BHCC Aproved contractors

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• Please confirm who are All the 'Approved Contractors' and 'Subcontractors' for Brighton & Hove City Council in accordance with procurement rules. To include Mears Repairs Contract and the R&M Contract.

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Brighton and Hove City Council

4 Attachments

The council does not keep lists of ‘Approved’ contractors. We do have lists of pre-approved contractors who may or may not be invited to compete for individual jobs, but the nearest we come to ‘Approved’ contractors are the long-term contractors who have won a tender either to deliver a contract or to be part of a framework to deliver a contract. We may also appoint contractors through external frameworks.

1. Long-term works contracts
These contracts e.g. our Strategic Construction Partnership can be found in the Contract Register on the Contracts & Tenders page of the council website (just scroll down). I have attached an extract from this of relevant works contracts. Contact numbers for the relevant council teams are included for further research.


The Strategic Construction Partnership has the following sub-contractors for the contract duration:
Mechanical Sub contractor (non housing) SMS Southern Ltd
Electrical Sub Contractor (non housing) ESP Electrical Ltd
Roofing (non housing ) Southern Industrial Roofing Ltd
Mechanical Sub contractor (housing) Paine Manwaring Ltd
Electrical Sub Contractor (housing) Chris Smith Electrical
Roofing (housing ) Russell Asphalt Co Ltd

The main contractors involved (see spreadsheet) may also appoint others for individual jobs as the need arises.

The Strategic Capital & Repairs (Housing) contract with Mears also uses sub-contractors: a list is attached.
2. One-off contracts of lower value
These are largely appointed by individual ‘client’ council (or school) officer with some assistance from the Property Support team. Contractors who are appointed to carry out these pieces of work come from pre-approved contractor lists, so are not strictly 'Approved’ contractors. The procedure is as follows:

up to £25k contractors may be selected for a mini-competition from the Small Works List (current copy attached). These contractors are pre-approved and local.

from £25-£75k we invite contractors to compete who are members of Constructionline and are based in the BN,RH,TN & PO post code areas. Clients can nominate up to half the contractors for all value of works as long as their nominees are members of Constructionline. Again, these contractors are pre-approved and local

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