Bardet-biedle Syndrome

The request was partially successful.

Dear North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust,

Could i please request information relating to the below

If you treat Bardet-biedle Syndrome, how many unique patients have you treated in the last 12 months?

What % of these patients get a genetic diagnosis prior to them being referred onto specialist centres?

If you do not treat Bardet-biedle Syndrome, could I request where these patients are referred to?

Yours faithfully,

Ed Fryer

Foiteam (NORTH WEST ANGLIA NHS FOUNDATION TRUST), North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust

Dear Ed

Reference Number FOI 2023 - 014

Thank you for your request for information from North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust.

We anticipate being able to provide a response within the timescales allowed under the Act.

In the meantime if you have any questions regarding this request please contact us directly quoting the reference number above.

North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust comprises of Peterborough City Hospital, Hinchingbrooke Hospital and Stamford & Rutland Hospital. The Trust also provides community clinics at Princess of Wales Hospital in Ely, Doddington Hospital and North Cambs Hospital in Wisbech. Further information is available via our website

Any future Freedom of Information requests should be addressed to North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust using the email address below.

Kind Regards

The Freedom of Information Team
Hinchingbrooke Hospital
North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust
[North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust request email]

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Foiteam (NORTH WEST ANGLIA NHS FOUNDATION TRUST), North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust

Ref: FOI/2023/014


Dear Ed


Thank you for your recent enquiry under the Freedom of Information Act.
Please find your response detailed below.


Requesters Question and Trust Response:


If you treat Bardet-biedle Syndrome, how many unique patients have you
treated in the last 12 months? 0


What % of these patients get a genetic diagnosis prior to them being
referred onto specialist centres? Not known


If you do not treat Bardet-biedle Syndrome, could I request where these
patients are referred to? Not Recorded information


Please note that this response has been provided within the 20 working day
timeframe as stipulated in the Act.


North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust comprises of Peterborough City
Hospital, Hinchingbrooke Hospital and Stamford & Rutland Hospital.  The
Trust also provides community clinics at Princess of Wales Hospital in
Ely, Doddington Hospital and North Cambs Hospital in Wisbech.  Further
information is available via our website [1]


If you disagree with our decision or are dissatisfied with how we have
dealt with your request in the first instance you may contact me on the
following email address [2][North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust request email] to request an
internal review.


Should you remain dissatisfied with the outcome you have a right under s50
of the Freedom of Information Act to appeal against the decision by


Information Commissioner

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Phone: 0303 123 1113

Email: [3][email address]


Yours sincerely


 FOI Team

Hinchingbrooke Hospital

North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust


[4][North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust request email]


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