Barnard Castle Vision

The request was successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to make a request in line with the Freedom of Information Act.

How much in funding has One North East contributed to the group "Barnard Castle Vision" thus far?

How much in funding does One North East project to give Barnard Castle Vision 2009-2010?

How many meetings have been held between representatives of One North East and Barnard Castle Vision?

Could you publish any and all correspondence between One North East and members of the former Teesdale District Council concerning the setting up of, and the implementation of Barnard Castle Vision?

I look forward to your prompt reply.

Yours faithfully,

S Bainbridge

Anna Flood, One North East

Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your request.
I would appreciate it if you could assist with clarify the following:

What is the time period for the number of meetings eg in which year?

Correspondence between ONE and Teesdale District Council- Do you mean
letters ?And for which year?

I look forward to receiving your response as soon as possible.

Yours Sincerely.

Anna-Marie Flood

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Dear Anna Flood,

For the number of meetings between ONE and Barnard Castle Vision, I would like to see the figures for 2007 and 2008.

For correspondence between ONE and Teesdale District Council, I would like to see all letters for 2006 and 2007.

I look forward to a prompt reply.

Yours sincerely,

S Bainbridge

Anna Flood, One North East

The Agency is closed and will reopen on Wednesday 27th May 2009

If your query is a Freedom of Information request, please redirect your
email to [OneNorthEast request email]

If it is State Aid related, please re-direct your email to Alexander Rose
or call him on 0191 229 6329

To see one of the ways in which One North East is helping regional
businesses through current economic difficulties, please click here:

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Anna Flood, One North East

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your request of 29th April 2009.

Question 1 and 2

Answer- The Agency has spent a total of £945,499 of Single Programme on expenditure Barnard Castle Implementation/Vision and are forecasting to spend £500,000 in 09/10.

Question 3 - further clarified "For the number of meetings between ONE and Barnard Castle Vision, I would like to see the figures for 2007 and 2008".

In 2007 -13 meetings - including board and subgroup meetings
In 2008- 8 meetings-including board and sub group meetings

Question 4
For correspondence between ONE and Teesdale District Council further clarified "I
would like to see all letters for 2006 and 2007".

Answer-The Agency does not have any letters between ONE and Teesdale District Council for the time period identified.

The information we have supplied to you may contain intellectual property rights of the RDAs or their licensors. Your use of the information must be strictly in accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (as amended), or other applicable legislation. In particular, you must not re-use this information for any commercial purpose. If you would like to re-use this information for any commercial purpose you must make a formal request to us under the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005. You can find details of this on our website at

How to Complain

If you are unhappy with our decision or do not consider that we have handled your request properly and we are unable to resolve this issue informally, you are entitled to make a formal complaint to us under our complaints procedure. You can obtain a copy of our complaints form, policy and procedure from:

Head of Legal Services

Legal Services

Stella House

Goldcrest Way

Newburn Riverside

Newcastle upon Tyne

NE15 8NY

Alternatively, you can complete the form online at

If you are still unhappy after we have investigated your complaint and reported to you the outcome, you may complain directly to the Information Commissioner's Office and request that it issue a 'decision notice' to ascertain whether we have dealt with your request in accordance with the Act.

The Information Commissioner's Office can be contacted at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF or via the website at

Yours Sincerely

Anna-Marie Flood

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