BDS Dentistry Admission Statistics
Dear Queen Mary University of London,
I am writing to you regarding your BDS Dentistry (A200) course.
Could you please provide myself with an Excel spreadsheet with the following data/information from the last 2 admission cycles:
1) A Level grades (predicted)
2) A Level grades (achieved)
3) UCAT score
4) Whether an offer was made
5) Whether they were interviewed
Could you also provide me with the average GCSE grade for Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics for those who were given an offer?
Also, what was the lowest GCSE grade combination for those who were given an interview and given an offer?
Yours faithfully,
J Singh
FOI 2020/F196
Dear J. Singh,
Thank you for your email of 16^th May (2^nd of 3).
Please find attached some of the information you request. Please note that
we do not use GCSE grades in the assessment of applicants to A200; we only
ensure applicants meet the minimum threshold of AAABBB or 777666.
If you are dissatisfied with this response, you may ask QMUL to conduct a
review of this decision. To do this, please contact the College in
writing (including by fax, letter or email), describe the original
request, explain your grounds for dissatisfaction, and include an address
for correspondence. You have 40 working days from receipt of this
communication to submit a review request. When the review process has
been completed, if you are still dissatisfied, you may ask the Information
Commissioner to intervene. Please see [1] for details.
Yours sincerely
Paul Smallcombe
Records & Information Compliance Manager
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