BAME Representation
Dear Bordesley Green Girls' School,
Please, can you supply the following information:
1. Data, as percentage of the overall, on Bangladeshi, Black Caribbean, Indian, Pakistani and White heritage students, employees (teachers, non-teaching employees), by grade, and governors of the school.
2. Details of any Positive Action programmes to address any under-representation in the workforce and governing body of any of the above groups.
Yours faithfully
Dr Karamat Iqbal
Dear Dr Iqbal
The Governing body of Bordesley Green Girls School & Sixth Form would like
you to know that the school is currently closed for normal school
business. Your request will be dealt with promptly as and when the school
reopens for normal business/
Yours faithfully
M ClementWheeler
Bordesley Green Girls’ School and Sixth Form
B9 4TR
Tel: 0121 464 1881
The information contained within this e-mail (and any attachment) sent by
Bordesley Green Girls' School is confidential and may be legally
privileged. It is intended only for the named recipient or entity to whom
it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient please accept our
apologies and notify the sender immediately, or telephone +(44)(0)121 464
1881. Unauthorised access, use, disclosure, storage or copying is not
permitted and may be unlawful. Any e-mail including its content may be
monitored and used by Bordesley Green Girls' School for reasons of
security and for monitoring internal compliance with the office policy on
staff use. E-mail blocking software may also be used. Any views or
opinions presented are solely those of the originator and do not
necessarily represent those of Bordesley Green Girls' School. We cannot
guarantee that this message or any attachment is virus free or has not
been intercepted and amended.
Subject: Freedom of Information request - BAME Representation
Dear Bordesley Green Girls' School,
Please, can you supply the following information:
1. Data, as percentage of the overall, on Bangladeshi, Black Caribbean,
Indian, Pakistani and White heritage students, employees (teachers,
non-teaching employees), by grade, and governors of the school.
2. Details of any Positive Action programmes to address any
under-representation in the workforce and governing body of any of the
above groups.
Yours faithfully
Dr Karamat Iqbal
Dear Dr Iqbal
The Governing body of Bordesley Green Girls School & Sixth Form thanks you for your patience and confirms that, as the school remains closed for normal school business, your request will be dealt with promptly as and when the school reopens for normal business.
Yours sincerely
M Clements-Wheeler
Bordesley Green Girls’ School and Sixth Form
B9 4TR
Tel: 0121 464 1881
Thank you for your message.
I am on annual leave until Monday 12th October. Please contact the main
switchboard on 0121 464 1881 if the matter is urgent.
Good afternoon Dr Iqbal
The Governing body of Bordesley Green Girls School & Sixth Form thanks you
for your patience and is now in a position to handle requests for
information once more. I am able to confirm that the ethnicity data you
requested is now being processed by our HR manager and our Data manager.
We believe you have requested:
% of total in group:
Students as Teachers as Non-teaching Governors as
percentage of percentage of employees as percentage of the
Group the overall the overall percentage of overall total
number of number of the overall membership of the
students staff number of staff governing body
Bangladeshi Data not held
Black Data not held
Indian Data not held
Pakistani Data not held
White Data not held
Breakdown of Teaching Staff:
Bangladeshi Black
as Caribbean
percentage percentage Indian percentage Pakistani percentage White percentage
"Grade" of overall of overall of overall of overall headcount of overall
(taken to headcount headcount headcount of of teaching staff headcount of
mean pay of teaching of teaching staff across all pay teaching staff
spine/scale) staff teaching across all pay spines across all pay
across all staff spines spines
pay spines across all
pay spines
Main pay
Upper pay
Breakdown of Non-teaching Staff:
Bangladeshi Black
as Caribbean
percentage percentage Indian percentage Pakistani percentage White percentage
of overall of overall of overall of overall headcount of overall
Grade headcount headcount headcount of of teaching staff headcount of
of teaching of teaching staff across all pay teaching staff
staff teaching across all pay spines across all pay
across all staff spines spines
pay spines across all
pay spines
Grade Data for Grade 7 withheld as would enable identification of an individual
We will proceed on the basis that this represents the nature of your
enquiry and where we hold that information, it will be provided to you
within 14 days.
In connection with your second request, to provide details of any Positive
Action programmes to address any under-representation in the workforce
and governing body of any of the above groups (presumed to be
Bangladeshi, Black Caribbean, Indian, Pakistani and White heritage
individuals), the Governing Body is not currently operating any specific
positive action programmes.
