Dear Barking & Dagenham Borough Council,
Thank you for accepting my FOI Request. I would like the following information:
For each year: 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010
The number of Looked After Children, by gender (male / female / other)
1) who left Local Authority Care
2) where a County Court ordered the discharge of care
3) where a District Court ordered the discharge of care
4) where the High Court ordered the discharge of care
5) where the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal or higher Court ordered discharge of care
6) where an ICO expired and was not renewed
7) where the Local Authority withdraw an ICO
8) returned by Local Authority to their birth parents
9) returned of their own choice to their birth parents
10) returned to extended family of their own choice
11) returned to extended family of the Local Authorities Choice
12) did not return to their birth parents by the Local Authorities choice
13) did not return to their birth parents by their own choice
14) actively sought out their parents during care
15) before leaving care, had no contact with their birth parents
a) for part or the whole of 1 month
b) for 2 to 4 months
c) for 5 to 6 months
d) for 6 to 10 months
e) for 1 year
f) for most of 2 years
16) ran away from foster care
17) ran away from adoptive parents
18) ran away from birth parents
19) ran away from extended family
20) when running away, returned to birth parents
21) when running away, returned to extended family
22) when running away, returned to a previous foster carers
23) did not wish to return to the care immediately before running away
24) placed into foster care
a) within the Local Authority Area
b) in an immediately joining Local Authority Area
c) outside the Local Authority or Adjoining Area, but within the UK
d) outside the UK
25) adopted
a) within the Local Authority Area
b) an immediately adjoining Local Authority Area
c) outside the immediate and adjoining areas but within the UK
d) outside the UK
26) made a claim that the child was at any time during or after being in care
a) physically abused within Local Authority care
b) emotionally abused within Local Authority care
c) sexually abused within Local Authority care
d) neglected within Local Authority care
27) died whilst in care
28) died from self harm whilst in care that was not a characteristic of the child prior to care
29) died from self harm whilst in care that was a characteristic of the child prior to care
For children in each of the age groups:
0-4 years
5 years
6 years
7 years
8 years
9 years
10 years
11 years
12 years
13 years
14 years
15 years
16 years
17 years or older
Yours faithfully,
Leslie Target
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An officer of the council will shortly be in touch with you.
Working together for a better borough that is safe, clean, fair and
Prosperous and healthy, and where our young people are inspired and
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Dear Leslie Target
Thank you for your e-mail received 17 December 2010 requesting information regarding the number of Looked After Children, by gender (male, female & other) from 2007 to 2010.
Michael Fenn in Children Services will arrange for the information to be provided to you no later than 18/01/2011.
Whilst it is the Council's policy to provide information wherever possible, I need to advise you that there are a number of exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. These may prevent me from releasing all or some of the information you have asked for. You will, however be informed if this is the case and why.
Yours sincerely
Remi Ahmed
Corporate Complaints & FOI Team
Barking and Dagenham Direct
London Borough of Barking and Dagenham
2nd Floor Roycraft House
Linton Road Barking
IG11 8HE
Phone: 020 8227 5788
Fax: 020 8227 5184
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Dear Leslie Target
Request for information LBBD:51021
Your request for information has now been considered and the information
is below;
For each year: 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010
The number of Looked After Children, by gender (male / female /other)
1) who left Local Authority Care
2) where a County Court ordered the discharge of care
3) where a District Court ordered the discharge of care
4) where the High Court ordered the discharge of care
5) where the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal or higher Court ordered
discharge of care
6) where an ICO expired and was not renewed
7) where the Local Authority withdraw an ICO
8) returned by Local Authority to their birth parents
9) returned of their own choice to their birth parents
10) returned to extended family of their own choice
11) returned to extended family of the Local Authorities Choice
12) did not return to their birth parents by the Local Authorities
13) did not return to their birth parents by their own choice
14) actively sought out their parents during care
15) before leaving care, had no contact with their birth parents
a) for part or the whole of 1 month
b) for 2 to 4 months
c) for 5 to 6 months
d) for 6 to 10 months
e) for 1 year
f) for most of 2 years
16) ran away from foster care
17) ran away from adoptive parents
18) ran away from birth parents
19) ran away from extended family
20) when running away, returned to birth parents
21) when running away, returned to extended family
22) when running away, returned to a previous foster carers
23) did not wish to return to the care immediately before running
24) placed into foster care
a) within the Local Authority Area
b) in an immediately joining Local Authority Area
c) outside the Local Authority or Adjoining Area, but within the UK
d) outside the UK
25) adopted
a) within the Local Authority Area
b) an immediately adjoining Local Authority Area
c) outside the immediate and adjoining areas but within the UK
d) outside the UK
26) made a claim that the child was at any time during or after being
in care
a) physically abused within Local Authority care
b) emotionally abused within Local Authority care
c) sexually abused within Local Authority care
d) neglected within Local Authority care
27) died whilst in care
28) died from self harm whilst in care that was not characteristic of
the child prior to care
29) died from self harm whilst in care that was a characteristic of
the child prior to care
For children in each of the age groups:
0-4 years
5 years
6 years
7 years
8 years
9 years
10 years
11 years
12 years
13 years
14 years
15 years
16 years
17 years or older
Please find attached the response to the your request. We have broken down
all children coming into care, leaving care and those who were adopted
over the last 4 years, by age and gender.
Unfortunately, we are unable to break down the information any further as
per your request. This is due to the fact that to obtain the information
we would have to manually look at every record and this would exceed the
limit set for Freedom of Information requests, which is £450 per request.
The limit of £450 equates to 18 hours work @ £25/hr.
If you need any more information, or if I can be of any further help,
please contact me.
If you are not satisfied with the way that I have dealt with your request
you can make a complaint by writing to the Corporate Complaints & FOI
Team, Room 104, Town Hall, 1 Town Square, Barking IG11 7LU. Alternatively
you can make your complaint on-line at [1] or
you can e-mail your complaint to [2][Barking & Dagenham Borough Council request email].
If you are still not satisfied, after following our Corporate Complaints
procedure, you can take your complaint to the Information Commissioner.
Full details of how to do this will be made available on request.
Yours sincerely
Michael Fenn | Senior Information Officer
London Borough of Barking and Dagenham | Room B34 Civic Centre | Dagenham
| RM10 7BY
Phone: 020 8227 2619 | Fax: 020 8227 2324
Email: Michael.Fenn[3] | [4]
Working together for a better borough that is safe, clean, fair and
prosperous and healthy, and where our young people are inspired and
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