Ealing Council
Ealing Council
Freedom of Information
David Marsden
3rd Floor, North East
Perceval House
14-16 Uxbridge Road
London W5 2HL
Tel: (020) 8825 5000
Your ref:
Our ref:
0208 825 8367
25th July 2023
Dear David Marsden,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request received by the Council on 6th July 2023.
Your request:
The Leader of Ealing Council, Peter Mason, wrote and published an open letter
(https://www.ealing.gov.uk/download/downloads/id/16565/to_cash_12_july_2021.pdf) to Angela
Fonso and local campaign group CASH (Clean Air for Southall and Hayes) dated 12 July 2021,
in which Cllr Mason pledged that "[t]he Council will not take any further sponsorship from
Berkeley Group."
Last week, the new Mayor of Ealing tweeted
(https://twitter.com/MayorofEaling/status/1674705592974286850) to thank Berkeley Group for
their sponsorship of an event the Mayor had organised and hosted.
Can you tell me:
1) the monetary value of "sponsorship" Ealing Council (councillors, officers, Mayor) has
accepted from Berkeley Group since Cllr Mason's letter of 12 July 2021, and for which events?
Information not held as no sponsorship money has been accepted.
The Mayor of Ealing had sought sponsors for his Pride reception. Berkeley responded to this request
and offered a £500 contribution to the event. However, while the offer was publicly acknowledged, the
money was never accepted or received because the Council is committed to not accept sponsorship
from Berkeley for corporate events.
2) the Ealing Council policy for councillors, officers, Mayor, for accepting sponsorship,
hospitality and gifts from developers, and to ensure that the Council will not take any further
sponsorship from Berkeley Group, as Cllr Mason pledged two years ago?
The rules around Gifts and Hospitality for Officers and Members can be found here:
Code of Conduct for Councillors
Employees’ Code of Conduct
These relate to gifts and hospitality to individual councillors and officers, not corporate events or
corporate sponsorships. The Council is free to take whatever Corporate Sponsorships it sees
appropriate, however the Leader clearly set out in the letter attached that we do not accept
sponsorship for corporate events from Berkeley.
3) the action Ealing Council will take to prevent councillors, officers, Mayor accepting
sponsorship, hospitality and gifts from developers in future, and publicly returning
sponsorship already received from Berkeley Group in order to uphold Cllr Mason's public
Note that Berkeley Group operates with many different aliases, so please include "Berkeley
Homes", "Berkeley", "Berkeley Foundation", "St James", "St William", "St George", "Southall
Waterside", "The Green Quarter", "Jags Sanghera" in any search queries.
This information is included in the Code of Conduct.
You are free to use this information for your own use, including for non-commercial research
purposes. It may also be used for the purposes of news reporting. Any other type of re-use, for
example publishing the information, issuing copies to the public or marketing, will require our
permission as copyright holder. If you intend to re-use this information in this manner you must apply
to us.
If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been handled, you can request a
review within the next 40 working days by writing to the Information Governance Team at:
xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxx.xx. Or by post to:
Freedom of Information
3rd Floor, North East
Perceval House
14-16 Uxbridge Road
London W5 2HL
Details of complaints process can be found at:
http://www.ealing.gov.uk/info/200640/freedom_of_information/1550/making_a_complaint_or_appeal If, having exhausted our review procedure, you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or
complaint, you will have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:
The Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Please note that this information may be subject to copyright. Supply of the information to you does not confer an automatic
right to re-use it in a way that could infringe copyright.
Yours sincerely,
Kam Ubhi
Information Governance Officer
Please note that this information may be subject to copyright. Supply of the information to you does not confer an automatic
right to re-use it in a way that could infringe copyright.