Balance of Contributions Remaining (Croydon)
Dear Croydon Borough Council,
Please can you provide a financial breakdown of any contributions received that remain unspent including those that have been allocated and are due to be spent, regarding the section 106's that are listed below.
- Regarding Kenley House, 69 Kenley Lane, CR8 5UR (Dated 13/11/2007).
- Regarding 14 Manor Road, London, SE25 4TA (Dated 27/06/2013).
- Regarding 79 Limpsfield Road, South Croydon, CR2 9LB (Dated 20/12/2012).
- Regarding 1 Wandle Road +19 Scarbrook Road, Croydon,CR0 (Dated 09/09/2010).
- Regarding Altitude 25, land adj to Croydon Park Hotel, Altyre Road, Croydon (Dated
27/04/2006 + 19/06/2008).
- Regarding Former Randolph and Pembroke House Site, Wellesley Road, Croydon (Dated
- Regarding Lenning House, 2 Mason's Avenue, CR0 (Dated 27/09/2005).
- Regarding 19 Commerce Way, Purley (Date not available).
- Regarding City House 420-430 London Road & 3 Broad Green Avenue, Croydon CR0
- Regarding 4-8 Downsview Road, Upper Norwood, SE19 (25/04/2007).
- Regarding Reedham Depot and Land Adj Reedham station including Station Car Park, Old
Lodge Lane (Dated 12/09/2005)
- Regarding Garage, 390-398 London Road, Upper Norwood, London SE19 (Dated
- Regarding 208 Pampisford Road, South Croydon, CR2 6DB (Dated 21/12/2008)
- Regarding Coulsdon North Industrial Estate, Station Approach (Dated 28/01/2008)
- Regarding Hadleigh Garage Marlpit Lane, Coulsdon, CR5 2HA (Dated 13/10/2010)
Yours faithfully,
C Gordon
Dear Croydon Council,
The information provided does not answer my request. The information provided simply shows what contributions were received. I am asking for each development listed previously can you please provide me with amounts and dates of:
- Monies received;
- Monies spent and evidence of what the funds were spent on;
- Any amounts allocated;
- Any amounts unspent;
- Any amounts unspent that have been repaid.
Yours sincerely,
C Gordon
Dear Croydon Borough Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Croydon Borough Council's handling of my FOI request 'Balance of Contributions Remaining (Croydon)'.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
C Gordon
Dear Mr Gordon,
Further to your email dated 24 November 2020, in which you requested an
Internal Review of the Council’s response to your request for information,
I have now concluded this review and I am able to reply as follows.
In your request for Internal Review, you asked the Council to reconsider
your request as you believed that you had not been provided with the
information requested.
In your request for information dated 27 October 2020, you requested the
following information:
“...can you provide a financial breakdown of any contributions received
that remain unspent including those that have been allocated and are due
to be spent, regarding the section 106's that are listed below.
- Regarding Kenley House, 69 Kenley Lane, CR8 5UR (Dated 13/11/2007).
- Regarding 14 Manor Road, London, SE25 4TA (Dated 27/06/2013).
- Regarding 79 Limpsfield Road, South Croydon, CR2 9LB (Dated 20/12/2012).
- Regarding 1 Wandle Road +19 Scarbrook Road, Croydon,CR0 (Dated
- Regarding Altitude 25, land adj to Croydon Park Hotel, Altyre Road,
Croydon (Dated 27/04/2006 + 19/06/2008).
- Regarding Former Randolph and Pembroke House Site, Wellesley Road,
Croydon (Dated 21/10/2010).
- Regarding Lenning House, 2 Mason's Avenue, CR0 (Dated 27/09/2005).
- Regarding 19 Commerce Way, Purley (Date not available).
- Regarding City House 420-430 London Road & 3 Broad Green Avenue, Croydon
CR0 (Dated13/06/2007).
- Regarding 4-8 Downsview Road, Upper Norwood, SE19 (25/04/2007).
- Regarding Reedham Depot and Land Adj Reedham station including Station
Car Park, Old Lodge Lane (Dated 12/09/2005)
- Regarding Garage, 390-398 London Road, Upper Norwood, London SE19 (Dated
- Regarding 208 Pampisford Road, South Croydon, CR2 6DB (Dated 21/12/2008)
- Regarding Coulsdon North Industrial Estate, Station Approach (Dated
- Regarding Hadleigh Garage Marlpit Lane, Coulsdon, CR5 2HA (Dated
The Council responded to you on the 19 November 2020 and provided the
requested information.
In your request for an Internal Review dated 24 November 2020 you stated
the following:
“The information provided does not answer my request. The information
provided simply shows what contributions were received. I am asking for
each development listed previously can you please provide me with amounts
and dates of:
- Monies received;
- Monies spent and evidence of what the funds were spent on;
- Any amounts allocated;
- Any amounts unspent;
- Any amounts unspent that have been repaid.”
On receiving your request for an Internal Review, I contacted the planning
service who have provided the additional information requested in answer
to your request.
If you are not content with the outcome of the Internal Review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Yours sincerely,
Howard Passman
020 8726 6000 ext. 62318
Information Management and Governance Co-ordinator
Resources Department
Legal Services
7th Floor Zone C
Bernard Weatherill House
8 Mint Walk
Croydon CR0 1EA
To allow us to deal with the disruption caused by Coronavirus /COVID-19
please communicate with us only by email and not by post. Our lawyers and
support colleagues may be working from different locations. Legal Services
will communicate electronically only. We do not have a fax in our service.
We will accept service of court proceedings for the Council by email on
any business day between the hours of 9am and 4.30pm. Any email received
after 4.30pm will be deemed to be served on us the next business day. The
email address for service is [2][email address]
Council services, online, 24/7
Please use this web site address to view the council's e-mail disclaimer -
Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]
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