The school has a diverse workforce in terms of its paid staff and
volunteer governors. The school welcomes applications from all ethnicities
and applicants are appointed on merit against a person specification for
each role. In the case of elected governors, the school is required by law
to appoint the candidate(s) who have been successful in any ballot of
eligible parents/carers.
Matthew Clements-Wheeler FISBL FRSA
Director of Support Services
Bordesley Green Girls' School and Sixth Form
Tel 0121 464 3306
Fax 0121 464 3311
The information contained within this e-mail (and any attachment) sent by
Bordesley Green Girls' School is confidential and may be legally
privileged. It is intended only for the named recipient or entity to whom
it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient please accept our
apologies and notify the sender immediately, or telephone +(44)(0)121 464
1881. Unauthorised access, use, disclosure, storage or copying is not
permitted and may be unlawful. Any e-mail including its content may be
monitored and used by Bordesley Green Girls' School for reasons of
security and for monitoring internal compliance with the office policy on
staff use. E-mail blocking software may also be used. Any views or
opinions presented are solely those of the originator and do not
necessarily represent those of Bordesley Green Girls' School. We cannot
guarantee that this message or any attachment is virus free or has not
been intercepted and amended.
From: karamat iqbal <[FOI #656707 email]>
Sent: 06 October 2020 13:26
To: Matthew Clements-Wheeler <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - BAME Representation
Dear Matthew Clements-Wheeler,
Another reminder
Yours sincerely,
karamat iqbal
Good evening Dr Iqbal
Further to my email to you of the 13^th October 2020 at 15:54, colleagues
have worked on the remaining elements of your request on the basis it is
as I attempted to clarify in that email.
I am now able to provide some of the information you have requested. This
is because we don’t hold all of the information you have requested.
Where we have this information, it is shown in the tables below.
% of total in group:
Students as Teachers as Non-teaching Governors as
percentage of percentage of employees as percentage of the
Group the overall the overall percentage of overall total
number of number of the overall membership of the
students staff number of governing body
Bangladeshi 9.65% 4.71% 1.08% Data not held
Black 0.10% 2.35% 5.38% Data not held
Indian 0.30% 4.71% 5.38% Data not held
Pakistani 62.30% 11.76% 27.96% Data not held
White 1.08% 21.18% 25.81% Data not held
Breakdown of Teaching Staff:
Bangladeshi as Black Indian percentage White percentage
"Grade" percentage of Caribbean percentage of overall Pakistani percentage of overall
(taken to overall of overall headcount headcount of of overall headcount headcount of
mean pay headcount of of teaching staff teaching staff of teaching staff teaching staff
spine/scale) teaching staff across all pay across all pay across all pay across all pay
across all pay spines spines spines spines
Unqualified 1.18% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Main pay 0.00% 1.18% 1.18% 2.35% 0.00%
Upper pay 1.18% 1.18% 0.00% 3.53% 15.29%
practioner 1.18% 0.00% 0.00% 2.35% 2.35%
Leadership 3.53% 1.18% 1.18%
Breakdown of Non-teaching Staff:
Bangladeshi as Black Indian percentage White percentage
percentage of Caribbean percentage of overall Pakistani percentage of overall
overall of overall headcount headcount of of overall headcount headcount of
Grade headcount of of teaching staff teaching staff of teaching staff teaching staff
teaching staff across all pay across all pay across all pay across all pay
across all pay spines spines spines spines
Grade 1.08% 2.15% 16.13% 9.68%
Grade 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% 5.38% 4.30%
Grade 1.08% 1.08% 2.15% 3.23%
Grade 1.08% 1.08%
Grade Data for Grade 7 withheld as would enable identification of an individual
The information in the tables above is partial. This is because in a
number of circumstances, staff and governors are given the option to
decline to give details of their heritage, so the tables above only
contain information where heritage data has been voluntarily declared.
Where heritage data has been declared as part of the recruitment process,
these details are removed from personnel records at the time of
shortlisting. Whilst such information is passed to Birmingham City
Council, it is not retained at school level and we have been unable to
interrogate it for you.
As the school is a community school maintained by Birmingham City Council,
you may be able to approach Birmingham City Council
and frame your request in such a way that they may be able to draw on
payroll/workforce information they hold which might be of relevance to
your enquiry.
I thank you for your patience during the Covid19 pandemic and trust that
we have provided you with the information you have requested to the extent
that we are able to.
