Chesterford House SE18 4 2  1
7 (2018-2019) Dabin Crescent SE10 0 6  2
7 (2018-2019) Fulthorp Road outside 51 SE3 4 2  4
7 (2018-2019) Hevelius Close SE10 0 6  1
7 (2018-2019) Hughes House SE8 3 3  1
7 (2018-2019) Knee Hill Crescent SE2 0 2  1
7 (2018-2019) Lydden Court SE9 0 6  0
7 (2018-2019) Nightingale Heights – SE18 0 6  4
Woolwich Common
7 (2018-2019) Rockmount Estate – Beryl SE18 5 1  1
7 (2018-2019) Sovereign House SE18 1 5  1
7 (2018-2019) Stanton House SE10 0 6  4
8 (2020-2021) 1-70 Thornham Street SE10 2 2  19
8 (2020-2021) Alford House SE18 1 5  1
8 (2020-2021) Between 25-48 and 45-72 SE10 1 5  3
Tom Smith Close
8 (2020-2021) Earl Rise/Robert Street 1 SE18 1 5  3
8 (2020-2021) Edge Hill SE18 6 0  0
8 (2020-2021) Gifford House & Aylmer SE10 2 4  6
House 1
8 (2020-2021) Gilbert House 1 SE8 0 6  3
8 (2020-2021) Kimber House SE18 4 2  1
8 (2020-2021) Milne House/Granby House SE18 3 3  1
8 (2020-2021) Opposite 66-88 Combe SE3 0 6  9
8 (2020-2021) Ravens Way SE12 2 4  5
8 (2020-2021) Rixon House SE18 3 3  2
8 (2020-2021) Squires House 1 SE18 0 6  0
8 (2020-2021) Squires House 2 SE18 5 1  0
8 (2020-2021) Woodford House SE18 2 4 0
9 (2022/2023) 1-36 Milne House SE18 2 4  1
9 (2022/2023) 2-36 Knee Hill Crescent SE2 6 0  0
9 (2022/2023) 242-280 Casterbridge Road SE3 0 6  6
9 (2022/2023) Armitage Road SE10 6 0  0
9 (2022/2023) Benn House SE7 4 2  2
9 (2022/2023) Casterbridge Road SE3 1 5  6
9 (2022/2023) Chaffey House SE7 1 5  2
9 (2022/2023) Gifford House & Aylmer SE10 2 4  6
House 2
9 (2022/2023) Hastings House SE18 1 5  2
9 (2022/2023) Milne Estate – Communal SE18 6 0  1
9 (2022/2023) Oxenham House 2 SE8 0 6  2
9 (2022/2023) Plantagenet House, SE18 3 3  2
Woolwich Dockyard
9 (2022/2023) Rooke Way SE10 6 0  0
9 (2022/2023) Woodville Court SE10 5 1  0
10 (2023-2024) 1-24 Maribor SE10 6 0  3
10 (2023-2024) 12a-16b Woodhurst Road SE2 6 0  0
10 (2023-2024) 1-33 Dornberg Close SE3 6 0  1
10 (2023-2024) 1-40 Ospringe Court SE9 6 0  7
10 (2023-2024) 1-70 Thornham Street SE10 8 0  19
10 (2023-2024) 46-80 Alderwood Road SE9 6 0 4 
10 (2023-2024) 499-525 Frances Street SE18 6 0  5
10 (2023-2024) Armstrong Estate grass SE18 6 0  9
10 (2023-2024) Between 1-6 and 7-19 SE3 6 0  2
Westbrooke Court
10 (2023-2024) Coltman House/Page House SE10 6 0  12
10 (2023-2024) Green outside Hughes House SE8 6 0  1
10 (2023-2024) Haddo House Entrance to SE10 6 0  7
Claremont Street
10 (2023-2024) Kirkham Street SE18 6 0  4
10 (2023-2024) Linsted Court 3 SE9 6 0  2
10 (2023-2024) Opposite 124-170 SE2 6 0  1
Commonwealth Way
10 (2023-2024) Orchard Estate SE13 6 0  3



show quoted sections

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Sir/Madam


Thank you for your follow up enquiry to your FOI response.


You requested:


Many thanks for your response, this is really helpful. I just have on
amendment if possible -- could you resend the breakdown of the bike
hangars with an extra column for either postcode, or latitude/longitude?


Please see below a breakdown of the bike hangars with the postcode.



