Barnard Castle Vision Finances

The request was partially successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have today received a response from One North East to a Freedom of Information request that I made regarding Barnard Castle Vision which can be found at I was advised that:

"One North East is not the accountable body for Barnard Castle Vision. I would suggest that you contact Durham County Council, who are the appropriate body and will be able to answer your queries in detail."

I would therefore like to ask the following, under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act:

Can you release any and all documents and reports relating to the income and expenditure of the group Barnard Castle Vision since 2005 with a break down of what the expenditure related to.

Can you also reveal specific figures relating to the salary and expenses of the Independent Chair of Barnard Castle Vision for each financial year and the salary and expenses of each and every other individual staff member that works for Barnard Castle Vision for each financial year, and the projected figures for the following year.

Yours faithfully,

S Bainbridge

Freedom of Information,

1 Attachment

Our Ref: 2987643


Dear S Bainbridge


Your request for information on Expenditure for Barnard Castle Vision,
received on 11-NOV-2009, has been considered.

Please see the below responses to your enquiries.

Can you release any and all documents and reports relating to the income
and expenditure of the group Barnard Castle Vision since 2005 with a break
down of what the expenditure related to?

Information on the income and expenditure of the Barnard Castle Vision has
previously been provided to you in response to your request of 13 October
2009 (BC Vision doc 1.pdf). I have attached a further copy of this
document for ease of reference.

Can you also reveal specific figures relating to the salary and expenses
of the Independent Chair of Barnard Castle Vision for each financial year
and the salary and expenses of each and every other individual staff
member that works for Barnard Castle Vision for each financial year, and
the projected figures for the following year.

The Chair of the Vision is not remunerated, and there is therefore no
information held in this respect. No travel expenses have been claimed.

An aggregated total for salaries is included in the attached document -
`Delivery Team' and `Administrative Support' - and is £311,000 over a 3
year period. I consider that the salary and expenses of individual
members of staff are personal information within the meaning of the
Protection Act 1998, and therefore exempt from release under s40(2) of the
Freedom of Information Act. This is an absolute exemption and we are not
required to carry out a public interest test.

I hope that this information is of assistance, however, if you are
dissatisfied with the handling of your request please contact:

Kevin Bell

Freedom of Information / Data Protection Coordinator

Durham County Council

Rivergreen Centre

Aykley Heads



Tel: 0191 370 8803

Email: [Durham County Council request email]

After you have exhausted our internal appeals procedure you also have a
right of appeal to the Information Commissioner at:

Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Telephone: 01625 545 745

Fax: 01625 524 510

Email: [email address]

Most of the documents that we provide in response to Freedom of
Information Act requests will be subject to copyright protection. In most
cases the copyright will be owned by Durham County Council. The copyright
in other documents may be owned by another person or organisation, as
indicated on the documents themselves.

You are free to use any documents supplied for your own use, including for
non-commercial research purposes. The documents may also be used for the
purposes of news reporting. However, any other type of re-use, for
example, by publishing the documents or issuing copies to the public will
require the permission of the copyright owner.

For documents where the copyright is owned by Durham County Council,
please contact me for details of the conditions on re-use.

For documents where the copyright is owned by another person or
organisation, you would need to apply to the copyright owner to obtain
their permission.



David Walker

Assistant Chief Executive's Department

Durham County Council

County Hall



Tel: 0191 370 8802

VPN: 7777 8802

Email: [Durham County Council request email]

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