Big Lottery Fund any and all 'grants' pertaining to

The request was successful.

Dear Big Lottery Fund,

Please pass this on to whom it may concern.

Under the F.O.I.A. Could I simply request of Big Lottery Fund any and all 'grants' pertaining to

To be expressed as:-

1) Simply a print out (.pdf) of the original grant application, maybe by Peter Harrison or others?

Could this be expressed as the original grant application (whether successful or not), grants successful, grants accepted and the full list of terms and condition relating to accepting and for filling terms of acceptance. Id Est what would ultimately be legally considered by The Big Lottery Fund as legally correctly applying, granting, accepting and 'managing' the grant/s.

Yours sincerely

14 Lon Eirlys
Bodnant Parc
LL19 9JZ

Big Lottery Fund - Freedom of Information,

Dear Mr Bourne,

Thank you for your email which we would be happy to consider under the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act. We would however wish to bring some aspects to your attention before we proceed.

As part of your request you have mentioned any documents that may be linked to an individual. Due to restrictions under the Data Protection Act we may be unable to either confirm or deny whether an individual is part of an application or not.

Additionally if we have received any applications that were unsuccessful in receiving a grant we often find that organisations do not wish details of these to be released. As they will not have received public funds and they are possibly seeking sources of funding elsewhere the arguments for release of these details would be limited.

If we were to proceed with your request it is likely that we would need to contact the organisation. This is to ensure that we consider their views on whether there is any reason for information to be withheld. We would not disclose your identity when contacting the organisation. However as requests and responses are made public through What Do They Know we assume that you are not concerned with us contacting the organisation.

In light of the details above, please do let us know if we can amend your information request to copies of any successful grant applications submitted by Artisan's Collective.

We do consider each information request separately and if you wish to request all applications from Artisan's Collective then we would be happy to do this.

We look forward to hearing from you as to the precise request that you wish to make and whether you wish to include the personal connection of the individual that you have mentioned.

Once we have received confirmation, we will send you an acknowledgement with a reference and the date in which we would respond with the information requested. If you would prefer to discuss this please do call me on 0191 376 5965.

Kind Regards

Emma Richardson
Corporate Assistant – Information Requests
Finance and Corporate Services
Big Lottery Fund
Tel: 0191 376 1965
E-Mail: [Big Lottery Fund request email]
Big Lottery Fund

show quoted sections

Dear Big Lottery Fund - Freedom of Information,

Thank you for the reply.

As with previous request for clarification on Mens Sheds Cymru, below and quoted for speed.

I believe you have just made my point of one organisation under several names, 'playing' the system to maximize any and all monies coming in to that organisation.

'Peter just happens to be the local Prestatyn representative. So if Prestatyn themselves apply for and receive grants, please continue with request and redact any information you feel necessary. With the proviso that I assume anyone applying for a grant actually uses their real, legal name. As opposed to a maiden name or 'also known' as to prevent the same individual applying under several names.

If however the 'umbrella' group Mens Sheds Cymru are solely responsible for grant application and distribution. Then I will assume to prevent ANY organisation from being proactive in applying for and gaining governmental monies. For the simple reasoning there is a paying job to simply distribute it, at disproportionate 'wages.' I feel the public should have a trail of 'where the money' is going. I would also argue honestly applying for Big Lottery Funding is a statutory right of any organisation and to prevent any 'group' of individual either being disadvantage or having advantage. All application successful or not should be scrutinised by an independent non-profiteering individual and or individuals .

All of which is a moot point. As I believe; and I'll have to paraphrase, you actually point out on all application forms. The Big Lottery is subject to statutory requirements and 'applicants' might have to be released to the public.

Which is justified as I have previously pointed out to yourselves a rather large £5000 local grant would have been illegal as the land they wished to plant up. Wasn't owned by them or permission granted.'

Yours sincerely,


Big Lottery Fund - Freedom of Information,

1 Attachment

Good Afternoon Mr Bourne,


Thank you for your email.


We understand your request to be for copies of any application form,
successful or unsuccessful submitted to Big Lottery Fund by the
organisation Artisan's Collective under the provisions of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.


We are required to respond to your request within 20 working days.  You
can therefore expect to receive a response by 25 May 2017, though we will
endeavour to respond before then. Your reference number is FOI008-0014.


As you have requested information relating to a third party, we will
consult to reach a view on whether information can be released.


Kind Regards


Emma Richardson

Corporate Assistant – Information Requests

Finance and Corporate Services

Big Lottery Fund

Tel: 0191 376 1965

E-Mail: [email address]



show quoted sections

Big Lottery Fund - Freedom of Information,

3 Attachments

Dear Gary,


Please find attached our response to your FOI request.


Your reference is FOI008-0014.


Kind Regards


Emma Richardson

Corporate Assistant - Information Requests

E-mail: [1][Big Lottery Fund request email]

Big Lottery Fund

2 St James Gate, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4BE

Office Hours are 8:30-4:30 Mon-Thurs, 8:30-4pm Fri.



This email is confidential and intended solely for the use of the
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The contents of this message will not be in any way binding upon the Big
Lottery Fund. Opinions,

conclusions, contractual obligations and other information in this
message, in so far as they relate to the official business of the Big
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must be specifically confirmed in writing by the Big Lottery Fund.

If you are not the intended recipient, be advised that you have received
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