Phase Location Post Spaces Spaces Waiting
Code Available occupied List
1 (2012-2013) Aylmer House SE10 0 10 6
1 (2012-2013) Carnation Road SE2 2 8  0
1 (2012-2013) Clive House SE10 1 9  0
1 (2012-2013) Haddo House SE10 1 19  7
2 (2013-2014) 1-10 Stanton House SE10 0 3  4
2 (2013-2014) 130-184 Ravens Way SE12 0 10  5
2 (2013-2014) 1-39 Combwell Crescent SE2 3 3  0
2 (2013-2014) 19-36 Sewell Road SE2 0 6  3
2 (2013-2014) 40-59 Stanton House SE10 1 2  4
2 (2013-2014) 458-504 Middle Park Avenue SE9 0 4  0
2 (2013-2014) 506-522 Middle Park Avenue SE9 0 6  0
2 (2013-2014) 57-83 Villas Road SE18 0 6  0
2 (2013-2014) Ballard House SE10 0 3  2
2 (2013-2014) Beaconsfield Road 3 SE3 0 6  8
2 (2013-2014) Claymill House SE18 0 6  2
2 (2013-2014) Dyson House SE10 3 5  3
2 (2013-2014) Eardley Point SE18 0 6  3
2 (2013-2014) Knee Hill SE2 0 2  0
2 (2013-2014) Linsted Court 1 SE9 0 6  2
2 (2013-2014) Rockfield House 1 SE10 0 3 5 
2 (2013-2014) Rockmount Estate – Crystal SE18 0 3  2
2 (2013-2014) Rockmount Estate – Galena SE18 0 5  3
2 (2013-2014) Shenfield House SE18 0 12  2
2 (2013-2014) Thanington Court 1 SE9 0 6  1
3 (2014-2015) 1-86 Antelope Road SE18 0 6  0
3 (2014-2015) 42-80 Casterbridge Road SE3 1 5  6
3 (2014-2015) Brinkburn Close SE2 6 0  1
3 (2014-2015) Delany House SE10 1 5  1
3 (2014-2015) Gilbert House 2 SE8 0 6  3
3 (2014-2015) Gooding House SE7 2 4  5
3 (2014-2015) Lawson House SE18 0 6  0
3 (2014-2015) Mabbett House SE18 5 6  0
3 (2014-2015) Russett Way SE13 0 5  0
3 (2014-2015) Well Hall Road SE9 4 6  0
3 (2014-2015) Westcombe Court 1 SE3 0 4  6
4 (2015-2016) Chalcombe Road SE2 3 3  0
4 (2015-2016) Commonwealth Way SE2 4 2  2
4 (2015-2016) Darnall House SE10 0 6  0
4 (2015-2016) Davern Close SE10 0 6  0
4 (2015-2016) Fulthorp Road SE3 0 6  4
4 (2015-2016) Harrow Manor Way SE2 3 3  0
4 (2015-2016) Kepler House SE10 1 5  1
4 (2015-2016) Kingsman Street SE18 2 4  2
4 (2015-2016) Maribor SE10 0 6  3
4 (2015-2016) Oxenham House 1 SE8 0 6  2
4 (2015-2016) Rockfield House 2 SE10 0 6  5
4 (2015-2016) Schofield Walk SE3 0 6  1
4 (2015-2016) The Link SE9 1 5  1
4 (2015-2016) Westcombe Court 2 SE3 0 6  6
4 (2015-2016) Woodville Court/Jervis SE10 0 2  1
5 (2016-2017) Arthur Grove 1 SE18 1 2  0
5 (2016-2017) Arthur Grove 2 SE18 0 3  0
5 (2016-2017) Atlas Gardens 1 SE7 1 2  1
5 (2016-2017) Atlas Gardens 2 SE7 0 3  1
5 (2016-2017) Beaconsfield Road 1 SE3 1 2  8
5 (2016-2017) Beaconsfield Road 2 SE3 0 3  8
5 (2016-2017) Bolton House 1 SE10 1 2  2
5 (2016-2017) Bolton House 2 SE10 0 3  2
5 (2016-2017) Charles Grinling Walk 1 SE18 0 3  1
5 (2016-2017) Charles Grinling Walk 2 SE18 0 3  1
5 (2016-2017) Cliffe House 1 SE10 0 3  1
5 (2016-2017) Cliffe House 2 SE10 0 3  1
5 (2016-2017) Earl Rise/Robert Street 2 SE18 0 3  3
5 (2016-2017) Earl Rise/Robert Street 3 SE18 0 3  3
5 (2016-2017) Invicta Road SE3 0 3  0
5 (2016-2017) Linsted Court 2 SE9 0 2  2
5 (2016-2017) Rowley House SE8 2 1  0
5 (2016-2017) Stanton House/Macey House SE10 0 3  4
5 (2016-2017) Strongbow Crescent 1 SE9 1 2  2
5 (2016-2017) Strongbow Crescent 2 SE9 0 3  2
5 (2016-2017) Wardell House/Stanton SE10 0 3 7
5 (2016-2017) Woodlands Grove SE10 1 5  1
6 (2017-2018) 114-128 Ravens Way SE12 0 6  5
6 (2017-2018) 197-285 Frances Street SE18 0 6  5
6 (2017-2018) Coltman House SE10 0 6  10
6 (2017-2018) Ormsby point SE18 0 6  2
6 (2017-2018) Thanington Court 2 SE9 0 4  1
7 (2018-2019) 49-54 Beaconsfield Close SE3 1 5  9
7 (2018-2019) Chesterford House SE18 4 2  1
7 (2018-2019) Dabin Crescent SE10 0 6  2
7 (2018-2019) Fulthorp Road outside 51 SE3 4 2  4
