BBC fact checking the BBC
Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,
Much has been made via BBC PR of the new BBC fact checking unit.
1. Please advise the extent of its scope, externally and internally.
As an example of the latter I cite this story:
There are three direct links to 'sources', the first being to another, little know 'news' aggregator, and two to nowhere.
This is a story based on responses to what the president ‘has said’, namely:
"It seems President Trump has high standards when it comes to the way his staff are dressed. Looking the part is as important as acting the part when you are in the president's circle, apparently."
Hence the last paragraph seems rather amazing in context:
"the majority of comments appeared to mock the remarks, which have not been confirmed as coming from President Trump”. Appeared? 'Not been confirmed'?
Please also advise on the % of BBC news stories since the start of the year that have been based on:
2. What has ‘appeared’ to the BBC authors, with no further explanation.
3. Unsubstantiated quotes.
4. Unconfirmed sources.
5. Unconfirmed facts.
6. Dead links.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Martin
Dear Mr Martin,
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Your request was received on 7 February 2017. We will deal with your request as promptly as possible, and at the latest within 20 working days.
If you have any queries about your request, please contact us at the above address.
The reference number for your request is RFI20170275.
Yours sincerely
Information Rights, BBC Legal
BC2A4, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TP
Dear Peter Martin,
Please find attached the response to your request for information,
reference RFI20170275.
Yours sincerely,
The Information Policy and Compliance Team
Workplace & Information Rights, BBC Legal
BC2A4, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TP, UK
Website: [1]
Email: [2]mailto:[BBC request email]
Tel: 020 8008 2882
Fax: 020 8008 2398
Visible links
2. mailto:[BBC request email]
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Common Law Jurisdiction left an annotation ()
BBC checking up on true news and calling it fake is hilarious.
The BBC are the ones who announced the collapse of WTC7 on September 11th, 26 minutes before it actually happened and with it still visible behind the reporter announcing its collapse.