Backdating JSA
Dear Department for Work and Pensions,
Please provide me with all guidance and processes to be followed in the following situations. (In your response please give examples to aid further understanding):
1)A claimant previously on ESA is found fit for work and his ESA ends. He subsequently makes a claim for JSA 4 weeks later(after being without income during that time) and asks for it to be backdated 4 weeks.
2) A JSA claimant receives a 4 week sanction for failing to show good reason for not attending an appointment at Job Centre Plus. Her JSA claim is terminated.
She immediately makes a new claim for JSA and asks for it to be back dated. She provides evidence to show that she has met the labour market conditions of being available for and actively seeking work.
Yours faithfully,
Fred Jordan
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Dear Mr Jordan,
Please find attached DWP response to your recent Freedom of Information
Yours Sincerely
DWP Operations
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