Barking Council
Dear Barking & Dagenham Borough Council,
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
I would like to request copies of all correspondence between your Local Education Authority and the Centre for Intelligent Design. The Centre for Intelligent Design is an independent organisation established in 2010, headquartered in Glasgow, and operational throughout a network of volunteers across the UK. The address of the Glasgow Headquarters is:
The Centre for Intelligent Design
The Wheatsheaf
Speirs Wharf
The organisation’s President is Professor Norman Nevin OBE; the Vice-president is Dr. David Galloway and the Director is Dr. Alastair Noble.
I would be interested to know the following:
a) If teaching Resources or literature of any kind produced by the Centre for Intelligent Design has been sent to any schools? If so I would like details - i.e. what volume of resources have been received as well as the content of those resources.
b) If resources have been received from the Centre for Intelligent Design, have they been used in teaching?
c) If any representatives from the Centre for Intelligent Design have visited any schools to speak to students or teachers?
d) If any schools under your Local Authority have invited representatives from the Centre for Intelligent design into the school to speak to teachers and/or students?
If you require further clarification please contact me. I would like to receive the information electronically if possible.
Yours Sincerely,
Elizabeth Thomson.
Yours faithfully,
Elizabeth Thomson
Dear Elizabeth Thomson
Request for information LBBD:53998
Thank you for your request for information about our correspondence with
The Centre for Intelligent Design
The information is not held by this Council but should be held by the
individual schools, the below link will take you to a list of all the
schools in the borough along with their contact details;
I am sorry I am unable to help you further.
If you are not satisfied with the way that I have dealt with your request
you can make a complaint by writing to the Corporate Complaints & FOI
Team, Room 104, Town Hall, 1 Town Square, Barking IG11 7LU. Alternatively
you can make your complaint on-line at [2] or
you can e-mail your complaint to [3][Barking and Dagenham Borough Council request email].
If you are still not satisfied, after following our Corporate Complaints
procedure, you can take your complaint to the Information Commissioner.
Full details of how to do this will be made available on request.
Yours sincerely
Michael Fenn | Complaints & Information Officer
London Borough of Barking and Dagenham | Room 218 Barking Town
Hall | Barking, Essex | IG11 7LU
Phone: 020 8227 2619 | Fax: 020 8227 2324
Email: Michael.Fenn[4] | [5]
Working together for a better borough that is safe, clean, fair and
prosperous and healthy, and where our young people are inspired and
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Visible links
3. mailto:[Barking and Dagenham Borough Council request email]
4. mailto:[email address]
mailto:[email address]
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