Beagles at MBR Acres
Dear Home Office Science Advisory Committee,
Could you please tell me how many beagles have been bred annually at MBR Acres, Sawtry Way, Wyton since 2018?
Could you please tell me how many beagles from MBR Acres have been rehomed under Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act (1986) and if this information isn't held then how do you know if its being adhered to?
How many qualified vets are permently sited at MBR Acres and how many emergency (out of hour) call outs has there been for vets on a monthly basis since 2020?
How many beagles are bleed every year at MBR Acres and what is the average yield per dog?
Yours faithfully,
A Crisp
Thank you for contacting the Home Office Freedom of Information Requests
This is to acknowledge receipt of your email.
Dear A Crisp,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office with your request.
This has been assigned to a caseworker (case ref 78516). The business area dealing with your request will aim to send you a full response by 02/10/2023 which is twenty working days from the date we received your request.
N McKenzie
Home Office
Dear A Crisp,
Thank you for contacting the Home Office with your requests. Please be aware that 78516 has been cancelled and amalgamated with 78515 as it relates to the same subject matter and received on the same day.
The business area dealing with your request will still aim to send you a full response by 02/10/2023 which is twenty working days from the date we received your requests.
N McKenzie
Home Office
Dear A Crisp,
Please see attached a notice of a PIT extension for your FOI 78515
Policy Unit
Animals in Science Regulation Policy Unit
Home Office, 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DF
Dear Home Office Science Advisory Committee,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Home Office Science Advisory Committee's handling of my FOI request 'Beagles at MBR Acres'.
I have no received a reply in the time limit specified
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
A Crisp
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