Bariatric surgery statistics

The request was partially successful.

Rachael Canter

Dear Dorset Primary Care Trust (PCT),

Please provide the following information under the freedom of information act:

1) What are your trust's criteria for qualifying for NHS funded weight-loss surgery?

2) How many patients from your trust's area had gastric band surgery on the NHS in 2010?

3) How many patients from your trust's area had gastric bypass surgery on the NHS in 2010?

4) The same figures for Questions 2 and 3 for the years 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009.

5) In the last five years, how many patients have received revision surgery on the NHS following a complication resulting from weight-loss surgery?

6) How many patients in question 5 had previously been treated privately in the UK or abroad?

Thank you

Yours faithfully,

Rachael Canter

Green, Joyce, Dorset Primary Care Trust (PCT)

1 Attachment

Ms Rachael Canter




Our Ref:         FOI/1161/220611




Dear Ms Canter


Re:      Request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000


I am writing to confirm that NHS Dorset has now completed the search for
the information you requested on 22 June regarding Bariatric Surgery
Statistics.  Taking your questions in order I now provide the following


Quest 1:         What are your trust's criteria for qualifying for NHS
funded weight-loss surgery?

Response:     Please see attached Bariatric Surgery Policy.



Quests 2 & 3: How many patients from your trust's area had gastric band
surgery on the NHS in 2010? plus How many patients from your trust's area
had gastric bypass surgery on the NHS in 2010?


Response:     NHS Dorset does not hold the information in the format
requested.  Figures are held for the total number of procedures and are
not recorded individually as gastric band surgery or gastric bypass


│Year │Bariatric Surgery Figures │
│2010/11 │24 procedures │



Ques 4:           The same figures for Questions 2 and 3 for the years
2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009.



│Financial Year │Bariatric Surgery Figures │
│2009/10 │24 procedures │
│2008/09 │31 procedures │
│2007/06 │15 procedures │
│2006/05 │NHS Dorset does not hold this information │
│2005/04 │NHS Dorset does not hold this information │



Ques 5:           In the last five years, how many patients have received
revision surgery on the NHS following a complication resulting from
weight-loss surgery?

Response:     Due to the low numbers of patients receiving revision
surgery following a complication from weight-loss surgery, I am unable to
provide the information requested.  To do so could lead to the possible
identification and disclosure of the recipients’ personal information. 
After due consideration NHS Dorset declines to disclose the requested
information applying the exemption under section 40 (2) of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.


Ques 6:           How many patients in question 5 had previously been
treated privately in the UK or abroad?

Response:     See response to question 5.


I trust this is the information you are seeking and that your request has
been fully discharged.


If you are unhappy with this response, you are entitled to request an
internal review of our decision, handled where possible by a member of
staff not directly involved in the initial decision.  If you wish to
request such a review, please write direct to The Chief Executive, NHS
Dorset, 3^rd Floor, West Wing, Vespasian House, Bridport Road, Dorchester,
DT1 1TS.  We aim to deal with requests for internal review within three
weeks of receipt, although where the issues involved are very complicated
this period may be extended up to a total of six weeks.


If you should have queries about this response, please do not hesitate to
contact me quoting the above reference number and I shall be pleased to
offer any further assistance that you may require.


Yours sincerely





Paul Sly

Chief Executive