Yours sincerely
Matthew Clements-Wheeler FISBL FRSA
Director of Support Services
Bordesley Green Girls' School and Sixth Form
Tel 0121 464 3306
Fax 0121 464 3311
The information contained within this e-mail (and any attachment) sent by
Bordesley Green Girls' School is confidential and may be legally
privileged. It is intended only for the named recipient or entity to whom
it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient please accept our
apologies and notify the sender immediately, or telephone +(44)(0)121 464
1881. Unauthorised access, use, disclosure, storage or copying is not
permitted and may be unlawful. Any e-mail including its content may be
monitored and used by Bordesley Green Girls' School for reasons of
security and for monitoring internal compliance with the office policy on
staff use. E-mail blocking software may also be used. Any views or
opinions presented are solely those of the originator and do not
necessarily represent those of Bordesley Green Girls' School. We cannot
guarantee that this message or any attachment is virus free or has not
been intercepted and amended.
From: Matthew Clements-Wheeler <[email address]>
Sent: 13 October 2020 15:54
To: karamat iqbal <[FOI #656707 email]>
Subject: Re: Freedom of Information request - BAME Representation
Good afternoon Dr Iqbal
The Governing body of Bordesley Green Girls School & Sixth Form thanks you
for your patience and is now in a position to handle requests for
information once more. I am able to confirm that the ethnicity data you
requested is now being processed by our HR manager and our Data manager.
We believe you have requested:
% of total in group:
Governors as
Students as Teachers as Non-teaching percentage of
percentage of percentage of employees as the overall
Group the overall the overall percentage of total
number of number of the overall membership of
students staff number of staff the governing
Bangladeshi Data not held
Black Caribbean Data not held
Indian Data not held
Pakistani Data not held
White Data not held
Breakdown of Teaching Staff:
Bangladeshi Black
as Caribbean
percentage percentage Indian percentage Pakistani percentage White percentage
"Grade" of overall of overall of overall of overall headcount of overall
(taken to headcount headcount headcount of of teaching staff headcount of
mean pay of teaching of teaching staff across all pay teaching staff
spine/scale) staff teaching across all pay spines across all pay
across all staff spines spines
pay spines across all
pay spines
Main pay
Upper pay
Breakdown of Non-teaching Staff:
Bangladeshi Black
as Caribbean
percentage percentage Indian percentage Pakistani percentage White percentage
of overall of overall of overall of overall headcount of overall
Grade headcount headcount headcount of of teaching staff headcount of
of teaching of teaching staff across all pay teaching staff
staff teaching across all pay spines across all pay
across all staff spines spines
pay spines across all
pay spines
Grade Data for Grade 7 withheld as would enable identification of an individual
We will proceed on the basis that this represents the nature of your
enquiry and where we hold that information, it will be provided to you
within 14 days.
In connection with your second request, to provide details of any Positive
Action programmes to address any under-representation in the workforce
and governing body of any of the above groups (presumed to be
Bangladeshi, Black Caribbean, Indian, Pakistani and White heritage
individuals), the Governing Body is not currently operating any specific
positive action programmes.
The school has a diverse workforce in terms of its paid staff and
volunteer governors. The school welcomes applications from all ethnicities
and applicants are appointed on merit against a person specification for
each role. In the case of elected governors, the school is required by law
to appoint the candidate(s) who have been successful in any ballot of
eligible parents/carers.
Matthew Clements-Wheeler FISBL FRSA
Director of Support Services
Bordesley Green Girls' School and Sixth Form
Tel 0121 464 3306
Fax 0121 464 3311
The information contained within this e-mail (and any attachment) sent by
Bordesley Green Girls' School is confidential and may be legally
privileged. It is intended only for the named recipient or entity to whom
it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient please accept our
apologies and notify the sender immediately, or telephone +(44)(0)121 464
1881. Unauthorised access, use, disclosure, storage or copying is not
permitted and may be unlawful. Any e-mail including its content may be
monitored and used by Bordesley Green Girls' School for reasons of
security and for monitoring internal compliance with the office policy on
staff use. E-mail blocking software may also be used. Any views or
opinions presented are solely those of the originator and do not
necessarily represent those of Bordesley Green Girls' School. We cannot
guarantee that this message or any attachment is virus free or has not
been intercepted and amended.
From: karamat iqbal <[2][FOI #656707 email]>
Sent: 06 October 2020 13:26
To: Matthew Clements-Wheeler <[3][email address]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - BAME Representation
Dear Matthew Clements-Wheeler,
Another reminder
Yours sincerely,
karamat iqbal
Dear Matthew Clements-Wheeler,
Thank you for this. It would be easier to read the data if you could send it as a pdf.
Yours sincerely,
karamat iqbal
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