7 (2018-2019) Hevelius Close SE10 0 6  1
7 (2018-2019) Hughes House SE8 3 3  1
7 (2018-2019) Knee Hill Crescent SE2 0 2  1
7 (2018-2019) Lydden Court SE9 0 6  0
7 (2018-2019) Nightingale Heights – SE18 0 6  4
Woolwich Common
7 (2018-2019) Rockmount Estate – Beryl SE18 5 1  1
7 (2018-2019) Sovereign House SE18 1 5  1
7 (2018-2019) Stanton House SE10 0 6  4
8 (2020-2021) 1-70 Thornham Street SE10 2 2  19
8 (2020-2021) Alford House SE18 1 5  1
8 (2020-2021) Between 25-48 and 45-72 SE10 1 5  3
Tom Smith Close
8 (2020-2021) Earl Rise/Robert Street 1 SE18 1 5  3
8 (2020-2021) Edge Hill SE18 6 0  0
8 (2020-2021) Gifford House & Aylmer SE10 2 4  6
House 1
8 (2020-2021) Gilbert House 1 SE8 0 6  3
8 (2020-2021) Kimber House SE18 4 2  1
8 (2020-2021) Milne House/Granby House SE18 3 3  1
8 (2020-2021) Opposite 66-88 Combe SE3 0 6  9
8 (2020-2021) Ravens Way SE12 2 4  5
8 (2020-2021) Rixon House SE18 3 3  2
8 (2020-2021) Squires House 1 SE18 0 6  0
8 (2020-2021) Squires House 2 SE18 5 1  0
8 (2020-2021) Woodford House SE18 2 4 0
9 (2022/2023) 1-36 Milne House SE18 2 4  1
9 (2022/2023) 2-36 Knee Hill Crescent SE2 6 0  0
9 (2022/2023) 242-280 Casterbridge Road SE3 0 6  6
9 (2022/2023) Armitage Road SE10 6 0  0
9 (2022/2023) Benn House SE7 4 2  2
9 (2022/2023) Casterbridge Road SE3 1 5  6
9 (2022/2023) Chaffey House SE7 1 5  2
9 (2022/2023) Gifford House & Aylmer SE10 2 4  6
House 2
9 (2022/2023) Hastings House SE18 1 5  2
9 (2022/2023) Milne Estate – Communal SE18 6 0  1
9 (2022/2023) Oxenham House 2 SE8 0 6  2
9 (2022/2023) Plantagenet House, SE18 3 3  2
Woolwich Dockyard
9 (2022/2023) Rooke Way SE10 6 0  0
9 (2022/2023) Woodville Court SE10 5 1  0
10 (2023-2024) 1-24 Maribor SE10 6 0  3
10 (2023-2024) 12a-16b Woodhurst Road SE2 6 0  0
10 (2023-2024) 1-33 Dornberg Close SE3 6 0  1
10 (2023-2024) 1-40 Ospringe Court SE9 6 0  7
10 (2023-2024) 1-70 Thornham Street SE10 8 0  19
10 (2023-2024) 46-80 Alderwood Road SE9 6 0 4 
10 (2023-2024) 499-525 Frances Street SE18 6 0  5
10 (2023-2024) Armstrong Estate grass SE18 6 0  9
10 (2023-2024) Between 1-6 and 7-19 SE3 6 0  2
Westbrooke Court
10 (2023-2024) Coltman House/Page House SE10 6 0  12
10 (2023-2024) Green outside Hughes House SE8 6 0  1
10 (2023-2024) Haddo House Entrance to SE10 6 0  7
Claremont Street
10 (2023-2024) Kirkham Street SE18 6 0  4
10 (2023-2024) Linsted Court 3 SE9 6 0  2
10 (2023-2024) Opposite 124-170 SE2 6 0  1
Commonwealth Way
10 (2023-2024) Orchard Estate SE13 6 0  3




Yours sincerely,


Freedom of Information Officer

Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London SE18 6HQ

8 [1]www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk


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From: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2023 9:51 AM
To: 'Alex Clark' <[FOI #1004999 email]>
Cc: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: FW: FOI-108: Freedom of Information request - Bike hangars


Dear Sir/Madam


Thank you for your email dated 08/08/2023.


Your email has been forwarded to the department that provided the initial
response, to provide you with an answer.


We remain committed to responding to your request and will respond as soon
as we are able to do so.



Yours sincerely,


Freedom of Information Officer

Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London SE18 6HQ

8 [2]www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk


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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Alex Clark please sign in and let everyone know.