Bank Workforce & VMS Arrangements

The request was successful.

Dear Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust,

In relation to your Healthcare Agency supply of Temporary Workers could you please provide the answers to the following questions in the below table:
1. Do you have a Master Vendor or Neutral Vendor arrangement in place?
2. If yes, who is your current Master Vendor or Neutral Vendor Provider and which disciplines do they supply?
3. What fill rates are achieved with your Master Vendor or Neutral Vendor Provider in the various disciplines?
4. Are you charged a fee for the service and if so, what is the cost?
5. What is the expiry date for your current contract/contracts?

Staffing Provision MV or NV Provider Fill Rates % Service Fee Contract Expiry Date
General Nursing
Theatres (Nursing)
Healthcare Assistants
RMN’s (Where applicable)
Doctors (All specialisms)
Non-Medical, Non-Clinical

In relation to your Bank workforce expenditure please could you provide answers to the following questions:
1. Do you use any external/3rd parties to manage your bank workforce?
2. If so, please provide the name of the provider and contract start and end dates.
3. Which bank software do you use and how long are you in contract with them?
Please can you ensure that responses are replied to in line with the governance of freedom of information requests.
Thank you very much for your time and effort.

Yours faithfully,

Mr M H Green

Freedom of information request,

Thank you for your enquiry.


Your email will be reviewed and responded to accordingly.


If your enquiry is a Freedom of Information request, please note that an
acknowledgement and a response will be sent from another inbox -
[email address].


If your enquiry is in relation to Access to Medical Records, please
redirect your email to [email address].


Kind regards


The Freedom of Information Team

PennineFOI atSalford,

Good morning,

Freedom of Information Ref code FOI 10512

With reference to your request made under the Freedom of Information Act, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust acknowledges receipt of your request for information and informs you that the process has been instigated. Our Reference number should be used in all future correspondence.

In accordance with Trust policy and the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, a period of 20 working days is assigned for processing your request. [Working days within the NHS refers to Mon-Fri.] We will provide you with an explanation if we find that there is any reason why this period may extend beyond the period prescribed by the Act.

Please contact us if you have any queries regarding the procedure.

Kind regards

Freedom of Information Office
Northern Care Alliance
Salford/North Manchester/Oldham/Rochdale/Fairfield
Team Tel: Please note our offices are closed for the forseeable future. The best way to contact the team is via email or Microsoft teams

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PennineFOI atSalford,

1 Attachment

Good morning,


The Trust has now completed collation of data to support a response to
your recent Freedom of Information requests for Pennine Acute NHS Trust
and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust.


Details requested have been attached to this email.


As part of the disclosure log, all responses to Freedom of Information
requests are posted on the Trust’s website. Please click on the link below
to view the response to your request.




Please click on the corresponding Trusts tab to view the information.


We trust these details will assist with your enquiries.  If we can be of
any further assistance in the future please do not hesitate to contact us





As a Trust we are keen to monitor and improve the services we offer. We’d
be grateful if you could take the time to answer the following questions
and provide us with any other feedback that may assist us with this



|Were you satisfied with the handling of your request?     |YES/NO|
|Was your request handled in a timely manner?               |YES/NO|
|Were you provided with sufficient information to assist you with |YES/NO|
|your request? | |



Yours Sincerely



Freedom of Information Office


Northern Care Alliance

Salford/North Manchester/Oldham/Rochdale/Fairfield

Team Tel: Please note our offices are closed for the forseeable future.
The best way to contact the team is via email or Microsoft teams




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