Bariatric Incidents
Dear Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service,
I'm from LBC Radio.
Please can you provide the following information.
How many times were you called out for bariatric assists / bariatric incident in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 (broken down by year, and, if possible, by month)
Yours faithfully,
Fraser Knight
Dear Fraser Knight,
Thank you for your request for information which was received on 8
August 2023.
I can confirm that we are dealing with your request under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 and as required by the legislation, we aim to answer
your request within 20 working days following the date we received it.
If we are unable to meet this deadline, we will keep you fully informed of
the reasons for this.
If you have any queries about this, please contact me via the details
Yours sincerely,
Wendy Richmond (Mrs)
Information Governance Officer (NB Normal
[1]Description: working week is Mon-Thur inc)
Description: Description:
DSFRS-FULL-COLOUR-BADGE_RGB t. 01392 301892 w. [2]
[3]@DSFireUpdates [4]Facebook [5]Think
Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service, HQ,
The Knowle, Clyst St George, Exeter. EX3 0NW
Dear Fraser Knight,
I write in response to your request for information, received and
acknowledged on 8 August 2023.
The information you have requested is held by the Devon & Somerset Fire &
Rescue Service (DSFRS).
Please find below the detail of the information you have requested along
with our response.
Please see the attached spreadsheet containing the requested data.
You have the right to ask us to review this decision within 40 working
days. If you wish to do this, please set out your grounds for review in
writing to the Information Governance Officer at the Service Headquarters
address or e-mail [1][Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service request email].
If you are still dissatisfied after a Service review you have the right to
appeal to the Information Commissioner at the Information Commissioner’s
Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Alternatively, you may wish to apply direct via
Yours sincerely,
Wendy Richmond (Mrs)
Information Governance Officer (NB Normal
[3]Description: working week is Mon-Thur inc)
Description: Description:
DSFRS-FULL-COLOUR-BADGE_RGB t. 01392 301892 w. [4]
[5]@DSFireUpdates [6]Facebook [7]Think
Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service, HQ,
The Knowle, Clyst St George, Exeter. EX3 0NW
From: Freedom Of Information <[email address]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 8, 2023 4:53 PM
To: Fraser Knight <[FOI #1013205 email]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Bariatric Incidents
Dear Fraser Knight,
Thank you for your request for information which was received on 8
August 2023.
I can confirm that we are dealing with your request under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 and as required by the legislation, we aim to answer
your request within 20 working days following the date we received it.
If we are unable to meet this deadline, we will keep you fully informed of
the reasons for this.
If you have any queries about this, please contact me via the details
Yours sincerely,
Wendy Richmond (Mrs)
Information Governance Officer (NB Normal
[8]Description: working week is Mon-Thur inc)
Description: Description:
DSFRS-FULL-COLOUR-BADGE_RGB t. 01392 301892 w. [9]
[10]@DSFireUpdates [11]Facebook [12]Think
Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service, HQ,
The Knowle, Clyst St George, Exeter. EX3 0NW
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