BDS dentistry - international students

The request was partially successful.

Dear University of Dundee,

May I ask you:

1. how do you rank the students if they do not have any of the gcses/highers/ib qualifications? (they may have provided equivalent qualifications in their country on ucas)

2. How many graduate applicants applied to the BDS A200 dentistry course in the recent 3 years, and of them, how many are international students? And if you can, please include the nationalities of the international applicants.
Among all the graduate applicants, how many were invited for an interview and how many got an offer? Please provide an excel sheet including their fee status and ucat scores too.

3. your website states that graduate applicants should have a life science related degree, I wonder if a degree in chemistry is eligible for applying

Yours faithfully,


FreedomOfInformation, University of Dundee

Thank you for your email. If your message contains a request for
information the University will respond no later than 20 working days from
its receipt (or one month from receipt in the case of requests for your
own personal information).

Kind regards,

Dr Richard Parsons

Director LLC & CI

University of Dundee

Dundee DD1 4HN

The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096

Dear University of Dundee,

Full name: Eliza Chua

Yours faithfully,


FreedomOfInformation, University of Dundee

Dear Eliza
Thank you for your email. Please see the table below in answer to
your questions. We have omitted some of the numbers and have expressed
numbers under 5 as <5 as is our policy to avoid the identification of
personal information about individuals. 
We check the Overseas qualifications against Ecctis looking for
equivalences with Highers/A-levels.  A degree in Chemistry is acceptable.
I hope that this helps and please let me know if you have any other
Kind regards
Caroline Brown
FOI Team

(A200) -
Applications Average Average
Fee of which UCAT UCAT
Entry Year Status All Overseas Interviews Total Offers Total
Graduates (not EU) Score Score
Total 53 5 * 2530 * 2531
Home EU <5 - <5 -
Rest of 12 2522 10 2531
2018/9 UK (RUK)
Home 14 2578 11 2567
Overseas <5 - <5 -
(not EU)
Total 65 5 * 2556 * 2531
Home EU 6 2573 <5 -
Rest of 15 2533 10 2560
2019/0 UK (RUK)
Home 22 2579 14 2511
Overseas <5 - <5 -
(not EU)
Total 79 6 * 2473 * 2462
Home EU <5 - <5 -
Rest of 12 2593 5 2598
2020/1 UK (RUK)
Home 22 2426 13 2408
Overseas 6 2422 5 2466
(not EU)

1. We are unable to provide the nationalities of the international fee
status graduate applications as these all total less than 5, for which we
are required to suppress the data.
2. Totals for Interviews and Offers have been suppressed (*) to protect
the value of the <5 numbers elsewhere in the table.
3. UCAT scores represent tests undertaken in the academic year immediately
preceding the entry year (including deferred applications).
4. UCAT scores for groups of <5 are not shown.


From: eliza <[FOI #795604 email]>
Sent: 27 September 2021 17:15
To: FreedomOfInformation <[email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - BDS dentistry - international
CAUTION: This email originated from outside the University of Dundee. Do
not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender's
email address and know the content is safe.

Dear University of Dundee,

May I ask you:

1. how do you rank the students if they do not have any of the
gcses/highers/ib qualifications? (they may have provided equivalent
qualifications in their country on ucas)

2. How many graduate applicants applied to the BDS A200 dentistry course
in the recent 3 years, and of them, how many are international students?
And if you can, please include the nationalities of the international
Among all the graduate applicants, how many were invited for an interview
and how many got an offer? Please provide an excel sheet including their
fee status and ucat scores too.

3. your website states that graduate applicants should have a life science
related degree, I wonder if a degree in chemistry is eligible for applying

Yours faithfully,



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The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096


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